Terms and Examples

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#Fundamental Data Types #int and float print(type(6)) print(type(2 - 4)) print(type(2 * 4)) print(type(2 / 4)) # 0.5 print(2 ** 3) #to the power of print(12 // 4) print(6 % 4) #remainder #math functions print(round(3.9)) print(abs(-20)) #operator precedence print((20 - 3) + 2 ** 2) # () # ** # * / # + - #Escape Sequence weather = "\t It\'s \"kind of\" sunny! \n Hope you have a great day!" print(weather) # formatted strings name = 'Johnny' age = 55 print(f'Hey {name}. You are {age} years old') #string indexes selfish = '01234567' # 01234567 # [start:stop:stepover] print(selfish[0:8:2]) # Built-in Methods and Functions greet = 'hellloooo' print(greet[0:len(greet)]) #Methods, ie string method quote = 'to be or not to be' print(quote.replace('be', 'me')) print(quote)
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