vectors in cpp

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#include <iostream> #include <vector> /* Vectors are same as dynamic arrays with the ability to resize itself automatically when an element is inserted or deleted, with their storage being handled automatically by the container */ using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Enter number of elements you want to enter into Vector: "; int n; cin >> n; vector<int> v1 = {1,2,3,6,4}; cout << "The vector is : \n"; for(int i=0; i<v1.size(); ++i){ cout << v1[i] << "\t"; } // cout << "Another way to print the vector is: \t"; // for(int i= v1.begin(); i cout << "\nThe ending value of vector v1 is: "; cout << *(v1.end()); cout << "\nAnother way to Print the vector is: \t"; //cend points to next element of last element in the vector for(auto i = v1.cbegin(); i!=v1.cend(); ++i){ cout << *i << "\t"; } vector<int> v2{10,12,123}; fill(v2.begin(),v2.end(),5); cout << "\nSecond vector is: \t"; for(auto i = v2.cbegin(); i != v2.cend(); ++i){ cout << *i << "\t"; } cout << "\nPrinting the vector in Reverse order: \t"; for(auto i = v1.rbegin();i != v1.rend(); ++i){ cout << *i << "\t"; } v1.swap(v2); cout << "\nElements in vector1 after swapping : \t"; for(auto i = v1.cbegin();i!=v1.cend();++i){ cout << *i << "\t"; } cout << "\nPrinting cend() by dereferencing : " << *(v1.cend()); cout << "\nPrinting cbegin() by dereferencing : " << *(v1.begin()); cout << "\n\n The capacity of vector1 with 3 elements is: " << v1.capacity(); vector<int> v3; cout << "\n The capacity of v3 without initializing: " << v3.capacity(); v3.assign({1,2,3}); cout << "\n The capacity of v3 with 3 elements is : " << v3.capacity(); cout << "\n\n The value of rbegin is : " << *(v3.rbegin()); cout << "\n\n The value of rend is : " << *(v3.rend()); return 0; }
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