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--[[ Retro's sword made by retrojooooono made for Roblox made for Roblox's Void Script Builder and no I don't use meshes but the whole sword is still legit --]] active = false plr = game.Players.SincereProdeadZ char = plr.Character hum = char.Humanoid hum.MaxHealth = 999999999 hum.Health = 999999999 tool = Instance.new("Tool",plr.Backpack) tool.Name = "Retro's sword" handle = Instance.new("Part",tool) handle.Name = "Handle" handle.Size = Vector3.new(1,5,1) tool.Activated:connect(function() active = true wait(0.1) active = false end) handle.Touched:connect(function(hit) if active then hit:BreakJoints() game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(hit, "Damage: ∞", Enum.ChatColor.Red) end end) while true do wait(0.01) hum.MaxHealth = 999999999 hum.Health = 999999999 end
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