Json to C#

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const fs = require("fs"); const json = fs.readFileSync("/dev/stdin", "utf-8"); const data = JSON.parse(json); const r = getStructure(data); printCode(r, "Base"); function getCsType(a) { if (a === null) { return "null"; } else if (a === undefined) { return "undefined"; } else if (typeof a === "number") { return Number.isInteger(a) ? "int" : "double"; } else if (typeof a === "boolean") { return "bool"; } else if (typeof a === "string") { return "string?"; } return typeof a; } function getStructure(a) { const t = getCsType(a); if (a === null) { return t; } else if (Array.isArray(a)) { let r = {}; for(const v of a) { if (typeof v == "object") { for(const k in v) { const newType = getStructure(v[k]); // Fix: Be smarter in how different types are merged. // Currently C# can be invalid for union types. // Eg: int | class or between multiple classes if(r[k] && (newType === "null" || newType === "undefined")) { } else if(r[k] == "double" && newType == "int") { } else { r[k] = newType; } } } else { r = getCsType(v); } } return {type: "array", obj: r}; } else if (typeof a === "object") { const r = {}; for(const k in a) { r[k] = getStructure(a[k]); } return {type: "object", obj: r}; } return t; } function printCode(a, name) { const newClasses = []; let i = 0; console.log(`public class ${toTileCase(name)}`); console.log(`{`); for(const v in a.obj) { if (i != 0) { console.log(); } i += 1; const prop = toTileCase(v); console.log(`\t[JsonPropertyName("${v}")]`); if (typeof a.obj[v] == "object" && a.obj[v].type == "array") { if(typeof a.obj[v].obj == "object") { newClasses.push({obj: a.obj[v], name: v}); console.log(`\tpublic List<${prop}>? ${prop} { get; set; }`); } else { let type = a.obj[v].obj; if (type == "string?") { type = "string"; } console.log(`\tpublic List<${type}>? ${prop} { get; set; }`); } } else if (typeof a.obj[v] == "object" && a.obj[v].type == "object") { newClasses.push({obj: a.obj[v], name: v}); console.log(`\tpublic ${prop}? ${prop} { get; set; }`); } else { console.log(`\tpublic ${a.obj[v]} ${prop} { get; set; }`); } } console.log(`}`); console.log(); for(const c of newClasses) { printCode(c.obj, c.name); } } function toTileCase(s) { let result = ""; let nextUpper = true; for(let i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) { if(s[i] === "_" || s[i] === "-") { nextUpper = true; } else if(nextUpper) { result += s[i].toUpperCase(); nextUpper = false; } else { result += s[i]; } } return result; }
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