Merge sort Recursive

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object Main extends App { def quickSort (array: Array[Int], left: Int = 0, right: Int): Array[Int] = { if(left >= right) array val pivot = right val pivotPosition = partition(array, pivot, left, right) //sort left and right quickSort1(array, left, pivotPosition - 1) quickSort1(array, pivotPosition + 1, right) } def quickSort1(array: Array[Int], left:Int, right:Int): Array[Int] = { if(left < right) { val pivot = right val partitionIndex = partition(array, pivot, left, right) //sort left and right quickSort1(array, left, partitionIndex - 1) quickSort1(array, partitionIndex + 1, right) } array } private def partition(array: Array[Int], pivot: Int, left: Int, right: Int):Int = { val pivotValue = array(pivot) var partitionIndex = left for(i <- left to right) { if(array(i) < pivotValue){ swap(array, i, partitionIndex) partitionIndex = partitionIndex+1 } } swap(array, right, partitionIndex) partitionIndex } private def swap(array: Array[Int], firstIndex: Int, secondIndex: Int){ var temp = array(firstIndex) array(firstIndex) = array(secondIndex) array(secondIndex) = temp; } val numbers = Array(-1, 10, 5, 3, 3, -10, 7, -2, 20, 100, -5, 1002,-100) println(quickSort(numbers, 0, numbers.length - 1).toList) println(quickSort1(numbers, 0, numbers.length - 1).toList) }
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