array reduce

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const numArray = [1, 2, [3, 10, [11, 12]], [1, 2, [3, 4]], 5, 6]; const exArr = [{0: "new"}, {2: "modified"}, {1: "unmodified"}]; const getMapping = exArr.reduce((acc, item) => ({ ...acc, ...item })); const arrMap = numArray.reduce((acc, item) => ({ ...acc, ...item })); console.log(getMapping) console.log(arrMap) function flattenArray(data) { // our initial value this time is a blank array const initialValue = []; // call reduce on our data return data.reduce((total, value) => { // if the value is an array then recursively call reduce // if the value is not an array then just concat our value return total.concat(Array.isArray(value) ? flattenArray(value) : value); }, initialValue); } console.log(flattenArray(numArray))
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