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#include <iostream> #include <list> #include <regex> #include <string> #include <utility> struct Block { int Id; std::pair<int, int> Position; Block *Previous; Block *Next; }; static inline void ResetAbove(Block &From) { Block *Current = From.Next; From.Next = nullptr; while (Current != nullptr) { auto &Pos = Current->Position; Pos.first = Current->Id; Pos.second = 0; auto Next = Current->Next; Current->Next = Current->Previous = nullptr; Current = Next; } } static inline void AppendSingle(Block &To, Block &From) { To.Next = &From; From.Previous = &To; From.Position.first = To.Position.first; From.Position.second = To.Position.second + 1; } static inline void AppendMulti(Block &To, Block &From) { auto FixBlock = &From; To.Next = FixBlock; FixBlock->Previous = &To; for (int Index = To.Position.second + 1; FixBlock != nullptr; ++Index) { FixBlock->Position.first = To.Position.first; FixBlock->Position.second = Index; FixBlock = FixBlock->Next; } } static inline Block *FindTail(Block &From) { auto Block = &From; while (Block->Next != nullptr) { Block = Block->Next; } return Block; } int main() { int NumBlocks; int FirstBlock, SecondBlock; std::string Cmd; const std::regex CmdRegex("([a-z]+) (\\d+) ([a-z]+) (\\d+)"); std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); std::cin.tie(nullptr); std::smatch Match; std::cin >> NumBlocks; std::cin.ignore(); // Initializations std::vector<Block> Blocks(NumBlocks); for (int Index = 0; Index < NumBlocks; ++Index) { auto &Block = Blocks[Index]; Block.Id = Index; Block.Position.first = Index; Block.Position.second = 0; } while (std::getline(std::cin, Cmd) && Cmd.front() != 'q') { if (Cmd.front() == 'q') { break; } std::regex_match(Cmd, Match, CmdRegex); int First = std::stoi(Match[2].str()); int Second = std::stoi(Match[4].str()); auto &FirstBlock = Blocks[First]; auto &SecondBlock = Blocks[Second]; if (First == Second || FirstBlock.Position.first == SecondBlock.Position.first) { // Illegal command continue; } auto Previous = FirstBlock.Previous; if (Previous != nullptr) { Previous->Next = nullptr; } if (Match[1].str().front() == 'm') { // Reset blocks on top of First ResetAbove(FirstBlock); if (Match[3].str().back() == 'o') { // Move Onto ResetAbove(SecondBlock); AppendSingle(SecondBlock, FirstBlock); } else { // Move Over // Find tail of SecondBlock auto SecondTail = FindTail(SecondBlock); AppendSingle(*SecondTail, FirstBlock); } } else { if (Match[3].str().back() == 'o') { // Pile Onto ResetAbove(SecondBlock); AppendMulti(SecondBlock, FirstBlock); } else { // Pile Over auto SecondTail = FindTail(SecondBlock); AppendMulti(*SecondTail, FirstBlock); } } } for (auto &Block : Blocks) { std::cout << Block.Id << ":"; if (Block.Position.second == 0) { auto Current = &Block; while (Current != nullptr) { std::cout << " " << Current->Id; Current = Current->Next; } } std::cout << "\n"; } return 0; }
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