testing multifilesink messages

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import gi from gi.repository import GObject, Gst gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0') Gst.init(None) pipeline = Gst.parse_launch('v4l2src do-timestamp=true device=/dev/video0 ! video/x-raw,width=848,height=480,framerate=20/1 ! videorate ! capsfilter caps="video/x-raw,framerate=1/2" name=timelapse_framerate ! queue ! jpegenc ! queue ! multifilesink post-messages=true location=test-%05d.jpg') def on_message(bus, message): try: msgStruct = message.get_structure() msgName = msgStruct.get_name() if (msgName == "GstMultiFileSink"): print("Multifilesink: recorded a timelapse image!!") except Exception as e: print("There was an error with processing the Gstreamer message") print(e) def check_pipeline_status(ret): global bus, pipeline if ret == Gst.StateChangeReturn.FAILURE: print("Gstreamer: error starting pipeline") bus = pipeline.get_bus() msg = bus.pop_filtered(Gst.MessageType.ERROR | Gst.MessageType.EOS) if msg: t = msg.type if t == Gst.MessageType.ERROR: err, dbg = msg.parse_error() print("Gstreamer: Error element -" + msg.src.get_name() + " - " + err.message) if dbg: print("Gstreamer: debugging info - " + dbg) elif t == Gst.MessageType.EOS: print("Gstreamer: End-Of-Stream reached") else: print("Gstreamer: Unexpected message received ") bus = pipeline.get_bus() bus.enable_sync_message_emission() bus.add_signal_watch() bus.connect("message", on_message) ret = pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) check_pipeline_status(ret) loop = GObject.MainLoop()
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