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//Create a Se //Set kosong var letters = Set() print("letters is of type Set with \(letters.count) items.") // Mencetak "letters is of type Set with 0 items. //Membuat set dengan array literal var favoriteGenres: Set<String> = ["Rock", "Classical", "Hip hop"] // favoriteGenres dinisialisasi var favoriteGenres: Set = ["Rock",] //Accessing and Modifying a Set //Count print("I have \(favoriteGenres.count) favorite music genres.") // Mencetak "I have 3 favorite //isEmpty if favoriteGenres.isEmpty { print("As far as music goes, I'm not picky.") } else { print("I have particular music preferences.") } // Mencetak "I have particular music preferences //insert favoriteGenres.insert("Jazz") // Sekarang favoriteGenres mempunyai 4 item //remove if let removedGenre = favoriteGenres.remove("Rock") { print("\(removedGenre)? I'm over it.") } else { print("I never much cared for that.") } // Mencetak "Rock? I'm over it. //Contains if favoriteGenres.contains("Funk") { print("I get up on the good foot.") } else { print("It's too funky in here.") } // Mencetak "It's too funky in here. // For-in for genre in favoriteGenres { print("\(genre)") } // Classical // Jazz // Hip hop for genre in favoriteGenres.sorted() { print("\(genre)") } // Classical // Hip hop // Jazz
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