module String_map = Map.Make (String)
type term =
| Global of string
| Local of string
| Function of string * term
| Application of term * term
let rec pretty : term -> string = function
| Global name ->
"@" ^ name
| Local name ->
"$" ^ name
| Function (parameter, body) ->
let body' = pretty body in
"fun $" ^ parameter ^ " is " ^ body' ^ " end"
| Application (function_, argument) ->
let function_' = pretty function_ in
let argument' = pretty argument in
function_' ^ "(" ^ argument' ^ ")"
let next_fresh_variable = ref 0
let fresh_variable () =
let variable = !next_fresh_variable in
let _ = next_fresh_variable := variable + 1 in
"%" ^ string_of_int variable
let rec substitute (work : term String_map.t) : term -> term = function
| Global name ->
Global name
| Local name ->
try String_map.find name work with
| Not_found -> Local name
| Function (parameter, body) ->
let fresh = fresh_variable () in
let work' = String_map.add parameter (Local fresh) work in
let body' = substitute work' body in
Function (fresh, body')
| Application (function_, argument) ->
let function_' = substitute work function_ in
let argument' = substitute work argument in
Application (function_', argument')
let rec beta_reduce : term -> term = function
| Global name ->
Global name
| Local name ->
Local name
| Function (parameter, body) ->
let body' = beta_reduce body in
Function (parameter, body')
| Application (function_, argument) ->
let function_' = beta_reduce function_ in
let argument' = beta_reduce argument in
match function_' with
| Function (parameter, body) ->
let work = String_map.singleton parameter argument in
substitute work body
| _ ->
Application (function_', argument')
let () =
let term = Application (Function ("x", Application (Local "x", Local "y")), Local "y") in
let _ = print_endline (pretty term) in
let _ = print_endline (pretty (substitute (String_map.singleton "y" (Local "x")) term)) in
let _ = print_endline (pretty (beta_reduce term)) in