Arithmetic Coding

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import string import random from collections import Counter import time # Arithmetic Encoding def ac_encode(txt): res = Counter(txt) # characters chars = list(res.keys()) # frequency of characters freq = list(res.values()) probability = [] for i in freq: probability.append(i / len(txt)) print(chars) print(probability) high = 1.0 low = 0.0 for c in txt: diff = high - low index = chars.index(c) for i in range(index): high = low + diff * probability[i] low = high high = low + diff * probability[index] print(f'char {c} -> Low: {low} High: {high}') tag = (low+high)/2.0 print('Input: ' + txt) print(str(low) + '< codeword <' + str(high)) print('codeword = ' + str(tag)) with open('', 'w') as fw: for i in chars: fw.write(i + ' ') fw.write('\n') for i in probability: fw.write(str(i) + ' ') fw.write('\n') fw.write(str(tag)) return chars, probability, tag # Arithmetic Decoding def ac_decode(chars, probability, tag): high = 1.0 low = 0.0 output = '' c = '' while (c != '$'): diff = high - low for i in range(len(chars)): high = low + diff * probability[i] if low < tag < high: break else: low = high c = chars[i] output += c return output def arithmetic_coding(input): if '$' in input: input = input[0:input.index('$')] if input[-1] != '$': input += '$' print('Input: ' + input) start = time.time() (chars, probability, tag) = ac_encode(input) output = ac_decode(chars, probability, tag) end = time.time() print('Decode: ' + output) print('does match : ' + str(input == output)) print(f"Total Time: {end - start} sec\n\n") return input == output ############# INPUT ###################### # Random String , 100 test case count = 0 testcase = 10 for i in range(testcase): # generating string letters = string.ascii_uppercase random_txt = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(13)) + '$' flag = arithmetic_coding(random_txt) if flag: count += 1 print(f"Total Test: {testcase}") print(f"Succecss: {count}") #---------------------------------------- # User given specific data # Please use small string (less than 13 characters) txt = "BANGLADESH$" arithmetic_coding(txt) ##########################################
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