TMA+CG mladen.mq4

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//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| TMA+CG.mq4 | //| mladen | //| arrowse coded acording to idea presented by rajiv | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "rajivxxx" #property link "" #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 5 #property indicator_color1 C'76,76,76' //DimGray #property indicator_color2 clrDimGray //Maroon #property indicator_color3 clrDimGray //DarkBlue #property indicator_color4 clrChartreuse //Green #property indicator_color5 clrLightPink //Red #property indicator_style1 STYLE_SOLID //STYLE_DOT #property indicator_style2 STYLE_SOLID //STYLE_DOT #property indicator_style3 STYLE_SOLID //STYLE_DOT // // // // // extern string TimeFrame = "current time frame"; extern int HalfLength = 56; //extern int Price = PRICE_WEIGHTED; //=0-6 PRICE_CLOSE,PRICE_OPEN,PRICE_HIGH,PRICE_LOW,PRICE_MEDIAN,PRICE_TYPICAL,PRICE_WEIGHTED extern ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE Price=PRICE_WEIGHTED; //=0-6 PRICE_CLOSE,PRICE_OPEN,PRICE_HIGH,PRICE_LOW,PRICE_MEDIAN,PRICE_TYPICAL,PRICE_WEIGHTED extern double BandsDeviations = 2.3; //2.7; //1.618; extern bool Interpolate = true; extern bool alertsOn = false; extern bool alertsOnCurrent = false; extern bool alertsOnHighLow = false; extern bool alertsMessage = false; extern bool alertsSound = false; extern bool alertsEmail = false; extern bool Chart_to_front = false; // // // // // double tmBuffer[]; double upBuffer[]; double dnBuffer[]; double wuBuffer[]; double wdBuffer[]; double upArrow[]; double dnArrow[]; // // // // // string IndicatorFileName; bool calculatingTma = false; bool returningBars = false; int timeFrame; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // // // int init() { timeFrame = stringToTimeFrame(TimeFrame); HalfLength = MathMax(HalfLength,1); IndicatorBuffers(7); SetIndexBuffer(0,tmBuffer); SetIndexDrawBegin(0,HalfLength); SetIndexBuffer(1,upBuffer); SetIndexDrawBegin(1,HalfLength); SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID); SetIndexBuffer(2,dnBuffer); SetIndexDrawBegin(2,HalfLength); SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID); SetIndexBuffer(3,dnArrow); SetIndexStyle(3,DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 1); SetIndexArrow(3,233); // arrow mit einem Strich //SetIndexArrow(3,241); // arrow mit zwei Strichen //SetIndexArrow(5,242); SetIndexBuffer(4,upArrow); SetIndexStyle(4,DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 1); SetIndexArrow(4,234); // arrow mit einem Strich //SetIndexArrow(4,242); // arrow mit zwei Strichen //SetIndexArrow(6,241); SetIndexBuffer(5,wuBuffer); SetIndexBuffer(6,wdBuffer); //Just change SetIndexArrow(5,242); to SetIndexArrow(3,241); //The same with SetIndexArrow(6,242); to SetIndexArrow(4,241); //and //#property indicator_width4 3 //#property indicator_width5 3 if (TimeFrame=="calculateTma") { calculatingTma=true; return(0); } if (TimeFrame=="returnBars") { returningBars=true; return(0); } IndicatorFileName = WindowExpertName(); return(0); } int deinit() { return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // // // // int start() { int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted(); int i,limit; if(counted_bars<0) return(-1); if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--; limit=MathMin(Bars-1,Bars-counted_bars+HalfLength); if (returningBars) { tmBuffer[0] = limit; return(0); } if (calculatingTma) { calculateTma(limit); return(0); } if (timeFrame > Period()) limit = MathMax(limit,MathMin(Bars-1,iCustom(NULL,timeFrame,IndicatorFileName,"returnBars",0,0)*timeFrame/Period())); // // // // // for(i = limit; i >= 0; i--) { int shift1 = iBarShift(NULL,timeFrame,Time[i]); datetime time1 = iTime (NULL,timeFrame,shift1); // // // // // tmBuffer[i] = iCustom(NULL,timeFrame,IndicatorFileName,"calculateTma",HalfLength,Price,BandsDeviations,0,shift1); upBuffer[i] = iCustom(NULL,timeFrame,IndicatorFileName,"calculateTma",HalfLength,Price,BandsDeviations,1,shift1); dnBuffer[i] = iCustom(NULL,timeFrame,IndicatorFileName,"calculateTma",HalfLength,Price,BandsDeviations,2,shift1); upArrow[i] = EMPTY_VALUE; dnArrow[i] = EMPTY_VALUE; if (High[i+1]>upBuffer[i+1] && Close[i+1]>Open[i+1] && Close[i]<Open[i]) upArrow[i] = High[i]+iATR(NULL,0,20,i); if ( Low[i+1]<dnBuffer[i+1] && Close[i+1]<Open[i+1] && Close[i]>Open[i]) dnArrow[i] = High[i]-iATR(NULL,0,20,i)*2; if (timeFrame <= Period() || shift1==iBarShift(NULL,timeFrame,Time[i-1])) continue; if (!Interpolate) continue; // // // // // for(int n = 1; i+n < Bars && Time[i+n] >= time1; n++) continue; double factor = 1.0 / n; for(int k = 1; k < n; k++) { tmBuffer[i+k] = k*factor*tmBuffer[i+n] + (1.0-k*factor)*tmBuffer[i]; upBuffer[i+k] = k*factor*upBuffer[i+n] + (1.0-k*factor)*upBuffer[i]; dnBuffer[i+k] = k*factor*dnBuffer[i+n] + (1.0-k*factor)*dnBuffer[i]; } } // // // // // if (alertsOn) { if (alertsOnCurrent) int forBar = 0; else forBar = 1; if (alertsOnHighLow) { if (High[forBar] > upBuffer[forBar] && High[forBar+1] < upBuffer[forBar+1]) doAlert("high penetrated upper bar"); if (Low[forBar] < dnBuffer[forBar] && Low[forBar+1] > dnBuffer[forBar+1]) doAlert("low penetrated lower bar"); } else { if (Close[forBar] > upBuffer[forBar] && Close[forBar+1] < upBuffer[forBar+1]) doAlert("close penetrated upper bar"); if (Close[forBar] < dnBuffer[forBar] && Close[forBar+1] > dnBuffer[forBar+1]) doAlert("close penetrated lower bar"); } } return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // // // // void calculateTma(int limit) { int i,j,k; double FullLength = 2.0*HalfLength+1.0; // // // // // for (i=limit; i>=0; i--) { double sum = (HalfLength+1)*iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,i); double sumw = (HalfLength+1); for(j=1, k=HalfLength; j<=HalfLength; j++, k--) { sum += k*iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,i+j); sumw += k; if (j<=i) { sum += k*iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,i-j); sumw += k; } } tmBuffer[i] = sum/sumw; // // // // // double diff = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,i)-tmBuffer[i]; if (i> (Bars-HalfLength-1)) continue; if (i==(Bars-HalfLength-1)) { upBuffer[i] = tmBuffer[i]; dnBuffer[i] = tmBuffer[i]; if (diff>=0) { wuBuffer[i] = MathPow(diff,2); wdBuffer[i] = 0; } else { wdBuffer[i] = MathPow(diff,2); wuBuffer[i] = 0; } continue; } // // // // // if(diff>=0) { wuBuffer[i] = (wuBuffer[i+1]*(FullLength-1)+MathPow(diff,2))/FullLength; wdBuffer[i] = wdBuffer[i+1]*(FullLength-1)/FullLength; } else { wdBuffer[i] = (wdBuffer[i+1]*(FullLength-1)+MathPow(diff,2))/FullLength; wuBuffer[i] = wuBuffer[i+1]*(FullLength-1)/FullLength; } upBuffer[i] = tmBuffer[i] + BandsDeviations*MathSqrt(wuBuffer[i]); dnBuffer[i] = tmBuffer[i] - BandsDeviations*MathSqrt(wdBuffer[i]); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // // // // void doAlert(string doWhat) { static string previousAlert=""; static datetime previousTime; string message; // // // // // if (previousAlert!=doWhat || previousTime!=Time[0]) { previousAlert = doWhat; previousTime = Time[0]; message= StringConcatenate(Symbol()," ",Period(),"M ",TimeToStr(TimeLocal(),TIME_SECONDS),": ",doWhat); if (alertsMessage) Alert(message); if (Chart_to_front) ChartSetInteger(0,CHART_BRING_TO_TOP,0,true); if (alertsEmail) SendMail(StringConcatenate(Symbol(),"TMA "),message); if (alertsSound) PlaySound("alert2.wav"); } } // // // // // int stringToTimeFrame(string tfs) { for(int l = StringLen(tfs)-1; l >= 0; l--) { int char2 = StringGetChar(tfs,l); if((char2 > 96 && char2 < 123) || (char2 > 223 && char2 < 256)) tfs = StringSetChar(tfs, 1, char2 - 32); else if(char2 > -33 && char2< 0) tfs = StringSetChar(tfs, 1, char2 + 224); } int tf=0; if (tfs=="M1" || tfs=="1") tf=PERIOD_M1; if (tfs=="M5" || tfs=="5") tf=PERIOD_M5; if (tfs=="M15"|| tfs=="15") tf=PERIOD_M15; if (tfs=="M30"|| tfs=="30") tf=PERIOD_M30; if (tfs=="H1" || tfs=="60") tf=PERIOD_H1; if (tfs=="H4" || tfs=="240") tf=PERIOD_H4; if (tfs=="D1" || tfs=="1440") tf=PERIOD_D1; if (tfs=="W1" || tfs=="10080") tf=PERIOD_W1; if (tfs=="MN" || tfs=="43200") tf=PERIOD_MN1; if (tf==0 || tf<Period()) tf=Period(); return(tf); }
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