Default Parameters and Keyword Arguments

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# Positional arguments are arguments that are required to be in the proper position. # The same applies to Parameters...the parameters have to be in the proper position in relation to the arguments for the program to give us the result we want. # Keyword arguments allow us no to have to worry about position # example: # Default parameter def say_hello(name = 'Darth Vader', emoji=':('): # name and emoji are 2 variables or parameters that we have created.... print(f'hello {name} {emoji}') #arguments...are used as the actual values we provide to a function say_hello('Fred', ':)') # the name and the emoji are the arguments...those are the values we provide to the function say_hello('Carla', ':)')# parameters are used when we define the fuction, arguments are used when we call the function say_hello('Emily', ':)') #Keyword argument say_hello(emoji = ':)', name = 'Steven') say_hello() # The Fuction is being called the wrong way...empty()...but because of our Default function...Darth Vader has been established it is called. # Default Parameters allows us as we are defining the fuction what we want as default. # Using Keyword arguments can be bad practice...can make your code less is better to follow the positional parameters and arguments that may already # be in place.
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