chrome dino clone (wip)

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import Playground exposing (..) import List exposing (map) -- MAIN main = game view update init init = { y = 0 , vy = 0 , score = 0.0 , countdown = 5.0 , blocks = [] , gameOver = False } -- VIEW fromBool p = case p of True -> "True" False -> "False" view computer mario = let w = computer.screen.width h = computer.screen.height b = computer.screen.bottom in [ rectangle (rgb 0 0 0) w 10 |> moveY (b + h/2) , image 70 70 (toGif mario) |> move (-w/3) (b + h/2 + mario.y + 30) , words (rgb 0 0 0) ("Score: " ++ String.fromInt (round mario.score)) |> scale 1.3 |> moveY (b + h/2 - 70) -- (-w/3) ] ++ map (\x -> (rectangle (rgb 0 0 0) 10 50) |> move (w*x/100 - w/2) (b+h/2 + 30)) mario.blocks ++ if mario.gameOver then gameOverScreen h b else [] gameOverScreen h b = [ rectangle (rgb 0 0 0) 200 100 |> moveY (b + h/2) , words (rgb 255 255 255) "Game Over!" |> scale 2 |> moveY (b + h/2) , words (rgb 255 255 255) "Press Space to try again" |> scale 0.8 |> moveY (b + h/2 - 30) ] toGif mario = if mario.y > 0 then "" else if not mario.gameOver then "" else "" -- UPDATE checkBounds w blocks = case blocks of [] -> [] x::xs -> if x <= 0 then checkBounds w xs else x::(checkBounds w xs) checkCollision : Float -> Float -> Float -> List Float -> Bool checkCollision w mx my blocks = case blocks of [] -> False x::xs -> (abs (x - 100/6) <= 1 && my < 50) || (checkCollision w mx my xs) update computer mario = if mario.gameOver then if then init else mario else let w = computer.screen.width dt = 1.666 vy = if mario.y == 0 then if then 5 else 0 else mario.vy - dt / 8 y = mario.y + dt * vy c = if mario.countdown <= 0 then 5.0 else mario.countdown - dt/50 blocks = if mario.countdown <= 0 then mario.blocks ++ [100] else map (\x -> x - dt/5) (checkBounds w mario.blocks) in { y = max 0 y , vy = vy , score = mario.score + dt/50 , countdown = c , blocks = blocks , gameOver = mario.gameOver || checkCollision w (-w/3) mario.y blocks }
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