Built in Functions + Methods

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print(len('hey there')) #this is counting the number of characters including the space #the len is a function ( length ) quote = "it is what it is" #0123456789 .... #here, we will use the methods. ( for example, .format is a method) #There are more resources to see what other string methods are there, depending on the problem at hand print(quote.upper()) #.upper means all characters will be in uppercase print(quote.capitalize()) #.capitalize means to only capitalize the first letter print(quote.lower()) #everything in lowercase print(quote.find('is')) #used to find if 'is' is present in the quote. it is present at index 3 of the quote (starting from 0 ) print(quote.replace("is", "ain't")) #.replace to replace an existing word (old) with a new word. #strings are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed. #unless we assign the new string to a new variable and print it, the original string will remain. eg: quote2 = print(quote.replace("is", "ain't")) print(quote2)
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