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import Data.Char {- toDigits returns the digits of a number as an array. It returns an empty list if n is zero or less. -} toDigits :: Integer -> [Integer] toDigits n | n > 0 = map (\c -> toInteger $ digitToInt c) $ show n | otherwise = [] -- toDigitsRev is like toDigits, except it reverses the array. toDigitsRev :: Integer -> [Integer] toDigitsRev n = reverse $ toDigits n {- doubleAtEvenIndex is a helper function for doubleEveryOther. It doubles a number (the second argument) if the index (the first argument) is even. -} doubleAtEvenIndex :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer doubleAtEvenIndex (index, n) | index `mod` 2 == 0 = n * 2 | otherwise = n -- doubleEveryOther doubles every other integer in an array. doubleEveryOther :: [Integer] -> [Integer] doubleEveryOther [] = [] doubleEveryOther v = map doubleAtEvenIndex (zip [1..] v) -- sumDigits sums the digits in a list of integers. sumDigits :: [Integer] -> Integer sumDigits [] = 0 sumDigits (x:xs) = sum (toDigits x) + sumDigits xs {- validate validates the creditCardNumber using the Luhn formula: - Double the value of every second digit beginning from the right. - Add the digits of the doubled values and the undoubled digits from the original number. - Calculate the remainder when the sum is divided by 10. - If the result equals 0, then the number is valid. -} validate :: Integer -> Bool validate creditCardNumber = digitSum `mod` 10 == 0 where digitSum = sumDigits $ doubleEveryOther $ toDigitsRev creditCardNumber {- isValid exists purely for cosmetic reasons. It returns a string with the credit card number and whether it is valid according to the Luhn algorithm (see `validate`). -} isValid :: Integer -> String isValid creditCardNumber = case validate creditCardNumber of True -> "Credit card number " ++ show creditCardNumber ++ " is valid!" False -> "Credit card number " ++ show creditCardNumber ++ " is invalid." main :: IO () main = do putStrLn $ isValid 4012888888881881 -- Valid putStrLn $ isValid 4012888888881882 -- Invalid
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