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#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // Utility class, mostly. // The secret sauce is static_cast. // as_subclass() is there only to help deduce when to const things. template <typename TSubclass> class crtp_template { protected: using subclass_type = TSubclass; subclass_type& as_subclass() { return static_cast<subclass_type&>(*this); } subclass_type const& as_subclass() const { return static_cast<subclass_type const&>(*this); } }; // Here we have a base class. A compile-time template. // It may depend on some subclass methods to do its job. template <typename TSubclass> class entity_template : public crtp_template<TSubclass> { public: void greet() { std::cout << this->as_subclass().make_greet() << std::endl; } }; class entity : public entity_template<entity> { public: friend class entity_template<entity>; entity(std::string name) : name_(name) {} private: std::string make_greet() { using namespace std::literals; return "Hello, "s + this->name_ + "!"; } private: std::string name_ = "there"; }; int main() { using namespace std::literals; entity world("world"s); world.greet(); return 0; }
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