use NativeCall;
role OpenVRInterface is export { }
class VR_IVRApplications_FnTable is repr<CStruct> is export does OpenVRInterface {
has Pointer $!AddApplicationManifest; #= EVRApplicationError (char * pchApplicationManifestFullPath, bool bTemporary);
has Pointer $!RemoveApplicationManifest; #= EVRApplicationError (char * pchApplicationManifestFullPath);
has Pointer $!IsApplicationInstalled; #= bool (char * pchAppKey);
has Pointer $!GetApplicationCount; #= uint32_t ();
has Pointer $!GetApplicationKeyByIndex; #= EVRApplicationError (uint32_t unApplicationIndex, char * pchAppKeyBuffer, uint32_t unAppKeyBufferLen);
has Pointer $!GetApplicationKeyByProcessId; #= EVRApplicationError (uint32_t unProcessId, char * pchAppKeyBuffer, uint32_t unAppKeyBufferLen);
has Pointer $!LaunchApplication; #= EVRApplicationError (char * pchAppKey);
has Pointer $!LaunchTemplateApplication; #= EVRApplicationError (char * pchTemplateAppKey, char * pchNewAppKey, struct AppOverrideKeys_t * pKeys, uint32_t unKeys);
has Pointer $!LaunchApplicationFromMimeType; #= EVRApplicationError (char * pchMimeType, char * pchArgs);
has Pointer $!LaunchDashboardOverlay; #= EVRApplicationError (char * pchAppKey);
has Pointer $!CancelApplicationLaunch; #= bool (char * pchAppKey);
has Pointer $!IdentifyApplication; #= EVRApplicationError (uint32_t unProcessId, char * pchAppKey);
has Pointer $!GetApplicationProcessId; #= uint32_t (char * pchAppKey);
has Pointer $!GetApplicationsErrorNameFromEnum; #= char * (EVRApplicationError error);
has Pointer $!GetApplicationPropertyString; #= uint32_t (char * pchAppKey, EVRApplicationProperty eProperty, char * pchPropertyValueBuffer, uint32_t unPropertyValueBufferLen, EVRApplicationError * peError);
has Pointer $!GetApplicationPropertyBool; #= bool (char * pchAppKey, EVRApplicationProperty eProperty, EVRApplicationError * peError);
has Pointer $!GetApplicationPropertyUint64; #= uint64_t (char * pchAppKey, EVRApplicationProperty eProperty, EVRApplicationError * peError);
has Pointer $!SetApplicationAutoLaunch; #= EVRApplicationError (char * pchAppKey, bool bAutoLaunch);
has Pointer $!GetApplicationAutoLaunch; #= bool (char * pchAppKey);
has Pointer $!SetDefaultApplicationForMimeType; #= EVRApplicationError (char * pchAppKey, char * pchMimeType);
has Pointer $!GetDefaultApplicationForMimeType; #= bool (char * pchMimeType, char * pchAppKeyBuffer, uint32_t unAppKeyBufferLen);
has Pointer $!GetApplicationSupportedMimeTypes; #= bool (char * pchAppKey, char * pchMimeTypesBuffer, uint32_t unMimeTypesBuffer);
has Pointer $!GetApplicationsThatSupportMimeType; #= uint32_t (char * pchMimeType, char * pchAppKeysThatSupportBuffer, uint32_t unAppKeysThatSupportBuffer);
has Pointer $!GetApplicationLaunchArguments; #= uint32_t (uint32_t unHandle, char * pchArgs, uint32_t unArgs);
has Pointer $!GetStartingApplication; #= EVRApplicationError (char * pchAppKeyBuffer, uint32_t unAppKeyBufferLen);
has Pointer $!GetSceneApplicationState; #= EVRSceneApplicationState ();
has Pointer $!PerformApplicationPrelaunchCheck; #= EVRApplicationError (char * pchAppKey);
has Pointer $!GetSceneApplicationStateNameFromEnum; #= char * (EVRSceneApplicationState state);
has Pointer $!LaunchInternalProcess; #= EVRApplicationError (char * pchBinaryPath, char * pchArguments, char * pchWorkingDirectory);
has Pointer $!GetCurrentSceneProcessId; #= uint32_t ();
method AddApplicationManifest (Str $amfp, bool $bt) {
method RemoveApplicationManifest (Str $amfp) {
method IsApplicationInstalled (Str $ak) {
method GetApplicationCount {
method GetApplicationKeyByIndex (uint32 $ai, Str $akb, uint32 $akbl) {
method GetApplicationKeyByProcessId (
uint32 $pid,
Str $akb,
uint32 $akbl
) {
sub mq ($s) {
"{ $s }\n{ '=' x $s.chars }"
my token id { <[\w _]>+ }
my token typeDec { <type=id> <.ws> ('*')? }
sub resolveTypeDec ($td) {
my $rw = False;
my $rt = do given $td<type>.Str {
when 'char' { 'Str' }
'int8_t' |
'int16_t' |
'int32_t' |
'int64_t' |
'uint8_t' |
'uint16_t' |
'uint32_t' |
'uint64_t' { $rw = True if $td<p>;
.substr(0, * - 2) }
when *.ends-with('_t') {
# If not a struct and ends with _t, it needs
# to be 'is rw'
#my $tv := ::("$_");
#die "Type '$_' is not defined!" if $tv ~~ Failure;
#$rw = True unless $tv.REPR eq 'CStruct';
default { $_ }
($rt, $rw);
my %methods = (do for VR_IVRApplications_FnTable.^ *.name ) {
$_ => 1;
for VR_IVRApplications_FnTable.^attributes {
my $mn = .name.substr(2);
my $sd = .WHY.trailing;
my $m = $sd ~~ rule {
'(' (<-[\)]>+) ')'
] ';'
my ($rt, $al) = (
$0 // ''
next if %methods{$mn};
say "{ mq($mn) }";
unless $m {
say "»»»»» DID NOT PARSE!\n";
#say "Returns: $rt";
my $ma = $al ~~ m:g/
'const'? <.ws>
<typeDec> <.ws>
<name=id> [ ',' <.ws> ]?
my (%var-names, @at, @an);
for $ma[] -> $am {
my $n := $am<name>;
# Get variable placeholder name.
my $vn = (
($n ~~ m:g/<[A..Z]><[a..z]>+/).map(
*.Str.substr(0, 1).lc
$n.substr(0, 1)
# Finalize name with collision detection.
$vn = '$' ~ $vn ~ (%var-names{$vn}++ ?? %var-names{$vn}
!! '');
@an.push: $vn;
@at.push: resolveTypeDec( $am<typeDec> );
my $nc = qq:to/NATIVECAST/;
:({ *[0] ).join(', ')}{ $rt[0] ?? " --> { $rt[0] }" !! '' }),
)({@an.join(', ')})
say $nc;