truchet tiling by Ant on the Ant on Ant on

Run Settings
Language Version
Run Command
reset make "a 562.5 to tile1 :s st fw :s rt 90 arc :s/2 90 repeat 2[ fw :s/2 ] rt 90 fw :s rt 90 arc :s/2 90 fw :s rt 90 fw :s repeat 2[ rt 90 fw :s ] lt 180 end to tile2 :s arc :s/2 90 repeat 2[ fw :s/2 ] rt 90 fw :s rt 90 arc :s/2 90 fw :s rt 90 fw :s repeat 3[ rt 90 fw :s ] lt 180 end repeat 8[ make "a :a-62.5 setxy 0 :a repeat 4[ tile1 62.5 tile2 62.5 ]]
Editor Settings
Key bindings
Full width