Student Grades Test

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import; //import file library import; //import exception library import java.util.Scanner; //import the scanner libary class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { //create and empty array to hold info from the file String [] namesFromFile = new String [10]; int [][] gradesFromFile = new int [10][4]; //create a counter for the array position int arrayPositionCounter = 0; try //try everything inside the brackets.. { //make a new scanner and point to file location Scanner textFileScanner = new Scanner(new File("Names.txt")); //loop through entire file while (textFileScanner.hasNextLine()) { namesFromFile[arrayPositionCounter]=textFileScanner.nextLine(); System.out.println(namesFromFile[arrayPositionCounter]); arrayPositionCounter +=1; gradesFromFile[arrayPositionCounter]=textFileScanner.nextLine(); System.out.println(gradesFromFile[arrayPositionCounter]); arrayPositionCounter +=1; } //close the file scanner when we're done textFileScanner.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) //catch the error { System.out.println("OH NO!!!! NO FILE EXISTS!!!"); e.printStackTrace(); //display the specific error } } }
Nick 89 78 90 60 Zak 67 72 47 83 Justyn 23 53 78 54 Amber 68 70 78 85 Tyler 70 78 84 92 Connor 88 94 78 95 Xander 66 78 96 80 Taylor 61 55 46 70 John 76 77 80 83 Lee 80 84 92 78
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