redMistCount = 1
redMistAtk = 4
towerHP = 40
ancientHP = 80
turn = 1
while (towerHP > 0):
print ("Turn " + str(turn))
print ("Tower Health: " + str(towerHP))
print ("Number of Red Mist Pillager(s): " + str(redMistCount))
print ("Red Mist Pillager(s) total damage: " + str(redMistAtk))
print ("Tower Remaining Health: " + str(towerHP - redMistAtk))
print ("\n\n")
towerHP = towerHP - redMistAtk
redMistAtk = redMistAtk * 2
redMistCount = redMistCount * 2
turn = turn + 1
print("Red Mist Pillager(s) destroyed the tower in " + str(turn - 1) + " turns.")
newTurn = 0
while (ancientHP > 0):
print ("Turn " + str(turn))
print ("Ancient Health: " + str(ancientHP))
print ("Number of Red Mist Pillager(s): " + str(redMistCount))
print ("Red Mist Pillager(s) total damage: " + str(redMistAtk))
print ("Ancient Remaining Health: " + str(ancientHP - redMistAtk))
print ("\n\n")
ancientHP = ancientHP - redMistAtk
redMistAtk = redMistAtk * 2
redMistCount = redMistCount * 2
newTurn = newTurn + 1
turn = turn + 1
print("Red Mist Pillager(s) destroyed the ancient in " + str(newTurn) + " turns.")