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function mergeSortedArrays(arr1, arr2) { var newSortedArray = []; let i=0, j=0; while(i<arr1.length && j<arr2.length){ if(arr1[i]<arr2[j]){ newSortedArray.push(arr1[i]); i++; } else{ newSortedArray.push(arr2[j]); j++; } } while(i<arr1.length){ newSortedArray.push(arr1[i]); i++; } while(j<arr2.length){ newSortedArray.push(arr2[j]); j++; } console.log(newSortedArray); } mergeSortedArrays([0,3,4,31], [4,6,30]); //[ 0,3,4,4,6,30,31] //Idea of i for 1st array and j for 2nd array /* About inputs, * Empty arrays * One of them is Empty * Array contains numbers or characters 1.Compare i and j values of both arrays 2.Add whichever is lower to newSortedArray and increment index 3.Repeat this process till one of the array ends or both if of equal length */
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