Parking Dilemma

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// There are many cars parked in the parking lot. // The parking is a straight very long line and a parking slot for every single meter. // There are cars parked currently and you want to cover them from the rain by building a roof. // The requirement is that at least k cars are covered by the roof. // What's the minium length of the roof that would cover k cars? const cars = [6,2,12,7]; const cars2 = [1,2,3,5,4,8,6,2]; const cars3 = [95,64,43,16,31,58,93,92,49,25,62,5,40]; const k = 5; // correct - SLIDING WINDOW TECHNIQUE const carParkingRoof2 = (cars, k) => { cars.sort((a,b) => a-b); let maxSumSeen = Infinity; for (let i=0; i < cars.length; i++) { if (i >= (k-1)) { maxSumSeen = Math.min((cars[i] - cars[i-(k-1)]), maxSumSeen); } } return maxSumSeen+1; }; // VERY WRONG - seem right but wont pass all the tests const carParkingRoof = (cars, k) => { //cars.sort((a,b) => a-b); //console.log(cars) const noOfLoops = Math.ceil(cars.length / k); let minLengthOfRoof = Infinity; for (let i=0; i < noOfLoops; i++) { minLengthOfRoof = Math.min((cars[i+(k-1)] - cars[i]), minLengthOfRoof); } return minLengthOfRoof+1; }; console.log(carParkingRoof(cars3, k)) console.log(carParkingRoof2(cars3, k)) //console.log(carParkingRoof(cars2, k))
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