Advent of Code 2021, Day 17 Solutions

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my (UInt $tx0, Int $ty0, UInt $tx1, Int $ty1); sub shoot(UInt:D $xv is copy, Int:D $yv is copy --> Real:D) { my ($x, $y) X= 0; my Real $besty = -∞; loop { return $besty if $tx0 ≤ $x ≤ $tx1 and $ty0 ≤ $y ≤ $ty1; return -∞ if $x > $tx1; return -∞ if $y < $ty0; $x += $xv; $y += $yv--; if $xv > 0 { --$xv; } elsif $xv < 0 { ++$xv; } $besty = $y if $y > $besty; } } ($tx0, $tx1, $ty0, $ty1) = $*IN.slurp.comb(/'-'?\d+/)».Int; put 'part 1: ', (1..$tx1 X 1..(-$ty0-1)).map({ shoot(.[0], .[1]) }).max; put 'part 2: ', (1..$tx1 X $ty0..(-$ty0-1)).grep({ shoot(.[0], .[1]) > -∞ }).elems;
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