My Script (AndrFixAlt1 Fake Character)

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Run Command
-- \\ Script Defence (Sandboxed version won't work) task.spawn(function() script:Destroy() end) script:ClearAllChildren() -- \\ "Randomization" & Other Variables local rgame = game Andr = setmetatable({},{ __index = function(_,b) if b == "GetDescendants" then return rgame:GetDescendants() elseif b == "GetChildren" or b == "children" then return rgame:GetChildren() end return rgame:GetService(b) end}) local Players = Andr.Players local runService = Andr.RunService local Backups,Start = {},tick() local Randomness = local function RandomString(Lenght) return Randomness:NextInteger(1,9999999) end local bindableloops = {} script.Name = RandomString() local Materials = {"Brick","Cobblestone","Concrete","Fabric","Granite","Grass","Glass","Marble","Neon","Pebble","Plastic","Sand","SmoothPlastic","Slate","Wood","WoodPlanks"} local PartsTables = {"CornerWedgePart","Part","FlagStand","WedgePart","TrussPart"} local ParentServices = {"SoundService","MarketplaceService","Players","StarterPlayer","LocalizationService","JointsService","FriendService","Teams","ReplicatedStorage","TestService","ProximityPromptService"} local NukeMemory = false local StallMode = false -- \\ That's for bypass (Hi, I know you're looking in that model... I hope you enjoy stealing the bypass from JKeepWasHere =) ) -- \\ GOD LOOP (aka. Super Loop) --[[ local RunServiceAllLoops ="BindableEvent") table.insert(bindableloops,RunServiceAllLoops) for i,v in ipairs({runService.Heartbeat, runService.Stepped, runService.PreRender, runService.PostSimulation, runService.PreSimulation}) do v:Connect(function() RunServiceAllLoops:Fire() end) end]] -- \\ Supernull & Hypernull local bind ="BindableFunction") local function pdefer(func) return pcall(task.defer, func) end local function pinvoke(...) return pcall(bind.Invoke, bind, ...) end local function Nuke(func,...) if runService:IsStudio() then return pcall(func,...) end local f = false task.spawn(function() f = true end) if NukeMemory == false or f == false then return pcall(func,...) elseif NukeMemory then task.spawn(Nuke,func,...) end end function isRobloxLocked(obj) local _, err = pcall(function()"IntValue", obj):Destroy() end) return err ~= nil and string.find(err, "lacking capability RobloxScript") end local function sn_i(depth, func, ...) local ct = 0 local function f(...) ct = ct + 1 if depth <= ct then pcall(func, ...) else pdefer(f,...) end end pdefer(f,...) end local function SN(signal, callback, depth) local con = signal:Connect(function(...) sn_i(depth or 80,callback, ...) end) return con end local function stall(limit,func,...) if StallMode then for i = 1,limit do task.desynchronize() task.synchronize() end func(...) else pcall(func,...) end end local function hn_i(func, ...) if(game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio())then pcall(func, ...) return end bind.OnInvoke = function(...) if not pinvoke(...) then pcall(func, ...) end end if not pinvoke(...) then pcall(func, ...) end end local function sn_i(depth, func, ...) local ct = 0 local function f(...) ct = ct + 1 if depth <= ct then pcall(func, ...) else pdefer(f,...) end end pdefer(f,...) end local function shn_i(depth, func, ...) sn_i(depth or 45, function(...) hn_i(func, ...) end, ...) end local function hn(signal, callback) return signal:Connect(function(...) hn_i(callback, ...) end) end local function sn(signal, callback, depth) return signal:Connect(function(...) sn_i(depth or 45, callback, ...) end) end local function shn(signal, callback, depth) return signal:Connect(function(...) shn_i(depth, callback, ...) end) end -- \\ Custom Function Setup. local DefaultValues = { ["Head"] = { C0 =, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0), C1 =, -0.5, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0) }, ["Hair"] = { C0 =,0,0), C1 =,0,0) }, ["Left Arm"] = { C0 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), C1 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0) }, ["Left Leg"] = { C0 =, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), C1 =, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0) }, ["Right Arm"] = { C0 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0, -1, 0, 0), C1 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0, -1, 0, 0) }, ["Right Leg"] = { C0 =, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0, -1, 0, 0), C1 =, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0, -1, 0, 0) }, ["Torso"] = { C0 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0), C1 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0) } } local OldInstance_ = local Instance = {new = function(class,properties,parent) if typeof(class) == "string" then x = OldInstance_(class) end if properties ~= nil then for i,g in pairs(properties) do pcall(function() x[i] = g end) end end if parent ~= nil then pcall(function() x.Parent = parent end) end return x end, change = function(instance,properties) for i,g in pairs(properties) do pcall(function() instance[i] = g end) end end} wait(C) -- \\ Frame Safe Frames = 1/60 lastframe = os.clock() FramesRN = 0 LerpUpdate = 0.05 -- \\ The All Variables & Client Setup if script:GetAttribute("Name") then local Name = script:GetAttribute("Name") end IT = CF = VT = RAD = math.rad C3 = UD2 = BRICKC = ANGLES = CFrame.Angles EULER = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ COS = math.cos ACOS = math.acos SIN = math.sin ASIN = math.asin ABS = math.abs MRANDOM = math.random FLOOR = math.floor local AntiDecimate = {} Player,Camera,Mouse,Shit,Character,CurrentCFrame,Meshs,Keys,Joint,Event,PlaybackLoudness,Movement,Humanoid,AnimType,CFrames,Flying,Refiting,FakeCharShit=owner or Players[Name],{CFrame =,CoordinateCFrame,FakeCharShit =},{Hit =,Target = nil},{},{},,10,0)*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(0),0),{},{w=false,s=false,a=false,d=false},{["Head"],0,0),["Hair"],0,0),["Torso"],0,0),["Right Arm"],0,0),["Left Arm"],0,0),["Right Leg"],0,0),["Left Leg"],0,0)},nil,0,{Moving=false},{WalkSpeed=5,HipHeight=0,JumpPower=125,Jump=false,Falling=false,Flying=false,FallSpeed = 0.5},"Idle",{},false,false,{} local muted = false local Sine,Change = 0,60 local BackupPitch,BackupVolume,RefitVolume,RefitPitch,RefitId = 1,1,1,1,0 local MeshsIds = {Head = "",Hair = "",Limb = "rbxassetid://7136860472", Torso = "rbxassetid://461333403",LeftLeg = "rbxassetid://7136860472",RightLeg = "rbxassetid://7136860472",LeftArm = "rbxassetid://7136860472",RightArm = "rbxassetid://7136860472" } local MeshsTextures = {Head = "rbxassetid://73024875",Hair = "",Limb = "rbxassetid://73024875",Torso = "rbxassetid://6893319669",LeftLeg = "rbxassetid://73024875",RightLeg = "rbxassetid://73024875",LeftArm = "rbxassetid://73024875",RightArm = "rbxassetid://73024875"} local MeshsScales = {Head =, 1.25, 1.25),Hair =, 0.8, 0.75),Limb =, 1, 1),Torso =, 1, 1),LeftLeg =, 1, 1),RightLeg =, 1, 1),LeftArm =, 1, 1),RightArm =, 1, 1)} local STOP = false local SoundRefit = false local Looped = false local ManuallySwitched = false local IsRemoteRefits = false local AttempToRefit = 0 local Spawns = {} local SoundsID = {15986402753,15834379282,14745858930,16527609341,--[[13314387982--[[13152016329,]]12531471210,12508290497,12839139111,12839142154,12643317221,12955859547,12518626217} local ShiftLocked = false local runService = Andr.RunService local HNUpdate = false -- \\ Signals or Other Stuff function ConnectSignals(Object,f,FiredBy) if Object ~= nil then if FiredBy[1] == true then FakeCharShit.SignalChanged = Object.AncestryChanged:Once(function(me,you) if (you and you:IsA("ViewportFrame")) and not Refiting then stall(3,Nuke,f) FakeCharShit.SignalChanged:Disconnect() elseif you and not Refiting then ConnectSignals(Object,f,{true,false}) FakeCharShit.SignalChanged:Disconnect() end end) end if FiredBy[2] == true then FakeCharShit.MeshNew = Object.DescendantAdded:Once(function(you) if (you:IsA("SpecialMesh") or you:IsA("FileMesh") and not Refiting) and not Refiting then stall(3,Nuke,f) FakeCharShit.MeshNew:Disconnect() else ConnectSignals(Object,f,{false,true}) FakeCharShit.MeshNew:Disconnect() end end) end end end if Player.Character and Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart then local StartCFrame = Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame CurrentCFrame = StartCFrame OtherCFrame = StartCFrame else OtherCFrame = CurrentCFrame end for Order,Spawn in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if Spawn:IsA("SpawnLocation") then table.insert(Spawns,Spawn) end end workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(Spawn) if Spawn:IsA("SpawnLocation") then table.insert(Spawns,Spawn) end end) -- \\ Real Character Destruction for sex,plrs in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if STOP then return wait(math.huge) end if plrs.Name == Player.Name then pcall(function() Player.Character:Destroy() end) Player.Character = nil end end Shit.CharacterAdded = Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(Char) if STOP then return wait(math.huge) end if Char ~= VCModel then pcall(function() Player.Character:Destroy() end) end Player.Character = nil end) -- \\ Functions function Update(What,Speed) if What == nil and not Refiting then for i,g in pairs(Joint) do CFrames[i] = (CurrentCFrame*OtherCFrame)*(g*Joint[i]) end for i,Limbs in pairs(Character) do if Limbs:IsA("BasePart") then Limbs.CFrame = CFrames[i] end end elseif not Refiting then for s,hm in pairs(What) do Joint[s] = Joint[s]:Lerp(hm,Speed) end end end function GetRandom(SomeTable) return SomeTable[Randomness:NextInteger(1,#SomeTable)] end local function funnistop() Refiting = true STOP = true for i,v in pairs(Character) do v:Destroy() end for i,v in pairs(bindableloops) do v:Destroy() end for i,v in pairs(Shit) do v:Disconnect() end for i,v in pairs(FakeCharShit) do v:Disconnect() end pcall(function() SoundPart:Destroy() end) Event:Destroy() if Player then Player:LoadCharacter() if Player.Character and Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart then Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CurrentCFrame end end end owner.Chatted:Connect(function(a) a = string.lower(a) if a:sub(1,3) == "/e " then a = a:sub(4) end if a:sub(1,5) == "play/" then if not table.find(SoundsID,a:sub(6):match("%d+")) then table.insert(SoundsID,a:sub(6):match("%d+")) end SmoothMusicCommand(a:sub(6):match("%d+")) end if a:sub(1,6) == "pitch/" then BackupPitch = tonumber(a:sub(7)) RefitPitch = BackupPitch Andr.TweenService:Create(Sound,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.In),{Pitch = BackupPitch}):Play() end if a:sub(1,7) == "volume/" then BackupVolume = tonumber(a:sub(8)) RefitVolume = BackupVolume Andr.TweenService:Create(Sound,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.In),{Volume = BackupVolume}):Play() end end) function CreatorSound(ID) if STOP then return wait(math.huge) end SoundRefit = true if SoundPart then SoundPart:Destroy() end Nuke(function() SoundPart ="Part",{Name = RandomString(Randomness:NextInteger(1,10)) ,Anchored = true,Archivable = false,Transparency = 1,CanCollide = false, CanTouch = true, Locked = true},Andr.SoundService) Sound ="Sound",{Name = RandomString(1),SoundId = ID or "rbxassetid://"..GetRandom(SoundsID),Pitch = RefitPitch, Volume = RefitVolume,Playing = true, TimePosition = TimeBackup,Looped = true,PlayOnRemote = false},SoundPart) Sound2 ="Sound",{Name = RandomString(1),SoundId = ID or "rbxassetid://"..GetRandom(SoundsID),Pitch = 0, Volume = 0,Playing = true, TimePosition = TimeBackup,Looped = true,PlayOnRemote = false},SoundPart) SoundRefit = false end) end function SmoothMusicSwitch() if not muted and not ManuallySwitched then ManuallySwitched = true SoundRefit = true local TempID = tonumber(tostring(Sound.SoundId):match("%d+")) local RandomID = GetRandom(SoundsID) if TempID == RandomID then print("aw dang it") for i,v in ipairs(SoundsID) do if v == RandomID then TempID = SoundsID[i-1] end end else TempID = RandomID end Sound2 = Sound dawg=Andr.TweenService:Create(Sound2,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.In),{Volume = 0}) dawg:Play() dawg.Completed:Connect(function() Sound2:Destroy() ManuallySwitched = false SoundRefit=false end) Sound ="Sound",{Name = RandomString(1),SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..TempID,Pitch = BackupPitch, Volume = 0,Playing = true, TimePosition = TimeBackup,Looped = true,PlayOnRemote = false},SoundPart) Andr.TweenService:Create(Sound,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out),{Volume = BackupVolume}):Play() end end function SmoothMusicCommand(ID) if not muted then SoundRefit = true Sound2 = Sound dawg=Andr.TweenService:Create(Sound2,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.In),{Volume = 0}) dawg:Play() dawg.Completed:Connect(function() Sound2:Destroy() end) Sound ="Sound",{Name = RandomString(1),SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..ID,Pitch = 0, Volume = 0,Playing = false, TimePosition = 0,Looped = true,PlayOnRemote = false},SoundPart) dawg2 = Andr.TweenService:Create(Sound,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out),{Pitch = BackupPitch,Volume = BackupVolume}) dawg2:Play() dawg2.Completed:Connect(function() Sound.Playing = true SoundRefit=false end) end end function SmoothMusicEnd() local TempID = tonumber(tostring(Sound.SoundId):match("%d+")) local RandomID = GetRandom(SoundsID) print(TempID ..": Current ID, New ID: ".. RandomID) if TempID == RandomID then print("aw dang it") for i,v in ipairs(SoundsID) do if v == RandomID then TempID = SoundsId[i-1] end end else TempID = RandomID end if not muted then SoundRefit = true Sound2 = Sound dawg=Andr.TweenService:Create(Sound2,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.In),{Volume = 0}) dawg:Play() dawg.Completed:Connect(function() Sound2:Destroy() Sound ="Sound",{Name = RandomString(1),SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..TempID,Pitch = BackupPitch, Volume = 0,Playing = true, TimePosition = 0,Looped = true,PlayOnRemote = false},SoundPart) SoundRefit=false Andr.TweenService:Create(Sound,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out),{Volume = BackupVolume}):Play() end) end end function KeyDown(Key) if Keys[Key] ~= nil then Keys[Key] = true end if Key == "q" then Refiting = true stall(300,CreatorCharactero) end if Key == "f" then CreatorSound() end if Key == "g" then SmoothMusicSwitch() end if Key == "e" then Looped = not Looped end if Key == "r" then local OldCurrentCFrame = CurrentCFrame for i,v in pairs(Spawns) do if v:IsA("BasePart") and v:IsA("SpawnLocation") and (CurrentCFrame.Position - v.Position).Magnitude <= 200 then CurrentCFrame =,v.Position.Y*-50,0)*OldCurrentCFrame.Rotation else CurrentCFrame =,30,0)*OldCurrentCFrame.Rotation end end end if Key == "x" then local OldCurrentCFrame = CurrentCFrame if Mouse.Hit.X >= 3000 or Mouse.Hit.Z >= 3000 or Mouse.Hit.X <= -3000 or Mouse.Hit.Z <= -3000 or Mouse.Hit.Y <= -3000 or Mouse.Hit.Y <= -3000 then return nil else CurrentCFrame =,Mouse.Hit.Y+10,Mouse.Hit.Z)*OldCurrentCFrame.Rotation end end if Key == "l" then if not muted then muted = true -- BackupPitch,BackupVolume = Sound.Pitch,Sound.Volume RefitVolume,RefitPitch = 0,0 -- Sound.Volume = 0 -- Sound.Pitch = 0 Andr.TweenService:Create(Sound,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.In),{Volume = 0,Pitch = 0}):Play() else muted = false RefitVolume,RefitPitch = BackupVolume,BackupPitch -- Sound.Volume = BackupVolume -- Sound.Pitch = BackupPitch Andr.TweenService:Create(Sound,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out),{Volume = BackupVolume,Pitch = BackupPitch}):Play() end end if Key == "2" then NukeMemory = not NukeMemory end if Key == "1" then StallMode = not StallMode end if Key == "f" then if not Humanoid.Flying then Humanoid.Flying = true else Humanoid.Flying = false end end if Key == "n" then funnistop() end end function KeyUp(Key) if Keys[Key] ~= nil then Keys[Key] = false end end -- \\ Randomization (not needed because of hypernull) function Randomizer(WhatInstance) pcall(function() if WhatInstance:IsA("BasePart") then WhatInstance.Name = RandomString(Randomness:NextInteger(1,10)) WhatInstance.Transparency = math.clamp(Randomness:NextInteger(-math.huge,0),-math.huge,0) WhatInstance.Reflectance = math.clamp(Randomness:NextInteger(-math.huge,0),-math.huge,0) WhatInstance.Size =,3),1,3), math.clamp(Randomness:NextInteger(1,3),1,3), math.clamp(Randomness:NextInteger(1,3),1,3)) WhatInstance.CollisionGroupId = Randomness:NextInteger(0,31) WhatInstance["CustomPhysicalProperties"] =,10000)*0.01,,100)*0.01,,10000)*0.01,,200)*0.01,,10000)*0.01) WhatInstance.Massless = Randomness:NextInteger(0,1) WhatInstance.Material = GetRandom(Materials) WhatInstance.Color = Color3.fromRGB(math.clamp(Randomness:NextInteger(0.001,255),0.01,255), math.clamp(Randomness:NextInteger(0.001,255),0.01,255), math.clamp(Randomness:NextInteger(0.001,255),0.01,255)) elseif WhatInstance:IsA("DataModelMesh") then WhatInstance.Name = RandomString(Randomness:NextInteger(1,10)) else WhatInstance.Name = RandomString(Randomness:NextInteger(1,10)) end end) end function BindEvent(WhatEvent) Shit.SomeShit = WhatEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr,f) if f[1] == "KeyDown" then KeyDown(f[2]) elseif f[1] == "KeyUp" then KeyUp(f[2]) elseif f[1] == "ShiftLock" then ShiftLocked = f[2] elseif f[1] == "CameraCF" then Camera = f[2] elseif f[1] == "Mouse" then Mouse = f[2] elseif f[1] == "Refit" then task.defer(CreatorCharactero) elseif f[1] == "Loaded" then pcall(game.Destroy,Client) end end) end function EventCreator() if STOP then return wait(math.huge) end IsRemoteRefits = true pcall(function() Event:Destroy() end) Event ="RemoteEvent",{Name = Player.Name.."EzeRemote"},Player.PlayerGui) BindEvent(Event) IsRemoteRefits = false end local function PropertiesCheck(obj,what) if what == "antideath" and obj:IsA("BasePart") and obj.Size.X <= 0.999 or obj.Size.Y <= 0.999 or obj.Size.X <= 0.999 or obj.Transparency >= 0.001 or not obj.Anchored then return false else return true end end EventCreator() function CreatorCharactero() if STOP then return wait(math.huge) end Refiting = true for i,v in pairs(Character) do if Refiting then pcall(game.Destroy,v) end end Character.AntiV8World ="Model",{Name = RandomString(Randomness:NextInteger(1,10)),Archivable = false}) Character.AntiV8Hum ="Humanoid",{Name = RandomString(Randomness:NextInteger(1,10)),Archivable = false},Character.AntiV8World) Character["Head"] =,{Transparency = 0,Reflectance = 0,Material = "SmoothPlastic", Name = RandomString(Randomness:NextInteger(1,10)) ,Size =,1,1),Color =,1,1),CastShadow = false, Anchored = true, CanCollide = true, CanTouch = true, CanQuery = true, Locked = true,Archivable = false},Character.AntiV8World) Character["Torso"] =,{Transparency = 0,Reflectance = 0,Material = "SmoothPlastic", Name = RandomString(Randomness:NextInteger(1,10)) ,Size =,1,1),Color =,1,1),CastShadow = false, Anchored = true, CanCollide = true, CanTouch = true, CanQuery = true, Locked = true,Archivable = false},Character.AntiV8World) Character["Left Arm"] =,{Transparency = 0,Reflectance = 0,Material = "SmoothPlastic", Name = RandomString(Randomness:NextInteger(1,10)) ,Size =,1,1),Color =,1,1),CastShadow = false, Anchored = true, CanCollide = true, CanTouch = true, CanQuery = true, Locked = true,Archivable = false},Character.AntiV8World) Character["Right Arm"] =,{Transparency = 0,Reflectance = 0,Material = "SmoothPlastic", Name = RandomString(Randomness:NextInteger(1,10)) ,Size =,1,1),Color =,1,1),CastShadow = false, Anchored = true, CanCollide = true, CanTouch = true, CanQuery = true, Locked = true,Archivable = false},Character.AntiV8World) Character["Left Leg"] =,{Transparency = 0,Reflectance = 0,Material = "SmoothPlastic", Name = RandomString(Randomness:NextInteger(1,10)) ,Size =,1,1),Color =,1,1),CastShadow = false, Anchored = true, CanCollide = true, CanTouch = true, CanQuery = true, Locked = true,Archivable = false},Character.AntiV8World) Character["Right Leg"] =,{Transparency = 0,Reflectance = 0,Material = "SmoothPlastic", Name = RandomString(Randomness:NextInteger(1,10)) ,Size =,1,1),Color =,1,1),CastShadow = false, Anchored = true, CanCollide = true, CanTouch = true, CanQuery = true, Locked = true,Archivable = false},Character.AntiV8World) Character["Hair"] =,{Transparency = 0,Reflectance = 0,Material = "SmoothPlastic", Name = RandomString(Randomness:NextInteger(1,10)) ,Size =,1,1),Color =,1,1),CastShadow = false, Anchored = true, CanCollide = true, CanTouch = true, CanQuery = true, Locked = true,Archivable = false},Character.AntiV8World) Meshs.Head ="FileMesh",{MeshId = MeshsIds.Head,TextureId = MeshsTextures.Head,Scale = MeshsScales.Head,Offset =,0,0)},Character["Head"]) Meshs.Torso ="FileMesh",{MeshId = MeshsIds.Torso,TextureId = MeshsTextures.Torso,Scale = MeshsScales.Torso,Offset =,0,0)},Character["Torso"]) Meshs.LeftArm ="FileMesh",{MeshId = MeshsIds.LeftArm,TextureId = MeshsTextures.LeftArm,Scale = MeshsScales.LeftArm,Offset =,0,0)},Character["Left Arm"]) Meshs.RightArm ="FileMesh",{MeshId = MeshsIds.RightArm,TextureId = MeshsTextures.RightArm,Scale = MeshsScales.RightArm,Offset =,0,0)},Character["Right Arm"]) Meshs.LeftLeg ="FileMesh",{MeshId = MeshsIds.LeftLeg,TextureId = MeshsTextures.LeftLeg,Scale = MeshsScales.LeftLeg,Offset =,0,0)},Character["Left Leg"]) Meshs.RightLeg ="FileMesh",{MeshId = MeshsIds.RightLeg,TextureId = MeshsTextures.RightLeg,Scale = MeshsScales.RightLeg,Offset =,0,0)},Character["Right Leg"]) Meshs.Hair ="FileMesh",{MeshId = MeshsIds.Hair,TextureId = MeshsTextures.Hair,Scale = MeshsScales.Hair,Offset =,0,0)},Character.Hair) Face ="Decal",{Texture = "",Face = Enum.NormalId.Front,Color =,255,255),Name = RandomString(Randomness:NextInteger(1,10)) ,Archivable = false},Character.Head) Update() Character.AntiV8World.Parent = workspace ConnectSignals(Character.V8AntiWorld,CreatorCharactero,{true,true}) for i,Limbs in pairs(Character) do if Limbs:IsA("BasePart") then Randomizer(Limbs) ConnectSignals(Limbs,CreatorCharactero,{true,true}) end end Refiting = false end CreatorCharactero() CreatorSound() for sex,plrs in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if STOP then return wait(math.huge) end if plrs.Name == Player.Name then pcall(function() Player.Character:Destroy() end) Player.Character = nil end end -- \\ loops local DeltaTime = 0 Shit.SteppedLoop = runService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(Delta) Sine = Sine + Change*Delta sn = Sine Player.Character = nil if Player.Character then pcall(function() Player.Character:Destroy() end) end if ShiftLocked and not Keys.d and not Keys.s and not Keys.a and not Keys.w then CurrentCFrame = CurrentCFrame:Lerp(,,Camera.CoordinateCFrame.Y,Camera.CoordinateCFrame.Z)), 0.1) elseif ShiftLocked then CurrentCFrame = CurrentCFrame:Lerp(,,Camera.CoordinateCFrame.Y,Camera.CoordinateCFrame.Z)), 0.1) end if (Keys.d and Keys.a) or (Keys.w and Keys.s) and not (Keys.w and Keys.s and Keys.a and Keys.d) then AnimType = "Idle" else AnimType = "Idle" if Keys.d then AnimType = "Walk" CurrentCFrame = CurrentCFrame:Lerp((,,Camera.CoordinateCFrame.Y,Camera.CoordinateCFrame.Z)) *,0,0)),0.18) end if Keys.s then AnimType = "Walk" CurrentCFrame = CurrentCFrame:Lerp((,,Camera.CoordinateCFrame.Y,Camera.CoordinateCFrame.Z)) *,0,-Humanoid.WalkSpeed)),0.18) end if Keys.a then AnimType = "Walk" CurrentCFrame = CurrentCFrame:Lerp((,,Camera.CoordinateCFrame.Y,Camera.CoordinateCFrame.Z)) *,0,0)),0.18) end if Keys.w then AnimType = "Walk" CurrentCFrame = CurrentCFrame:Lerp((,,Camera.CoordinateCFrame.Y,Camera.CoordinateCFrame.Z)) *,0,Humanoid.WalkSpeed)),0.18) end end if AnimType == "Idle" then OtherCFrame =,0+0.5*math.cos(Sine/12),0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0),math.rad(200),math.rad(0)) Update({["Head"],0.9,0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-10),math.rad(-20),math.rad(0)) ,["Hair"],1.3,0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-10),math.rad(-20),math.rad(0)) ,["Torso"],0,0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0),math.rad(10),math.rad(0)) ,["Right Arm"],0.7+0.1*math.cos(Sine/12.5),0)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(10),math.rad(0-5*math.cos(Sine/12))) ,["Left Arm"],0+0.05*math.cos(Sine/14),0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(-3)) ,["Right Leg"],-0.6,-0.5)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-10+2*math.cos(Sine/12)),math.rad(5),math.rad(0)) ,["Left Leg"],-1,0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0+2*math.cos(Sine/14)),math.rad(5),math.rad(-5))}, 0.1) elseif AnimType == "Walk" then OtherCFrame =,0+0.3*math.cos(Sine/12),0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(40),math.rad(180),math.rad(0)) Update({["Head"],0.9,0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)) ,["Hair"],1.3,0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)) ,["Torso"],0,0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)) ,["Right Arm"],0.2-0.05*math.cos(Sine/14),0)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-20),math.rad(0),math.rad(0-5*math.cos(Sine/14))) ,["Left Arm"],0.2+0.05*math.cos(Sine/14),0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-20),math.rad(0),math.rad(0+5*math.cos(Sine/14))) ,["Right Leg"],-0.6,-0.5)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-10+2*math.cos(Sine/12)),math.rad(5),math.rad(5)) ,["Left Leg"],-0.9,-0.2)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0+2*math.cos(Sine/14)),math.rad(5),math.rad(-5))}, 0.1) end if CurrentCFrame.X >= 3000 or CurrentCFrame.Y >= 3000 or CurrentCFrame.Z >= 3000 or OtherCFrame.Z >= 3000 or OtherCFrame.Y >= 3000 or OtherCFrame.X >= 3000 then CurrentCFrame =,10,0) end pcall(function() if not SoundRefit then TimeBackup = Sound.TimePosition end end) SoundPart.CFrame = CurrentCFrame if ((TimeBackup+3>=(Sound.TimeLength)/BackupPitch) and (Sound.TimeLength>=0.5 and not Sound.TimeLength~=0) and not SoundRefit) and not Looped then Nuke(SmoothMusicEnd) end if typeof(Sound) ~= "Instance" or typeof(SoundPart) ~= "Instance" or SoundPart.CFrame ~= CurrentCFrame or SoundPart.Parent == nil and not SoundRefit then RefitId=Sound.SoundId Nuke(CreatorSound,RefitId) end Update() Event:FireClient(Player,{"PartCFrame",,1.5,0)}) end) pcall(function() Client = NLS(game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync(""),Player.PlayerGui) end) Shit.AnotherSNLoop = runService.PostSimulation:Connect(function() stall(3,function() Nuke(Update) if Character.AntiV8World.Parent ~= workspace or isRobloxLocked(Character.AntiV8World) and not Refiting then Nuke(CreatorCharactero) end for sex,Limbs in pairs(Character) do if not isRobloxLocked(Limbs) then elseif Limbs:IsA("BasePart") then if Limbs.Parent ~= Character.AntiV8World or Character.AntiV8World.Parent ~= workspace or Character.AntiV8Hum.Parent ~= Character.AntiV8World or Limbs.Transparency == 0.001 or Meshs[sex].Parent == nil and (not Refiting) then Nuke(CreatorCharactero) end if Limbs.CFrame ~= CFrames[sex] then Nuke(Update) Nuke(CreatorCharactero) end if PropertiesCheck(Limbs,"antideath")==false then Nuke(CreatorCharactero) end if Limbs.Parent ~= nil and Limbs.Parent:IsA("ViewportFrame") then Nuke(CreatorCharactero) end if Meshs[sex].Parent ~= Limbs or Meshs[sex].Offset ~=,0,0) or Meshs[sex].MeshId ~= tostring(MeshsIds[sex]) or Meshs[sex].TextureId ~= tostring(MeshsTextures[sex]) or Meshs[sex].Scale ~= MeshsScales[sex]then Nuke(CreatorCharactero) end for i,Mesh in pairs(Limbs:GetChildren()) do if Mesh:IsA("SpecialMesh") or Mesh:IsA("FileMesh") and Mesh ~= Meshs[i] and not Face then Nuke(CreatorCharactero) end end else Nuke(CreatorCharactero) end end end) end)
script.Disabled = true warn([["AndrFixAlt1 FakeChar Script Loaded get out AndrSkid Made by AndrFix HalfSkidded Cannon When Truss man ez to kill :trolololol: also its cr part so ez you can't kill "]]) Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local CameraPart ="Part") CameraPart.CanCollide = false CameraPart.Anchored = true CameraPart.Transparency = 1 local CurrentRemotes = {} local Event = Player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild(Player.Name.."EzeRemote") local Squidward = nil local STOP = false local Ready = false local Refit = false local sex = {} local RefitAttempts = 0 local LocalShit = {} local CFrames local Meshs = {} local ParentServices = {"SoundService","MarketplaceService","Players","StarterPlayer","LocalizationService","JointsService","FriendService","InsertService","Lighting","Teams","ReplicatedStorage","TestService","ProximityPromptService","RunService","Debris","StarterGui","StarterPlayer"} MeshsIds = {Head = "",Hair = "",Limb = "rbxassetid://7136860472", Torso = "rbxassetid://461333403",LeftLeg = "rbxassetid://7136860472",RightLeg = "rbxassetid://7136860472",LeftArm = "rbxassetid://7136860472",RightArm = "rbxassetid://7136860472" } MeshsTextures = {Head = "rbxassetid://73024875",Hair = "",Limb = "rbxassetid://73024875",Torso = "rbxassetid://6893319669",LeftLeg = "rbxassetid://73024875",RightLeg = "rbxassetid://73024875",LeftArm = "rbxassetid://73024875",RightArm = "rbxassetid://73024875"} MeshsScales = {Head =, 1.25, 1.25),Hair =, 0.8, 0.75),Limb =, 1, 1),Torso =, 1, 1),LeftLeg =, 1, 1),RightLeg =, 1, 1),LeftArm =, 1, 1),RightArm =, 1, 1)} function TimeToConnect(Something) Event:FireServer({"Loaded"}) LocalShit.connecting = Event.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(f) if f[1] == "PartCFrame" and Event ~= nil then workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom CameraPart.CFrame = f[2] workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = CameraPart end end) end TimeToConnect() Mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(key) if not STOP then if key == "q" then pcall(function() workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = CameraPart end) end if key == "n" then STOP = true for i,v in pairs(LocalShit) do v:Disconnect() end end Event:FireServer({"KeyDown",string.lower(key)}) end end) local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") UIS:GetPropertyChangedSignal("MouseBehavior"):Connect(function() if UIS.MouseBehavior == Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter then Event:FireServer({"ShiftLock",true}) else Event:FireServer({"ShiftLock",false}) end end) Mouse.KeyUp:Connect(function(key) Event:FireServer({"KeyUp",string.lower(key)}) end) LocalShit.Loop = game:GetService("RunService").PreRender:Connect(function() if workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.X >= 3000 or workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Y >= 3000 or workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Z >= 3000 or workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.X <= -3000 or workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Y <= -3000 or workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Z <= -3000 then pcall(function() workspace.CurrentCamera:Destroy() workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame =,20,0) workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = CameraPart workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 10 game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.CameraMinZoomDistance = 0.5 game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic end) end workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = CameraPart workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 100000 game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.CameraMinZoomDistance = 0.5 game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic if Event ~= nil then Event:FireServer({"CameraCF",{CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame, CoordinateCFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame}}) Event:FireServer({"Mouse",{Hit = Mouse.Hit,Target = Mouse.Target}}) end end)
Editor Settings
Key bindings
Full width