not real ViewFromTo

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module ViewFromTo KLASSES = [] RULES = [] def self.extended(klass) KLASSES << klass RULES.each do |a, o, b, l| if klass.to_s == a || a == '*' m = klass.instance_method(o) if o != :method_missing and klass.method_defined?(o) # should exist better way klass.define_method(o) do |*args, &blk| m.bind(self).call(*args, &blk) if m, *args, &blk) if args[o == :method_missing ? 1 : 0].kind_of?(b) # should exist better way end end end end def def_from pattern='*', meth=:method_missing, &blk RULES << [pattern, meth, self, blk] end def def_to pattern='*', meth=:method_missing, &blk klass = pattern == '*' ? Object : KLASSES.find { |k| k.to_s == pattern } define_method meth do |*args| self.instance_exec(*args, &blk) if args[meth == :method_missing ? 1 : 0].kind_of?(klass) # should exist better way end end end # the better way: # 1. add full type check, see # 2. better wrap method_missing, this one is a fake one class Apple extend ViewFromTo def_from '*' do # *.*(apple) puts "i'm just an apple" end def_from 'Human', :taste do |human| # human.taste(apple) puts "i'm taste #{human.age < 1 ? 'juicy' : 'odd'}" end end class Human extend ViewFromTo attr_accessor :age def initialize(age) @age = age end def_to 'Apple', :taste do |apple| # human.taste(apple) # override previous one puts age < 1 ? 'juicy' : 'cannot eat' end end class OtherThing extend ViewFromTo end # juicy # cannot eat # i'm just an apple
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