modkit - gravwells

Run Settings
Language Version
Run Command
gravwell_proto = { attribs = { effect_range = 3000, stun_duration = 1, -- ideally the same as the tick rate, stun_effect = "PowerOff" } }; -- customcommand update is called 'go' instead of 'do' (since do is a lua keyword) function gravwell_proto:go() local ships_to_stun = modkit.table.filter( GLOBAL_REGISTRY.all(), function (ship) local in_range = %self:distanceTo(ship) < %self.effect_range; local is_stunnable_type = ship:isFighter() == 0 or ship:isCorvette(); local not_salvette = ship:isSalvager(); return in_range and is_stunnable_type and not_salvette; end ); for _, ship in ships_to_stun do ship:stunned(1, self.stun_duration); ship:playFx(self.stun_effect); end end
Editor Settings
Key bindings
Full width