Every Other Line From File

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import java.io.File; //import file library import java.io.FileNotFoundException; //import exception library import java.util.Scanner; //import the scanner libary class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { //create empty arrays to hold info from the file String [] studentNames = new String [10]; int [] grade = new int[10]; //create a counter for the array position int arrayPositionCounter = 0; //-------------------begin gathering and processing information-------------- try //try everything inside the brackets.. { //make a new scanner and point to file location File f = new File("studentData.txt"); Scanner textFileScanner = new Scanner(f); //loop through entire file while (textFileScanner.hasNextLine()) { studentNames[arrayPositionCounter]=textFileScanner.nextLine(); //store the name grade[arrayPositionCounter]=Integer.parseInt(textFileScanner.nextLine()); //store the grade //output the information System.out.print("Student Name: " + studentNames[arrayPositionCounter]); System.out.print("\t Grade: " + grade[arrayPositionCounter] + "\n"); //add to the counter arrayPositionCounter +=1; } //close the file scanner when we're done textFileScanner.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) //catch the error { System.out.println("OH NO!!!! NO FILE EXISTS!!!"); e.printStackTrace(); //display the specific error } //-------------------end of information processing-------------- calculateAverage(grade); //determine the average } public static void calculateAverage(int[] arrayOfGrades) { int total=0; for(int i=0; i<arrayOfGrades.length; i++){ total+=arrayOfGrades[i]; } double avg = (total/arrayOfGrades.length); System.out.println("Average is: " + avg); } }
Michael 78 Chris 84 Jessica 30 Matthew 98 Ashley 56 Jennifer 64 Joshua 77 Amanda 95 Daniel 99 David 65
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