Implement HashTable

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//IMPLEMENT HASHTABLE class HashTable { constructor(size){ = new Array(size); } _hash(key) { let hash = 0; for (let i =0; i < key.length; i++){ hash = (hash + key.charCodeAt(i) * i) % } return hash; } set(key,value){ if(!key || !value) return [] let index = this._hash(key);[index] = [key,value] return[index] } get(key){ if(!key) return 'no value found with this key' let index = this._hash(key); if([index]){ let val =[index][1] return val } return 'nothing found' } keys(){ let keys = []; for(let i=0; i< ; i++){ if([i]){ keys.push([i][0]) } } return keys } } // WITH THIS WE ARE ONLY ABLE TO PASS STRING VALUE IN KEY NOT ANY OTHER VALUES LIKE INT , OBJ OR ANYTHING ELSE const myHashTable = new HashTable(50); // myHashTable.set('grapes', 10000) // console.log(myHashTable.get('grapes')) // myHashTable.set('apples', 9) // console.log(myHashTable.get('apples')) // myHashTable.set("1",4) // console.log(myHashTable.get("1")) // console.log(myHashTable.keys()) // Also above example is done by self this is not improved version because we have missed collision scenario in this like what if multiple items // get same index this case need to be improved so for tommorow create this three method : get(key) , set(key,value) , keys() all in improved version // which take care all scenarion including collision. // Implement solution with collision situation. class HashTableWithCollision { constructor(size){ = new Array(size); } _hash(key) { let hash = 0; for (let i =0; i < key.length; i++){ hash = (hash + key.charCodeAt(i) * i) % } return hash; } set(key,value){ if(!key || !value) return let index = this._hash(key) if(![index]){[index] =[] }[index].push([key,value]) } get(key){ if(!key) return let index = this._hash(key) if([index]){ for(let i=0; i<[index].length;i++){ if([index][i][0] === key){ return[index][i][1] } } } } //INCREDIBAL JOB HERE IT ALSO SOLVE COLLISION PROBLEM HERE keys(){ let keys = []; for(let i = 0 ; i <; i++){ if([i] &&[i].length > 1){ for(let j =0 ; j<[i].length;j++){ keys.push([i][j][0]) } }else if([i]){ console.log([i][0][0]) keys.push([i][0][0]) } } return keys; } } const hashWithCollision = new HashTableWithCollision(1); hashWithCollision.set('grapes', 10000) console.log(hashWithCollision.get('grapes')) hashWithCollision.set('apples', 9) hashWithCollision.set('ta', 9888) hashWithCollision.set('tad', 9888) hashWithCollision.set('taddd', 9888) hashWithCollision.set('taddd', 9888) hashWithCollision.set('addrad', 9888) hashWithCollision.set('tadddd', 9888) hashWithCollision.set('applesasd', 9888) console.log(hashWithCollision.get('apples')) console.log(hashWithCollision.get('applesasd')) console.log(hashWithCollision.keys()) // ARRAYS AND HASHTABLE COMPARE // 1. Search operation : In array search operarion is O(n) because if we want to access specific element into array then we need to loop through the // items.In case of hashtable its O(1) just provide the key that you are trying to get value and it will return value all magic // happening in hash function. // 2. Insert : ln array insert value at specific index is O(n) operation where in case of hashtable its O(1) because we even don't know where value is // going to get stored any at the time of access we just provide key to access that value. // 3. Lookup : in both data structure lookups are O(1) : example array[index] will return value of that index as its ordered and hashatable.grapes will // return value of key grapes whiout looking into any other thing. // 4. Delete : In array delete opration is O(n) as we need to shift other items into that index and in case of hashtable its again O(1). // NOTE : IN ABOVE ALL CASES FOR HASHTABLE WE ARE NOT CONSIDERING CASE OF COLISION.
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