Essential Go / Variables

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package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" ) // declaration of a single top-level variable var topLevel int64 = 5 // grouping of multiple top-level declarations var ( intVal int // value is initialized with zero-value str string = "str" // assigning // functions are first-class values so can be assigned to variables // fn is variable of type func(a int) string // it's uninitialized so is nil (zero-value for function variables) fn func(a int) string ) func f() { // shorthand using local type inference // type of `i` is int and is inferred from the value // note: this is not allowed at top-level i := 4 // grouping inside a function var ( i2 int s string ) // _ is like a variable whose value is discarded. It's called blank identifier. // Useful when we don't care about one of the values returned by a function _, err := io.Copy(dst, src) // don't care how many bytes were written // ... fmt.Printf("i: %d, i2: %d, s: %s, err: %v\n", i, i2, s, err) } var ( dst io.Writer = &bytes.Buffer{} src io.Reader = &bytes.Buffer{} ) func main() { f() }
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