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-- Bubble sort algorithm -- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/bubble-sort/ local function bubblesort(t) local length = #t -- Tell if a should come before b -- The <= to handle equal values for pass = 1, math.huge do local swapped -- a bool to determine if we swapped this pass for i = 1, length - 1 do local a = t[i] -- The next value, b local b = t[i + 1] -- Tell if a should come after b -- Swap if it didn't pass the order check if a > b then t[i + 1] = a t[i] = b swapped = true end end -- Everything is sorted when there are no swaps in this pass if not swapped then break end end end local function randomt(size, range) local t = {} for i = 1, size do t[i] = math.random(1, range) end return t end local t = randomt(1000, 100) --print(table.concat(t,", ")) local start = os.clock() bubblesort(t) print(os.clock() - start) -- on average, 0.1 - 0.15s for a array of size 1000 --print(table.concat(t,", "))
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