Arrow Function

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// Regular Function With Map const upperizedNames = ["Dimas", "Widy", "Buchori"] .map(function(name) { return name.toUpperCase(); }) console.log(...upperizedNames); /* output: DIMAS WIDY BUCHORI */
// Arrow Function With Map const upperizedNames = ["Dimas", "Widy", "Buchori"] .map(name => name.toUpperCase()) console.log(...upperizedNames); /* output: DIMAS WIDY BUCHORI */
// function arrow expression const sayHello = greet => console.log(`${greet}!`); const sayName = name => console.log(`Nama saya ${name}`); console.log(sayHello("Ubaidillah"))
// const sayName = name => console.log(`Nama saya ${name}`); const coba = _ => console.log(`test with no parameter _`) coba()
// Arrow Function Store in Argumen ["Dimas", "Widdy", "Buchori"].forEach(name => console.log(`Nama saya ${name}`));
// Arrow Function Store in Property const user = { introduce: name => console.log(`Nama saya ${name}`) } user.introduce("ubaidillah") //=========================================================================// // Arrow Function Multi Parameter const sayHello = (name, greet) => console.log(`${greet}, ${name}!`); sayHello("Dimas", "Selamat Pagi") /* output: Selamat Pagi, Dimas! */ //=========================================================================// // Arrow Function Without Parameter const sayHello2 = () => console.log("Selamat pagi semuanya!"); sayHello() /* output: Selamat pagi semuanya! */ //=========================================================================// // Arrow Function Body Block const sayHello3 = language => { if(language.toUpperCase() === "INDONESIA") { return "Selamat Pagi!"; } else { return "Good Morning!"; } } console.log(sayHello("Indonesia")); /* output: Selamat Pagi! */ //=========================================================================// //Regular Function this Keyword function People(name, age, hobby) { = name; this.age = age; this.hobby = hobby; } // menambahkan introMyself ke People People.prototype.introMyself = function () { // this -> People setTimeout(function() { // this -> ?? console.log(`Hello! Nama saya ${}, umur saya ${this.age}.`) console.log(`Hobby saya adalah ${this.hobby}`) }, 300) } const programmer = new People("John", 18, ["Coding", "Read book", "Ping-pong"]); programmer.introMyself(); /* output: Hello! Nama saya undefined, umur saya undefined. Hobby saya adalah undefined */ //=========================================================================// //Arrow Function this Keyword function People(name, age, hobby) { = name; this.age = age; this.hobby = hobby; } // menambahkan introMyself ke People People.prototype.introMyself = function () { // this -> People setTimeout(() => { // this -> People console.log(`Hello! Nama saya ${}, umur saya ${this.age}.`) console.log(`Hobby saya adalah ${this.hobby}`) }, 300) } const programmer2 = new People("John", 18, ["Coding", "Read book", "Ping-pong"]); programmer2.introMyself(); /* output: Hello! Nama saya John, umur saya 18. Hobby saya adalah Coding,Read book,Ping-pong */
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