Doubly LinkedList : (implementation)

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// See in simple word with doubly linked list we can travers backword in to the linked list. // So previously we were able to travers only from head to tail but now we will be able to travers tail to head also. // Lets build doubly linked list by self // NOTE : THERE IS SOME ISSUE WITH DOUBLY LINKED LIST EVEN I HAVE DONE SAME CODE STILL ITS PRINTING SOME WEIRD STUFF. LOOK INTO ANOTHER RESOURCE FOR // THIS AND NEED TO CODE HERE FROM ANOTHER RESOURCE. // See with doubly linked list you can traverse backword and this can help us in look up operation but at same time its bit hard to manage and also // operation are bit slower then singly list because we have less to manage there also doubly linked list required bit extra space as we are managing // prev state also. // MOST OF TIME IN INTERVIEW YOU WILL BE ASKED SINGLY LINKED LIST AND GOOD TO HAVE BROAD KNOWLEDGE OF DOUBLY LINKED LIST. class Node { constructor(value){ this.value = value; = null; this.prev = null; } } class DoublyLinkedList { constructor(value){ this.head = new Node(value) this.tail = this.head; this.length = 1; } append(value){ if(!value) return; let newNode = new Node(value); newNode.prev = this.tail = newNode; this.tail = newNode; this.length++; return this; } } let dList = new DoublyLinkedList(10); dList.append(15); console.log(dList)
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