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//for-in di dalam arrya let names = ["Anna", "Alex", "Brian", "Jack"] for name in names { print("Hello, \(name)!") } // Hello, Anna! // Hello, Alex! // Hello, Brian! // Hello, Jack! //for-in di dalam dictionary let numberOfLegs = ["spider": 8, "ant": 6, "cat": 4] for (animalName, legCount) in numberOfLegs { print("\(animalName)s have \(legCount) legs") } // cats have 4 legs // ants have 6 legs // spiders have 8 legs //index & (_) for index in 1...5 { print("\(index) times 5 is \(index * 5)") } // 1 times 5 is 5 // 2 times 5 is 10 // 3 times 5 is 15 // 4 times 5 is 20 // 5 times 5 is 25 for let index in 1...5 { ... } let base = 3 let power = 10 var answer = 1 for _ in 1...power { answer *= base } //stride(from:to:by:) & (..<) print("\(base) to the power of \(power) is \(answer)") // Prints "3 to the power of 10 is 59049 let minutes = 60 for tickMark in 0..<minutes { // enggambar tanda centang setiap menit (60 kali) } //stride(from:through:by) let minuteInterval = 5 for tickMark in stride(from: 0, to: minutes, by: minuteInterval) { // menggambar tanda centang setiap 5 menit sekali (0, 5, 10, 15 ... 45, 50, 55) } let hours = 12 let hourInterval = 3 for tickMark in stride(from: 3, through: hours, by: hourInterval) { // menggambar tanda centang setiap 3 jam sekali(3, 6, 9, 12) }
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