Two Sum

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/** * @param {number[]} nums * @param {number} target * @return {number[]} */ const twoSum = function (nums, target) { /** * remain value is the final value of target and array's individual element subtraction. * If remain Value is present in the given nums array that means we have our answer * start and current represents the index value of subtracted number and current number against which comparision is happening in loop; * result is to store final result and retuen it ; */ let start = 0; let remain = target - nums[start]; let current = 1; let result = []; /** * WHY NOT FOR LOOP? * For loop will only run for limited number of time based on the emenent size in the array, but here i need to loop against every index to compare it with remain value * and update remain value till the last element , while is more suitable for such problems where we don't have any predefined iteration count. while loop totally depends * on base condition */ /** * This condition will make sure we consider all the array elements as substration value. */ while (start <= nums.length - 1) { // O(n) - NOt sure here!!! if (remain === nums[current]) { if (start !== current) { result = [start, current]; console.log(result); break; } } if (current === nums.length - 1) { /** * I increment current value on every iteration and start value once in loop single phase. * after one loop cycle assign current to 0 index again ; */ current = 0; start++; remain = target - nums[start]; } current++; } return result; }; twoSum([3, 2, 4], 6);
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