P4 Part 1

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///Given a length, width and height, computes the volume as a float let cubeVolume (x,y,z) = float x * y * z ///goes through a list of tuples and creates a list of their volumes let rec volumelist list = if list = [] then [] else let hd :: tl = list // compute volume of head values and append to list cubeVolume(hd) :: volumelist tl ///goes through a list of volumes and finds the max volume let maxVolume list = let rec loop max = function | [] -> max // if hd volume is greater than max, send hd as new max // otherise continue with previous max | hd :: tl -> loop (if hd > max then hd else max) tl loop 0.0 list ///calls the functions above on a list to correctly get the max cube volume let maxCubeVolume list = maxVolume (volumelist (list)) let tupleList = [(2.1, 3.4, 1.8); (4.7, 2.8, 3.2); (0.9, 6.1, 1.0); (3.2, 5.4, 9.9)] let result = maxCubeVolume tupleList //printfn "%A" result
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