# See https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammingLanguages/comments/d076go/how_to_write_a_turingcomplete_programming/ezaqcs2
no precompilation;
use lib '.';
use Shanish-grammar;
use Shanish-toP6;
use Grammar::ToAST;
my $mo = Shanish-grammar .parse: 'sieve-code'.&slurp, actions => Shanish-toP6.new;
say cst2ast $mo;
maxPrime = 6
[0] = 0
i = 1
while < i maxPrime do
[i] = i
i = + i 1
i = 2
while < i maxPrime do
if [i] then
j = * i 2
while < j maxPrime do
[j] = 0
j = + j i
i = + i 1
no precompilation;
#use Grammar::Tracer;
grammar Shanish-grammar {
rule TOP { <.ws> <stmts> }
rule stmts { <expr>+ }
rule expr { <ifExpr> | <whileExpr> | <opExpr> | <storeSet> | <storeGet> | <value> | <var> }
rule ifExpr { 'if' <stmts> 'then' <stmts> [ 'else' <stmts> ]? 'end' }
rule whileExpr { 'while' <stmts> 'do' <stmts> 'end' }
rule storeSet { [ '[' <stmts> ']' | <var> ] '=' <expr> }
rule storeGet { '[' <stmts> ']' | <var> }
my @keywords = < if then else while do end >;
token var { :i <!before @keywords> <[_a..z]> \w* }
my @ops = << <= >= == - + * / < > >>;
token op { @ops }
rule opExpr { <op> <expr> <expr> }
token value { '-'? <[0..9]>+ }
no precompilation;
unit class Shanish-toP6;
use Grammar::ToAST;
has %!store;
method TOP ($/) { hang #`[[[ put %!store ]]] }
#method stmts ($/) { hang }
#method expr ($/) { hang }
#method ifExpr ($/) { hang #`[[[ p6 "if &cake() \{\n &cake(:piece(1)) } else \{\n &cake(:piece(2)) }\n" ]]] }
#method whileExpr ($/) { hang #`[[[ p6 "while &cake() \{\n &cake(:piece(1)) }\n" ]]] }
#method storeSet ($/)
# { hang #`[[[ make '%!store{\'' ~ ($<var> // '[\'~' ~ $<stmts>.made ~ '~\']') ~ "'} = " ~ expr-made($<expr>) ]]] }
#method storeGet ($/)
# { hang #`[[[ make '%!store{\'' ~ ($<var> // '[\'~' ~ $<stmts>.made ~ '~\']') ~ "'}" ]]] }
#method opExpr ($/) { hang #`[[[ make expr-made($<expr>[0]) ~ " $<op> " ~ expr-made($<expr>[1]) ]]] }
#method value ($/) { hang #`[[[ make ~ $/ ]]] }
no precompilation;
unit module Grammar::ToAST;
our proto cst2ast (|) is export { say 'cst2ast proto'; {*} }
multi cst2ast (Match $_ where *.ast) { say '.ast'; .ast } # if arg is capture, with `.ast`, then return it
multi cst2ast (Match $_ where *.list) { say '.list'; .&hashcheck: 0; .&cst2ast for .list } # else `cst2ast` of numbered captures if any
multi cst2ast (Match $_ where *.hash) { say '.hash'; .&hashcheck: 1; cst2ast .hash.pairs[0].value } # else `cst2ast` of first named capture value
multi cst2ast (Match $_) { say 'Match'; $_ } # else return capture as is
multi cst2ast (@_) { say '@_'; .&cst2ast for @_ } # if NOT a single capture, then `cst2ast` args
sub hashcheck ($_, $element-count) { # expecting either 0 or 1 hash elements
return if .hash == $element-count;
note "cst2ast ignoring hash pairs(s):\n", .hash.pairs[$element-count..*].join: "\n"
our proto hung (|) is export { say 'hung proto'; {*} }
# Multi that will match for a *quantified* sub-capture `$<foo>` (eg sub-rule was `<foo>*` or `<foo>+`, NOT `<foo>` or `<foo>?`).
multi hung (List $captures where *.all ~~ Match) { say '.all'; .&hung for $captures }
# Multis that will match for a *non* quantified sub-capture `$<foo>` (i.e. sub-rule was eg `<foo>`, NOT eg `<foo>*`).
multi hung (Match $_ where .ast) { say '.ast'; .ast } # if .ast already generated then use that
multi hung (Match $_ where .list) { say '.list'; .&hung for .list } # elsif positional captures then use them
multi hung (Match $_ where .hash) { say '.hash'; .hash.pairs[0].value } # elsif named captures then use the first value
multi hung (Match $_) { say '$_'; $_ } # else use cst (concrete syntax tree capture)
sub msg ($msg) { warn "hung $msg" }
our proto hang (|) is export { say 'hang proto'; {*} }
multi hang () { CALLERS::<$/> .make: hung CALLERS::<$/> } # if nullary `hang` then write caller's `hung` to its `.ast`
multi hang ($ast) { CALLERS::<$/> .make: $ast } # elsif unary `hang` then write passed arg to caller's `.ast`
multi hang (*@hung) { CALLERS::<$/> .make: do .&hung for @hung } # otherwise write list of `hung` of each passed arg to caller's `.ast`
proto wrap { * }
multi wrap () { :wrap }