Student Grades Outline

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//import all necessary packages import java.util.*; import*; class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { try { //Allow for input. File allStudentGrades = new File("data.txt"); File addAStudentFile = new File("newStudent.txt"); Scanner scannerForInfoCapturing = new Scanner(allStudentGrades); Scanner scannerForAddMethod = new Scanner(addAStudentFile); //Use a two-dimensional array to store student data. int studentData[][] = new int[10][10]; String studentNames[] = new String[10]; //very bottom of main method.. run all of the custom methods ListGrades(studentNames, studentData); //requires 2 variables AddStudent(studentNames, studentData); ClassAverage(studentNames, studentData); StudentAverage(studentNames, studentData); } catch(FileNotFound e) { //output error to user } catch(NoSuchElement n) { //output error to user } } public static void ListGrades(String [] nameList, int [][] gradeList) { info = scannerForInfoCapturing.nextLine(); //using a scanner for the data.txt file //output names (stored inside the nameList[]) and grades (stored inside the gradesList[][]) //HINT: use a nested for loop for(int i=0i<??i++) //repeat for each student (10 times max) { for() //repeat for each grade (4 times max) { } } } public static void AddStudent() { info = scannerForAddMethod.nexTLine(); //using scanner for the newstudent.txt file //HINT: use a nested for loop for() //repeat for new student (1 time) { //store in the orignal studentNames[] array for() //repeat for each grade (4 times max) { //store in the orignal studentData[][] array } } //output the information of the new student } public static void ClassAverage() { info = scannerForInfoCapturing.nextLine(); //using a scanner for the data.txt file //output names (stored inside the nameList[]) and grades (stored inside the gradesList[][]) //HINT: use a nested for loop for() //repeat for each student (10 times max) { for() //repeat for each grade (4 times max) { //adding all grades } //adding student averages to a total class count } //take total class count divided by number of students in the class } public static void StudentAverage() { info = scannerForInfoCapturing.nextLine(); //using a scanner for the data.txt file //output names (stored inside the nameList[]) and grades (stored inside the gradesList[][]) //HINT: use a nested for loop for() //repeat for each student (10 times max) { for() //repeat for each grade (4 times max) { //adding all grades } } //output grades/4 } }
Troy 98 64 48 84 Tyler 98 76 48 97 Zak 91 73 78 93 Mohammad 99 77 48 88
Alex 87 58 79 69
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