Corrupted pheonix

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--Converted with ttyyuu12345's model to script plugin v4 function sandbox(var,func) local env = getfenv(func) local newenv = setmetatable({},{ __index = function(self,k) if k=="script" then return var else return env[k] end end, }) setfenv(func,newenv) return func end cors = {} mas ="Model",game:GetService("Lighting")) LocalScript0 ="LocalScript") ParticleEmitter1 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter2 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter3 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter4 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter5 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter6 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter7 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter8 ="ParticleEmitter") LocalScript9 ="LocalScript") NumberValue10 ="NumberValue") NumberValue11 ="NumberValue") BoolValue12 ="BoolValue") ParticleEmitter13 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter14 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter15 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter16 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter17 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter18 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter19 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter20 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter21 ="ParticleEmitter") ParticleEmitter22 ="ParticleEmitter") LocalScript0.Name = "WarPheonix" LocalScript0.Parent = mas table.insert(cors,sandbox(LocalScript0,function() -- Synapse Decompiler -- Purchase Here: wait(0.2) Sound0 ="Sound") Sound0.Volume = 10 Sound0.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head Sound0.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1382488262" Sound0.Looped = true Sound0:Play() Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer PlayerGui = Player.PlayerGui Cam = workspace.CurrentCamera Backpack = Player.Backpack Character = Player.Character Humanoid = Character.Humanoid Mouse = Player:GetMouse() RootPart = Character.HumanoidRootPart Torso = Character.Torso Head = Character.Head RightArm = Character["Right Arm"] LeftArm = Character["Left Arm"] RightLeg = Character["Right Leg"] LeftLeg = Character["Left Leg"] RootJoint = RootPart.RootJoint Neck = Torso.Neck RightShoulder = Torso["Right Shoulder"] LeftShoulder = Torso["Left Shoulder"] RightHip = Torso["Right Hip"] LeftHip = Torso["Left Hip"] local sick ="Sound", Character) IT = CF = VT = RAD = math.rad C3 = UD2 = BRICKC = ANGLES = CFrame.Angles EULER = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ COS = math.cos ACOS = math.acos SIN = math.sin ASIN = math.asin ABS = math.abs MRANDOM = math.random FLOOR = math.floor Animation_Speed = 3 Frame_Speed = 0.016666666666666666 local Speed = 16 local ROOTC0 = CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-90), RAD(0), RAD(180)) local NECKC0 = CF(0, 1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-90), RAD(0), RAD(180)) local RIGHTSHOULDERC0 = CF(-0.5, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) local LEFTSHOULDERC0 = CF(0.5, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) local DAMAGEMULTIPLIER = 1 local ANIM = "Idle" local ATTACK = false local EQUIPPED = false local HOLD = false local COMBO = 1 local Rooted = false local SINE = 0 local KEYHOLD = false local CHANGE = 2 / Animation_Speed local WALKINGANIM = false local VALUE1 = false local VALUE2 = false local ROBLOXIDLEANIMATION = IT("Animation") ROBLOXIDLEANIMATION.Name = "Roblox Idle Animation" ROBLOXIDLEANIMATION.AnimationId = "" local WEAPONGUI = IT("ScreenGui", PlayerGui) WEAPONGUI.Name = "Weapon GUI" local Effects = IT("Folder", Character) Effects.Name = "Effects" local ANIMATOR = Humanoid.Animator local ANIMATE = Character.Animate local UNANCHOR = true local FLIGHT = false local BODYPOS, GYRO, FLIGHTRING local PARTICLES = false local WINGS = false local APPLYGYRO = true local DIRECTTURN = false local PHEONIXCOLOR = C3(0.5, 0, 1) ArtificialHB ="BindableEvent", script) ArtificialHB.Name = "ArtificialHB" script:WaitForChild("ArtificialHB") frame = Frame_Speed tf = 0 allowframeloss = false tossremainder = false lastframe = tick() script.ArtificialHB:Fire() game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(s, p) tf = tf + s if tf >= frame then if allowframeloss then script.ArtificialHB:Fire() lastframe = tick() else for i = 1, math.floor(tf / frame) do script.ArtificialHB:Fire() end lastframe = tick() end if tossremainder then tf = 0 else tf = tf - frame * math.floor(tf / frame) end end end) function Raycast(POSITION, DIRECTION, RANGE, IGNOREDECENDANTS) return workspace:FindPartOnRay(, DIRECTION.unit * RANGE), IGNOREDECENDANTS) end function PositiveAngle(NUMBER) if NUMBER >= 0 then NUMBER = 0 end return NUMBER end function NegativeAngle(NUMBER) if NUMBER <= 0 then NUMBER = 0 end return NUMBER end function Swait(NUMBER) if NUMBER == 0 or NUMBER == nil then ArtificialHB.Event:wait() else for i = 1, NUMBER do ArtificialHB.Event:wait() end end end function CreateMesh(MESH, PARENT, MESHTYPE, MESHID, TEXTUREID, SCALE, OFFSET) local NEWMESH = IT(MESH) if MESH == "SpecialMesh" then NEWMESH.MeshType = MESHTYPE if MESHID ~= "nil" and MESHID ~= "" then NEWMESH.MeshId = "" .. MESHID end if TEXTUREID ~= "nil" and TEXTUREID ~= "" then NEWMESH.TextureId = "" .. TEXTUREID end end NEWMESH.Offset = OFFSET or VT(0, 0, 0) NEWMESH.Scale = SCALE NEWMESH.Parent = PARENT return NEWMESH end function CreatePart(FORMFACTOR, PARENT, MATERIAL, REFLECTANCE, TRANSPARENCY, BRICKCOLOR, NAME, SIZE, ANCHOR) local NEWPART = IT("Part") NEWPART.formFactor = FORMFACTOR NEWPART.Reflectance = REFLECTANCE NEWPART.Transparency = TRANSPARENCY NEWPART.CanCollide = false NEWPART.Locked = true NEWPART.Anchored = true if ANCHOR == false then NEWPART.Anchored = false end NEWPART.BrickColor = BRICKC(tostring(BRICKCOLOR)) NEWPART.Name = NAME NEWPART.Size = SIZE NEWPART.Position = Torso.Position NEWPART.Material = MATERIAL NEWPART:BreakJoints() NEWPART.Parent = PARENT return NEWPART end local weldBetween = function(a, b) local weldd ="ManualWeld") weldd.Part0 = a weldd.Part1 = b weldd.C0 = weldd.C1 = b.CFrame:inverse() * a.CFrame weldd.Parent = a return weldd end function QuaternionFromCFrame(cf) local mx, my, mz, m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22 = cf:components() local trace = m00 + m11 + m22 if trace > 0 then local s = math.sqrt(1 + trace) local recip = 0.5 / s return (m21 - m12) * recip, (m02 - m20) * recip, (m10 - m01) * recip, s * 0.5 else local i = 0 if m00 < m11 then i = 1 end if m22 > (i == 0 and m00 or m11) then i = 2 end if i == 0 then local s = math.sqrt(m00 - m11 - m22 + 1) local recip = 0.5 / s return 0.5 * s, (m10 + m01) * recip, (m20 + m02) * recip, (m21 - m12) * recip elseif i == 1 then local s = math.sqrt(m11 - m22 - m00 + 1) local recip = 0.5 / s return (m01 + m10) * recip, 0.5 * s, (m21 + m12) * recip, (m02 - m20) * recip elseif i == 2 then local s = math.sqrt(m22 - m00 - m11 + 1) local recip = 0.5 / s return (m02 + m20) * recip, (m12 + m21) * recip, 0.5 * s, (m10 - m01) * recip end end end function QuaternionToCFrame(px, py, pz, x, y, z, w) local xs, ys, zs = x + x, y + y, z + z local wx, wy, wz = w * xs, w * ys, w * zs local xx = x * xs local xy = x * ys local xz = x * zs local yy = y * ys local yz = y * zs local zz = z * zs return, py, pz, 1 - (yy + zz), xy - wz, xz + wy, xy + wz, 1 - (xx + zz), yz - wx, xz - wy, yz + wx, 1 - (xx + yy)) end function QuaternionSlerp(a, b, t) local cosTheta = a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3] + a[4] * b[4] local startInterp, finishInterp if cosTheta >= 1.0E-4 then if 1 - cosTheta > 1.0E-4 then local theta = ACOS(cosTheta) local invSinTheta = 1 / SIN(theta) startInterp = SIN((1 - t) * theta) * invSinTheta finishInterp = SIN(t * theta) * invSinTheta else startInterp = 1 - t finishInterp = t end elseif 1 + cosTheta > 1.0E-4 then local theta = ACOS(-cosTheta) local invSinTheta = 1 / SIN(theta) startInterp = SIN((t - 1) * theta) * invSinTheta finishInterp = SIN(t * theta) * invSinTheta else startInterp = t - 1 finishInterp = t end return a[1] * startInterp + b[1] * finishInterp, a[2] * startInterp + b[2] * finishInterp, a[3] * startInterp + b[3] * finishInterp, a[4] * startInterp + b[4] * finishInterp end function Clerp(a, b, t) local qa = { QuaternionFromCFrame(a) } local qb = { QuaternionFromCFrame(b) } local ax, ay, az = a.x, a.y, a.z local bx, by, bz = b.x, b.y, b.z local _t = 1 - t return QuaternionToCFrame(_t * ax + t * bx, _t * ay + t * by, _t * az + t * bz, QuaternionSlerp(qa, qb, t)) end function CreateFrame(PARENT, TRANSPARENCY, BORDERSIZEPIXEL, POSITION, SIZE, COLOR, BORDERCOLOR, NAME) local frame = IT("Frame") frame.BackgroundTransparency = TRANSPARENCY frame.BorderSizePixel = BORDERSIZEPIXEL frame.Position = POSITION frame.Size = SIZE frame.BackgroundColor3 = COLOR frame.BorderColor3 = BORDERCOLOR frame.Name = NAME frame.Parent = PARENT return frame end function CreateLabel(PARENT, TEXT, TEXTCOLOR, TEXTFONTSIZE, TEXTFONT, TRANSPARENCY, BORDERSIZEPIXEL, STROKETRANSPARENCY, NAME) local label = IT("TextLabel") label.BackgroundTransparency = 1 label.Size = UD2(1, 0, 1, 0) label.Position = UD2(0, 0, 0, 0) label.TextColor3 = TEXTCOLOR label.TextStrokeTransparency = STROKETRANSPARENCY label.TextTransparency = TRANSPARENCY label.FontSize = TEXTFONTSIZE label.Font = TEXTFONT label.BorderSizePixel = BORDERSIZEPIXEL label.TextScaled = false label.Text = TEXT label.Name = NAME label.Parent = PARENT return label end function NoOutlines(PART) PART.TopSurface, PART.BottomSurface, PART.LeftSurface, PART.RightSurface, PART.FrontSurface, PART.BackSurface = 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 end function CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor(TYPE, PARENT, PART0, PART1, C0, C1) local NEWWELD = IT(TYPE) NEWWELD.Part0 = PART0 NEWWELD.Part1 = PART1 NEWWELD.C0 = C0 NEWWELD.C1 = C1 NEWWELD.Parent = PARENT return NEWWELD end local S = IT("Sound") function CreateSound(ID, PARENT, VOLUME, PITCH, DOESLOOP) local NEWSOUND coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() NEWSOUND = S:Clone() NEWSOUND.Parent = PARENT NEWSOUND.Volume = VOLUME NEWSOUND.Pitch = PITCH NEWSOUND.SoundId = "" .. ID NEWSOUND:play() if DOESLOOP == true then NEWSOUND.Looped = true else repeat wait(1) until NEWSOUND.Playing == false NEWSOUND:remove() end end)) return NEWSOUND end function CFrameFromTopBack(at, top, back) local right = top:Cross(back) return CF(at.x, at.y, at.z, right.x, top.x, back.x, right.y, top.y, back.y, right.z, top.z, back.z) end function WACKYEFFECT(Table) local TYPE = Table.EffectType or "Sphere" local SIZE = Table.Size or VT(1, 1, 1) local ENDSIZE = Table.Size2 or VT(0, 0, 0) local TRANSPARENCY = Table.Transparency or 0 local ENDTRANSPARENCY = Table.Transparency2 or 1 local CFRAME = Table.CFrame or Torso.CFrame local MOVEDIRECTION = Table.MoveToPos or nil local ROTATION1 = Table.RotationX or 0 local ROTATION2 = Table.RotationY or 0 local ROTATION3 = Table.RotationZ or 0 local MATERIAL = Table.Material or "Neon" local COLOR = Table.Color or C3(1, 1, 1) local TIME = Table.Time or 45 local SOUNDID = Table.SoundID or nil local SOUNDPITCH = Table.SoundPitch or nil local SOUNDVOLUME = Table.SoundVolume or nil coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local PLAYSSOUND = false local SOUND local EFFECT = CreatePart(3, Effects, MATERIAL, 0, TRANSPARENCY, BRICKC("Pearl"), "Effect", VT(1, 1, 1), true) if SOUNDID ~= nil and SOUNDPITCH ~= nil and SOUNDVOLUME ~= nil then PLAYSSOUND = true SOUND = CreateSound(SOUNDID, EFFECT, SOUNDVOLUME, SOUNDPITCH, false) end EFFECT.Color = COLOR local MSH if TYPE == "Sphere" then MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "Sphere", "", "", SIZE, VT(0, 0, 0)) elseif TYPE == "Block" then MSH = IT("BlockMesh", EFFECT) MSH.Scale = VT(SIZE.X, SIZE.X, SIZE.X) elseif TYPE == "Wave" then MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "FileMesh", "20329976", "", SIZE, VT(0, 0, -SIZE.X / 8)) elseif TYPE == "Ring" then MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "FileMesh", "559831844", "", VT(SIZE.X, SIZE.X, 0.1), VT(0, 0, 0)) elseif TYPE == "Slash" then MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "FileMesh", "662586858", "", VT(SIZE.X / 10, 0, SIZE.X / 10), VT(0, 0, 0)) elseif TYPE == "Round Slash" then MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "FileMesh", "662585058", "", VT(SIZE.X / 10, 0, SIZE.X / 10), VT(0, 0, 0)) elseif TYPE == "Swirl" then MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "FileMesh", "1051557", "", SIZE, VT(0, 0, 0)) elseif TYPE == "Skull" then MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "FileMesh", "4770583", "", SIZE, VT(0, 0, 0)) elseif TYPE == "Crystal" then MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "FileMesh", "9756362", "", SIZE, VT(0, 0, 0)) end if MSH ~= nil then local MOVESPEED if MOVEDIRECTION ~= nil then MOVESPEED = (CFRAME.p - MOVEDIRECTION).Magnitude / TIME end local GROWTH = SIZE - ENDSIZE local TRANS = TRANSPARENCY - ENDTRANSPARENCY if TYPE == "Block" then EFFECT.CFrame = CFRAME * ANGLES(RAD(MRANDOM(0, 360)), RAD(MRANDOM(0, 360)), RAD(MRANDOM(0, 360))) else EFFECT.CFrame = CFRAME end for LOOP = 1, TIME + 1 do Swait() MSH.Scale = MSH.Scale - GROWTH / TIME if TYPE == "Wave" then MSH.Offset = VT(0, 0, -MSH.Scale.X / 8) end EFFECT.Transparency = EFFECT.Transparency - TRANS / TIME if TYPE == "Block" then EFFECT.CFrame = CFRAME * ANGLES(RAD(MRANDOM(0, 360)), RAD(MRANDOM(0, 360)), RAD(MRANDOM(0, 360))) else EFFECT.CFrame = EFFECT.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(ROTATION1), RAD(ROTATION2), RAD(ROTATION3)) end if MOVEDIRECTION ~= nil then local ORI = EFFECT.Orientation EFFECT.CFrame = CF(EFFECT.Position, MOVEDIRECTION) * CF(0, 0, -MOVESPEED) EFFECT.Orientation = ORI end end if PLAYSSOUND == false then EFFECT:remove() else repeat Swait() until SOUND.Playing == false EFFECT:remove() end elseif PLAYSSOUND == false then EFFECT:remove() else repeat Swait() until SOUND.Playing == false EFFECT:remove() end end)) end function MakeForm(PART, TYPE) if TYPE == "Cyl" then local MSH = IT("CylinderMesh", PART) elseif TYPE == "Ball" then local MSH = IT("SpecialMesh", PART) MSH.MeshType = "Sphere" elseif TYPE == "Wedge" then local MSH = IT("SpecialMesh", PART) MSH.MeshType = "Wedge" end end Debris = game:GetService("Debris") function CastProperRay(StartPos, EndPos, Distance, Ignore) local DIRECTION = CF(StartPos, EndPos).lookVector return Raycast(StartPos, DIRECTION, Distance, Ignore) end function turnto(position) RootPart.CFrame =, VT(position.X, RootPart.Position.Y, position.Z)) *, 0, 0) end local DECAL = IT("Decal", nil) function MagicRing(PART, CFRAME, VARIANT) if VARIANT == "Pheonix" or VARIANT == "Sun" or VARIANT == "Fire" then local RING = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Granite", 0, 1, "Maroon", "MagicRing", VT(0, 0, 0), false) local WELD = CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", PART, PART, RING, CFRAME, CF(0, 0, 0)) local MESH = IT("BlockMesh", RING) local BOTTOMTEXTURE = DECAL:Clone() BOTTOMTEXTURE.Parent = RING BOTTOMTEXTURE.Face = "Bottom" BOTTOMTEXTURE.Name = "BottomTexture" local TOPTEXTURE = DECAL:Clone() TOPTEXTURE.Parent = RING TOPTEXTURE.Face = "Top" TOPTEXTURE.Name = "TopTexture" local T = script.RingEmit:Clone() T.Parent = RING local LIGHT = IT("PointLight", RING) if VARIANT == "Pheonix" then BOTTOMTEXTURE.Texture = "" TOPTEXTURE.Texture = "" T.Color = CreateSound(462809305, RING, 5, 1, false) elseif VARIANT == "Sun" then BOTTOMTEXTURE.Texture = "" TOPTEXTURE.Texture = "" T.Color ="ark indigo").Color) CreateSound(462809305, RING, 5, 1, false) LIGHT.Color = BRICKC("Dark indigo").Color elseif VARIANT == "Fire" then BOTTOMTEXTURE.Texture = "" TOPTEXTURE.Texture = "" T.Color ="Dark indigo").Color) CreateSound(343211019, RING, 5, 1, false) LIGHT.Color = C3(0.5, 0, 1) end T.LightEmission = 1 T:Emit(5) Debris:AddItem(T, 5) return RING, WELD, MESH end end function AddChildrenToTable(FROM, PARENT, DIST, TABLE) for _, c in pairs(PARENT:GetDescendants()) do if c.ClassName == "Model" and c ~= Character and c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") and (c:FindFirstChild("Torso") or c:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso")) then local HUMANOID = c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local TORSO = c:FindFirstChild("Torso") or c:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") if DIST > (TORSO.Position - FROM).Magnitude then table.insert(TABLE, c) end end end end local BACKATTACHMENT1 = IT("Attachment", Torso) BACKATTACHMENT1.Position = VT(0.5, 0.5, 0.75) local BACKATTACHMENT2 = IT("Attachment", Torso) BACKATTACHMENT2.Position = VT(-0.5, 0.5, 0.75) local WINGS1 = script.Wing1 local WINGS1B = script.Wing1B local WINGS2 = script.Wing2 local WINGS2B = script.Wing2B WINGS1.Parent = BACKATTACHMENT1 WINGS1B.Parent = BACKATTACHMENT1 WINGS2.Parent = BACKATTACHMENT2 WINGS2B.Parent = BACKATTACHMENT2 local FACEATTACHMENT = IT("Attachment", Head) FACEATTACHMENT.Position = VT(0.167, 0.272, -0.5) FACEATTACHMENT.Orientation = VT(0, 35, 0) local EYE = script.Eye1 EYE.Parent = FACEATTACHMENT local EYE2 = script.Eye2 EYE2.Parent = FACEATTACHMENT local TRAIL1 = script.PheonixTrail:Clone() TRAIL1.Parent = BACKATTACHMENT1 local TRAIL2 = script.PheonixTrail:Clone() TRAIL2.Parent = BACKATTACHMENT2 local LIGHT = IT("PointLight", FACEATTACHMENT) LIGHT.Enabled = false LIGHT.Brightness = 5 LIGHT.Range = 6 Humanoid.Died:connect(function() ATTACK = true end) function ApplyDamage(Humanoid, Damage, TorsoPart, Time, AfterBurn, Variant) local defence ="BoolValue", Humanoid.Parent) defence.Name = "HitBy" .. Player.Name game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(defence, 0.001) Damage = Damage * DAMAGEMULTIPLIER if Humanoid.Health ~= 0 then local CritChance = MRANDOM(1, 100) if Damage > Humanoid.Health then Damage = math.ceil(Humanoid.Health) if Damage == 0 then Damage = 0.1 end end Humanoid.Health = Humanoid.Health - Damage if AfterBurn == true then Afterburn(Humanoid, Time, Damage / 5, Variant) end end end function Afterburn(Human, Time, Damage, Variant) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() if Human and (Human.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") or Human.Parent:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso")) then local Torso = Human.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") or Human.Parent:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") local FIRE if Variant == "Pheonix" then FIRE = script.PheonixBurn:Clone() FIRE.Parent = Torso FIRE.Enabled = true elseif Variant == "Sun" then FIRE = script.SunBurn:Clone() FIRE.Parent = Torso FIRE.Enabled = true elseif Variant == "Fire" then FIRE = script.Burn:Clone() FIRE.Parent = Torso FIRE.Enabled = true end for i = 1, Time do wait(0.5) Human.Health = Human.Health - Damage end wait(0.25) FIRE.Enabled = false Debris:AddItem(FIRE, 1.5) end end)) end function ApplyAoE(POSITION, RANGE, MINDMG, MAXDMG, FLING, AFTERBURN, TIME, VARIANT, DOESCAMSHAKE, CAMVALUES) local CHILDREN = workspace:GetChildren() for index, CHILD in pairs(CHILDREN) do if CHILD.ClassName == "Model" and CHILD ~= Character then local HUM = CHILD:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if HUM then local TORSO = CHILD:FindFirstChild("Torso") or CHILD:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") if TORSO and RANGE >= (TORSO.Position - POSITION).Magnitude then local DMG = MRANDOM(MINDMG, MAXDMG) ApplyDamage(HUM, DMG, TORSO, TIME, AFTERBURN, VARIANT) if HUM.MaxHealth == math.huge then CHILD:BreakJoints() end if DOESCAMSHAKE == true then local CAMSHAKER = script.CamShake:Clone() CAMSHAKER.Shake.Value = CAMVALUES.SHAKE CAMSHAKER.Timer.Value = CAMVALUES.TIMER CAMSHAKER.DoesFade.Value = CAMVALUES.DOESFADE CAMSHAKER.Parent = CHILD CAMSHAKER.Disabled = false end if FLING > 0 then for _, c in pairs(CHILD:GetChildren()) do if c:IsA("BasePart") then local bv ="BodyVelocity") bv.maxForce =, 1000000000, 1000000000) bv.velocity = CF(POSITION, TORSO.Position).lookVector * FLING bv.Parent = c Debris:AddItem(bv, 0.05) end end end end end end end end function ShootingStar() ATTACK = true Rooted = false local GYRO = IT("BodyGyro", RootPart) GYRO.D = 20 GYRO.P = 4000 GYRO.MaxTorque = VT(0, 40000, 0) local RING, WELD, MESH = MagicRing(RightArm, CF(0, -1.2, 0), "Sun") coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i = 1, 35 do Swait() MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale + VT(2.6, 0, 2.6) end end)) for i = 0, 1.8, 0.1 / Animation_Speed do GYRO.CFrame = CF(RootPart.Position, Mouse.Hit.p) Swait() RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(74)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(20), RAD(0), RAD(-74)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.25, 0.5, -0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(74)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.45, 0.1, -0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(45), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(165), RAD(0), RAD(0)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(65), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.15 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.15 / Animation_Speed) end coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local POSITION = Mouse.Hit.p local FIREBALL = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1, "New Yeller", "Fire", VT(3, 3, 3)) FIREBALL.CFrame = RightArm.CFrame * CF(0, -3, 0) local FIRE = script.SunFireball:Clone() FIRE.Parent = FIREBALL FIRE.Enabled = true local EXPLOSION = script.SunExplosion:Clone() EXPLOSION.Parent = FIREBALL CreateSound(463598785, FIREBALL, 5, 1, false) local DISTANCE = (RootPart.Position - POSITION).Magnitude local FRAME = CF(VT(POSITION.X + MRANDOM(-45, 45) / 3, RootPart.Position.Y, POSITION.Z + MRANDOM(-45, 45) / 3), RootPart.Position + VT(0, 145, 0)) * CF(0, 0, -DISTANCE / 2) for i = 1, 75 do Swait() FIREBALL.CFrame = Clerp(FIREBALL.CFrame, FRAME, 0.5 / Animation_Speed) end FIREBALL.CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position, POSITION) for i = 1, 300 do Swait() FIREBALL.CFrame = FIREBALL.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -4) local HITFLOOR, HITPOS = Raycast(FIREBALL.Position, FIREBALL.CFrame.lookVector, 4.2, Character) if HITFLOOR ~= nil then FIRE.Enabled = false EXPLOSION:Emit(500) CreateSound(416328540, FIREBALL, 5, 1, false) ApplyAoE(FIREBALL.Position, 75, 25, 35, 65, true, MRANDOM(5, 15), "Sun", true, { SHAKE = 1, TIMER = 6, DOESFADE = true }) WACKYEFFECT({ EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(0, 0, 0), Size2 = VT(150, 150, 150), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) wait(5) break end end FIREBALL:remove() end)) GYRO:remove() RING.Anchored = true WELD:remove() coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i = 1, 35 do Swait() MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale - VT(2.6, 0, 2.6) end RING:remove() end)) ATTACK = false Rooted = false end function PheonixRage() ATTACK = true Rooted = true local A = false local B = false local RING, WELD, MESH = MagicRing(RootPart, CF(0, -3, 0), "Pheonix") WELD:remove() RING.Anchored = true coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i = 1, 45 do Swait() MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale + VT(15, 0, 15) end end)) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat Swait() RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(15 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.15, 0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(15), RAD(0), RAD(-90)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.15, 0.25, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0), RAD(90)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1 - 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12), -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(70), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1 - 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12), -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-70), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) until A == true repeat Swait() RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12)) * ANGLES(RAD(-25), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(45)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-45)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1 - 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12), -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(-35), RAD(80), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1 - 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12), -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(-35), RAD(-80), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) until B == true for i = 1, 45 do Swait() MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale - VT(15, 0, 15) end RING:remove() end)) wait(1) for i = 1, 4 do WACKYEFFECT({ EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(45, 45, 45), Size2 = VT(0, 0, 0), Transparency = 1, Transparency2 = 0.8, CFrame = CF(Torso.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) wait(0.5) end A = true ApplyAoE(Torso.Position, 80, 45, 50, 35, true, MRANDOM(12, 16), "Pheonix", true, { SHAKE = 2, TIMER = 25, DOESFADE = true }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 60, EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(40, 40, 40), Size2 = VT(140, 140, 140), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(Torso.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 60, EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(50, 50, 50), Size2 = VT(150, 150, 150), Transparency = 0.5, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(Torso.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = 462692971, SoundPitch = 0.8, SoundVolume = 6 }) local EXPLOSION = script.PheonixExplosion1:Clone() EXPLOSION.Parent = Torso EXPLOSION.Enabled = true local EXPLOSION2 = script.PheonixExplosion2:Clone() EXPLOSION2.Parent = Torso EXPLOSION2.Enabled = true wait(0.3) EXPLOSION.Enabled = false EXPLOSION2.Enabled = false Debris:AddItem(EXPLOSION, 5) Debris:AddItem(EXPLOSION2, 5) wait(1) B = true ATTACK = false Rooted = false end function Breath() ATTACK = true local POSITION = IT("BodyPosition", RootPart) POSITION.Position = RootPart.CFrame * CF(0, 35, 35).p POSITION.D = 1250 POSITION.P = 40000 POSITION.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge) WINGS = true local RING, WELD, MESH = MagicRing(Torso, CF(0, 0.5, 0.6) * ANGLES(RAD(-90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), "Pheonix") coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i = 1, 20 do Swait() MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale + VT(4, 0, 4) end end)) for i = 1, 25 do Swait() RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-14.4 * i), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-20), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.25, 0.5, -1) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-90)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 0.2 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.25, 0.5, -1) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(90)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 0.2 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, 0, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-5), RAD(0), RAD(-20)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, 0, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-5), RAD(0), RAD(20)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) end local GYRO = IT("BodyGyro", RootPart) GYRO.D = 20 GYRO.P = 4000 GYRO.MaxTorque = VT(0, 40000, 0) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat Swait() GYRO.CFrame = CF(RootPart.Position, Mouse.Hit.p) RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 1 * SIN(SINE / 24)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(24)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(20), RAD(0), RAD(-24)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.25, 0.5, -0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(24)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.45, 0.1, -0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(45), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(165), RAD(0), RAD(0)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) until ATTACK == false POSITION:remove() GYRO:remove() for i = 1, 20 do Swait() MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale - VT(4, 0, 4) end RING:remove() end)) local RING, WELD, MESH = MagicRing(RightArm, CF(0, -1.2, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(180), RAD(0)), "Pheonix") for i = 1, 35 do Swait() MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale + VT(2.6, 0, 2.6) end wait(0.3) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local FIREBALL = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1, "Dark indigo", "Flight", VT(5, 5, 5)) FIREBALL.CFrame = CF(RING.Position, Mouse.Hit.p) local PARTICLES1 = script.PheonixFireball1:Clone() PARTICLES1.Parent = FIREBALL PARTICLES1.Enabled = true local PARTICLES2 = script.PheonixFireball2:Clone() PARTICLES2.Parent = FIREBALL PARTICLES2.Enabled = true CreateSound(463593339, FIREBALL, 6, 1, false) for i = 1, 250 do Swait() local HIT, HITPOS = Raycast(FIREBALL.Position, FIREBALL.CFrame.lookVector, 2.5, Character) FIREBALL.CFrame = FIREBALL.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -2) if HIT then ApplyAoE(FIREBALL.Position, 50, 45, 50, 35, true, MRANDOM(12, 16), "Pheonix", true, { SHAKE = 2, TIMER = 25, DOESFADE = true }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 60, EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(0, 0, 0), Size2 = VT(100, 100, 100), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 60, EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(0, 0, 0), Size2 = VT(120, 120, 120), Transparency = 0.5, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = 462692971, SoundPitch = 1, SoundVolume = 6 }) PARTICLES1.Enabled = false PARTICLES2.Enabled = false local EXPLOSION = script.PheonixExplosion1:Clone() EXPLOSION.Parent = FIREBALL EXPLOSION.Enabled = true local EXPLOSION2 = script.PheonixExplosion2:Clone() EXPLOSION2.Parent = FIREBALL EXPLOSION2.Enabled = true wait(0.3) EXPLOSION.Enabled = false EXPLOSION2.Enabled = false break end end PARTICLES1.Enabled = false PARTICLES2.Enabled = false Debris:AddItem(FIREBALL, 7) end)) wait(0.3) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() WELD:remove() RING.Anchored = true for i = 1, 35 do Swait() MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale - VT(2.6, 0, 2.6) end RING:remove() end)) WINGS = false ATTACK = false end function ThreeShootingStars() ATTACK = true Rooted = false local POS1, POS2, POS3 local RING, WELD, MESH = MagicRing(RightArm, CF(0, -1.2, 0), "Sun") coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i = 1, 35 do Swait() MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale + VT(2.6, 0, 2.6) end end)) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat Swait() if POS1 then coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local POSITION = POS1 local FIREBALL = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1, "New Yeller", "Fire", VT(3, 3, 3)) FIREBALL.CFrame = RightArm.CFrame * CF(0, -3, 0) local FIRE = script.SunFireball:Clone() FIRE.Parent = FIREBALL FIRE.Enabled = true local EXPLOSION = script.SunExplosion:Clone() EXPLOSION.Parent = FIREBALL CreateSound(463598785, FIREBALL, 5, 1, false) local DISTANCE = (RootPart.Position - POSITION).Magnitude local FRAME = CF(VT(POSITION.X + MRANDOM(-45, 45) / 3, RootPart.Position.Y, POSITION.Z + MRANDOM(-45, 45) / 3), RootPart.Position + VT(0, 45, 0)) * CF(0, 0, -DISTANCE / 2) for i = 1, 75 do Swait() FIREBALL.CFrame = Clerp(FIREBALL.CFrame, FRAME, 0.5 / Animation_Speed) end FIREBALL.CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position, POSITION) for i = 1, 300 do Swait() FIREBALL.CFrame = FIREBALL.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -4) local HITFLOOR, HITPOS = Raycast(FIREBALL.Position, FIREBALL.CFrame.lookVector, 4.2, Character) if HITFLOOR ~= nil then FIRE.Enabled = false EXPLOSION:Emit(500) CreateSound(416328540, FIREBALL, 5, 1, false) ApplyAoE(FIREBALL.Position, 75, 25, 35, 65, true, MRANDOM(5, 15), "Sun", true, { SHAKE = 1, TIMER = 6, DOESFADE = true }) WACKYEFFECT({ EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(0, 0, 0), Size2 = VT(150, 150, 150), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) wait(5) break end end FIREBALL:remove() end)) POS1 = nil end if POS2 then coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local POSITION = POS2 local FIREBALL = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1, "New Yeller", "Fire", VT(3, 3, 3)) FIREBALL.CFrame = RightArm.CFrame * CF(0, -3, 0) local FIRE = script.SunFireball:Clone() FIRE.Parent = FIREBALL FIRE.Enabled = true local EXPLOSION = script.SunExplosion:Clone() EXPLOSION.Parent = FIREBALL CreateSound(463598785, FIREBALL, 5, 1, false) local DISTANCE = (RootPart.Position - POSITION).Magnitude local FRAME = CF(VT(POSITION.X + MRANDOM(-45, 45) / 3, RootPart.Position.Y, POSITION.Z + MRANDOM(-45, 45) / 3), RootPart.Position + VT(0, 45, 0)) * CF(0, 0, -DISTANCE / 2) for i = 1, 75 do Swait() FIREBALL.CFrame = Clerp(FIREBALL.CFrame, FRAME, 0.5 / Animation_Speed) end FIREBALL.CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position, POSITION) for i = 1, 300 do Swait() FIREBALL.CFrame = FIREBALL.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -4) local HITFLOOR, HITPOS = Raycast(FIREBALL.Position, FIREBALL.CFrame.lookVector, 4.2, Character) if HITFLOOR ~= nil then FIRE.Enabled = false EXPLOSION:Emit(500) CreateSound(416328540, FIREBALL, 5, 1, false) ApplyAoE(FIREBALL.Position, 75, 25, 35, 65, true, MRANDOM(5, 15), "Sun", true, { SHAKE = 1, TIMER = 6, DOESFADE = true }) WACKYEFFECT({ EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(0, 0, 0), Size2 = VT(150, 150, 150), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) wait(5) break end end FIREBALL:remove() end)) POS2 = nil end if POS3 then coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local POSITION = POS3 local FIREBALL = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1, "New Yeller", "Fire", VT(3, 3, 3)) FIREBALL.CFrame = RightArm.CFrame * CF(0, -3, 0) local FIRE = script.SunFireball:Clone() FIRE.Parent = FIREBALL FIRE.Enabled = true local EXPLOSION = script.SunExplosion:Clone() EXPLOSION.Parent = FIREBALL CreateSound(463598785, FIREBALL, 5, 1, false) local DISTANCE = (RootPart.Position - POSITION).Magnitude local FRAME = CF(VT(POSITION.X + MRANDOM(-45, 45) / 3, RootPart.Position.Y, POSITION.Z + MRANDOM(-45, 45) / 3), RootPart.Position + VT(0, 45, 0)) * CF(0, 0, -DISTANCE / 2) for i = 1, 75 do Swait() FIREBALL.CFrame = Clerp(FIREBALL.CFrame, FRAME, 0.5 / Animation_Speed) end FIREBALL.CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position, POSITION) for i = 1, 300 do Swait() FIREBALL.CFrame = FIREBALL.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -4) local HITFLOOR, HITPOS = Raycast(FIREBALL.Position, FIREBALL.CFrame.lookVector, 4.2, Character) if HITFLOOR ~= nil then FIRE.Enabled = false EXPLOSION:Emit(500) CreateSound(416328540, FIREBALL, 5, 1, false) ApplyAoE(FIREBALL.Position, 75, 25, 35, 65, true, MRANDOM(5, 15), "Sun", true, { SHAKE = 1, TIMER = 6, DOESFADE = true }) WACKYEFFECT({ EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(0, 0, 0), Size2 = VT(150, 150, 150), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) wait(5) break end end FIREBALL:remove() end)) POS3 = nil end RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 1 * SIN(SINE / 24)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(74)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(20), RAD(0), RAD(-74)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.25, 0.5, -0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(74)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.45, 0.1, -0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(45), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(165), RAD(0), RAD(0)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) until ATTACK == false end)) wait(0.4) POS1 = Mouse.Hit.p wait(0.5) POS2 = Mouse.Hit.p wait(0.6) POS3 = Mouse.Hit.p wait(0.3) RING.Anchored = true WELD:remove() coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i = 1, 35 do Swait() MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale - VT(2.6, 0, 2.6) end RING:remove() end)) ATTACK = false Rooted = false end function PheonixFlare() ATTACK = true Rooted = false PARTICLES = true coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat Swait() RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 1 * SIN(SINE / 24)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(20), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-15), RAD(25)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(15), RAD(-25)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) until ATTACK == false end)) CreateSound(462676772, Torso, 7, 1, false) WINGS1.Acceleration = VT(9, 0, -12) WINGS1B.Acceleration = VT(9, 0, -12) WINGS2.Acceleration = VT(-9, 0, -12) WINGS2B.Acceleration = VT(-9, 0, -12) wait(0.25) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local WIND = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1, "Dark indigo", "Flight", VT(0, 0, 0)) WIND.CFrame = CF(RootPart.Position, Mouse.Hit.p) local PARTICLES = script.Gale:Clone() PARTICLES.Parent = WIND PARTICLES.Enabled = true CreateSound(376218535, WIND, 6, 1, false) for i = 1, 250 do Swait() local HIT, HITPOS = Raycast(WIND.Position, WIND.CFrame.lookVector, 3, Character) WIND.CFrame = WIND.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -2) if HIT then ApplyAoE(WIND.Position, 45, 10, 30, 135, false, MRANDOM(12, 16), "Nul", true, { SHAKE = 3, TIMER = 7, DOESFADE = true }) CreateSound(260430117, WIND, 3, 1, false) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 25, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(20, 0, 20), Size2 = VT(60, 8, 60), Transparency = 0.9, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = WIND.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(45), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 25, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(20, 0, 20), Size2 = VT(60, 8, 60), Transparency = 0.9, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = WIND.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) break end end PARTICLES.Enabled = false Debris:AddItem(WIND, 7) end)) wait(1) CreateSound(462676772, Torso, 7, 1, false) WINGS1.Acceleration = VT(9, 1, 4) WINGS1B.Acceleration = VT(9, 1, 4) WINGS2.Acceleration = VT(-9, 1, 4) WINGS2B.Acceleration = VT(-9, 1, 4) wait(0.25) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local FIREBALL = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1, "Cyan", "Flight", VT(5, 5, 5)) FIREBALL.CFrame = CF(RootPart.Position, Mouse.Hit.p) local PARTICLES1 = script.PheonixFireball1:Clone() PARTICLES1.Parent = FIREBALL PARTICLES1.Enabled = true local PARTICLES2 = script.PheonixFireball2:Clone() PARTICLES2.Parent = FIREBALL PARTICLES2.Enabled = true CreateSound(463593339, FIREBALL, 6, 1, false) for i = 1, 250 do Swait() local HIT, HITPOS = Raycast(FIREBALL.Position, FIREBALL.CFrame.lookVector, 2.5, Character) FIREBALL.CFrame = FIREBALL.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -2) if HIT then ApplyAoE(FIREBALL.Position, 70, 45, 50, 35, true, MRANDOM(12, 16), "Pheonix", true, { SHAKE = 2, TIMER = 25, DOESFADE = true }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 60, EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(0, 0, 0), Size2 = VT(120, 120, 120), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 60, EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(0, 0, 0), Size2 = VT(140, 140, 140), Transparency = 0.5, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = 462692971, SoundPitch = 1, SoundVolume = 6 }) PARTICLES1.Enabled = false PARTICLES2.Enabled = false local EXPLOSION = script.PheonixExplosion1:Clone() EXPLOSION.Parent = FIREBALL EXPLOSION.Enabled = true local EXPLOSION2 = script.PheonixExplosion2:Clone() EXPLOSION2.Parent = FIREBALL EXPLOSION2.Enabled = true wait(0.3) EXPLOSION.Enabled = false EXPLOSION2.Enabled = false break end end PARTICLES1.Enabled = false PARTICLES2.Enabled = false Debris:AddItem(FIREBALL, 7) end)) wait(0.5) PARTICLES = false ATTACK = false Rooted = false end function PheonixFireballs() ATTACK = true local POWER = 1 DIRECTTURN = true coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat Swait() RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 1 * SIN(SINE / 24)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(24)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(20), RAD(0), RAD(-24)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.25, 0.5, -0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(24)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.45, 0.1, -0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(45), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(165), RAD(0), RAD(0)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) until ATTACK == false end)) local RING1, WELD1, MESH1 = MagicRing(RightArm, CF(0, -1.2, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(180), RAD(0)), "Pheonix") local RING2, WELD2, MESH2 = MagicRing(RightArm, CF(0, -1.6, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(180), RAD(0)), "Pheonix") for i = 1, 35 do Swait() MESH1.Scale = MESH1.Scale + VT(6, 0, 6) MESH2.Scale = MESH2.Scale + VT(3, 0, 3) end repeat wait() POWER = POWER + 1 until KEYHOLD == false if POWER <= 30 then for i = 1, 15 do wait(0.1) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local FIREBALL = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1, "Dark indigo", "Flight", VT(2, 2, 2)) FIREBALL.CFrame = CF(RootPart.Position, Mouse.Hit.p) local PARTICLES1 = script.PheonixFireball1:Clone() PARTICLES1.Parent = FIREBALL PARTICLES1.Enabled = true local PARTICLES2 = script.PheonixFireball2:Clone() PARTICLES2.Parent = FIREBALL PARTICLES2.Enabled = true PARTICLES1.Size =, 0) PARTICLES2.Size =, 0) CreateSound(463593339, FIREBALL, 6, 1, false) for i = 1, 250 do Swait() local HIT, HITPOS = Raycast(FIREBALL.Position, FIREBALL.CFrame.lookVector, 4.5, Character) FIREBALL.CFrame = FIREBALL.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -4) if HIT then ApplyAoE(FIREBALL.Position, 25, 5, 15, 5, true, MRANDOM(5, 6), "Pheonix", true, { SHAKE = 2, TIMER = 25, DOESFADE = true }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 60, EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(0, 0, 0), Size2 = VT(50, 50, 50), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 60, EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(0, 0, 0), Size2 = VT(60, 60, 60), Transparency = 0.5, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = 462692971, SoundPitch = 1, SoundVolume = 6 }) PARTICLES1.Enabled = false PARTICLES2.Enabled = false local EXPLOSION = script.PheonixExplosion1:Clone() EXPLOSION.Parent = FIREBALL EXPLOSION.Enabled = true local EXPLOSION2 = script.PheonixExplosion2:Clone() EXPLOSION2.Parent = FIREBALL EXPLOSION2.Enabled = true wait(0.3) EXPLOSION.Enabled = false EXPLOSION2.Enabled = false break end end PARTICLES1.Enabled = false PARTICLES2.Enabled = false Debris:AddItem(FIREBALL, 7) end)) end else for E = 1, 5 do do local OFFSET = ANGLES(RAD(72 * E), RAD(72 * E), RAD(0)) * CF(0, 0, 75) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local FIREBALL = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1, "Dark indigo", "Flight", VT(5, 5, 5)) FIREBALL.CFrame = CF(RootPart.Position, CF(Mouse.Hit.p, RootPart.Position) * OFFSET.p) local PARTICLES1 = script.PheonixFireball1:Clone() PARTICLES1.Parent = FIREBALL PARTICLES1.Enabled = true local PARTICLES2 = script.PheonixFireball2:Clone() PARTICLES2.Parent = FIREBALL PARTICLES2.Enabled = true CreateSound(463593339, FIREBALL, 6, 1, false) for i = 1, 650 do Swait() local HIT, HITPOS = Raycast(FIREBALL.Position, FIREBALL.CFrame.lookVector, 2.5, Character) FIREBALL.CFrame = FIREBALL.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -2) if HIT then ApplyAoE(FIREBALL.Position, 70, 45, 50, 35, true, MRANDOM(12, 16), "Pheonix", true, { SHAKE = 2, TIMER = 25, DOESFADE = true }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 60, EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(0, 0, 0), Size2 = VT(120, 120, 120), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 60, EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(0, 0, 0), Size2 = VT(140, 140, 140), Transparency = 0.5, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(FIREBALL.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = 462692971, SoundPitch = 1, SoundVolume = 6 }) PARTICLES1.Enabled = false PARTICLES2.Enabled = false local EXPLOSION = script.PheonixExplosion1:Clone() EXPLOSION.Parent = FIREBALL EXPLOSION.Enabled = true local EXPLOSION2 = script.PheonixExplosion2:Clone() EXPLOSION2.Parent = FIREBALL EXPLOSION2.Enabled = true wait(0.3) EXPLOSION.Enabled = false EXPLOSION2.Enabled = false break end end PARTICLES1.Enabled = false PARTICLES2.Enabled = false Debris:AddItem(FIREBALL, 7) end)) end end end wait(0.5) WELD1:remove() WELD2:remove() RING1.Anchored = true RING2.Anchored = true coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i = 1, 35 do Swait() MESH1.Scale = MESH1.Scale - VT(6, 0, 6) MESH2.Scale = MESH2.Scale - VT(3, 0, 3) end RING1:remove() RING2:remove() end)) DIRECTTURN = false ATTACK = false end function PheonixJump() local DONE = false local STRENGTH = 15 local UP = 5 ATTACK = true DIRECTTURN = true local RING, WELD, MESH = MagicRing(RootPart, CF(0, -3.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(180), RAD(0)), "Pheonix") for i = 1, 30 do Swait() MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale + VT(12, 0, 12) RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, -1.4) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-5), RAD(-15)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(15), RAD(0), RAD(15)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5 + 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12), 0) * ANGLES(RAD(15), RAD(0), RAD(0)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 2 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-12)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 2 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -0.35, -0.25) * ANGLES(RAD(35), RAD(35), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-5), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 2 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1.5, -0.4) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-5), RAD(0), RAD(90)), 2 / Animation_Speed) end local KEYDOWN = Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(NEWKEY) if NEWKEY == "w" and VALUE2 == false then coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() ApplyAoE(RING.Position, 35, 15, 20, 35, true, MRANDOM(12, 16), "Pheonix", true, { SHAKE = 2, TIMER = 15, DOESFADE = true }) WACKYEFFECT({ EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(0, 0, 0), Size2 = VT(50, 50, 50), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(RING.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) WACKYEFFECT({ EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(0, 0, 0), Size2 = VT(70, 70, 70), Transparency = 0.5, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(RING.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = 462692971, SoundPitch = 1.2, SoundVolume = 6 }) local EXPLOSION = script.PheonixExplosion1:Clone() EXPLOSION.Parent = RING EXPLOSION.Enabled = true local EXPLOSION2 = script.PheonixExplosion2:Clone() EXPLOSION2.Parent = RING EXPLOSION2.Enabled = true wait(0.3) EXPLOSION.Enabled = false EXPLOSION2.Enabled = false Debris:AddItem(RING, 3) end)) CreateSound(462676772, Torso, 8, 1, false) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i = 1, 25 do Swait() ApplyAoE(Torso.Position, 15, 15, 20, 75, true, MRANDOM(4, 5), "Pheonix", false, { SHAKE = 4, TIMER = 5, DOESFADE = true }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 10, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(45, 5, 45) / 3, Size2 = VT(35, 200, 35) / 5, Transparency = 0.8, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = Torso.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(180), RAD(0), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 5, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 10, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(55, 5, 55) / 3, Size2 = VT(45, 200, 45) / 5, Transparency = 0.8, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = Torso.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(180), RAD(0), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = -5, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 1 * SIN(SINE / 24)) * ANGLES(RAD(65), RAD(0), RAD(28.8 * i)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-20), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0), RAD(15)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0), RAD(-15)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(65), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-10), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(-65), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-10), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) end ATTACK = false end)) repeat VALUE2 = true Swait() BODYPOS.Position = RootPart.CFrame * CF(0, UP, -STRENGTH).p if STRENGTH > 2.5 then STRENGTH = STRENGTH - 0.1 else STRENGTH = 2.5 end if UP > 0 then UP = UP - 0.15 else UP = 0 end until KEYHOLD == false and STRENGTH < 5 and ATTACK == false DONE = true end end) repeat Swait() if STRENGTH < 50 then STRENGTH = STRENGTH + 0.15 MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale + VT(0.5, 0, 0.5) end RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, -1.4) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-5), RAD(-15)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(15), RAD(0), RAD(15)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5 + 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12), 0) * ANGLES(RAD(15), RAD(0), RAD(0)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 2 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-12)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 2 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -0.35, -0.25) * ANGLES(RAD(35), RAD(35), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-5), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 2 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1.5, -0.4) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-5), RAD(0), RAD(90)), 2 / Animation_Speed) until VALUE2 == true DIRECTTURN = false WELD:remove() RING.Anchored = true local SIZE = MESH.Scale.X coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i = 1, 30 do Swait() MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale - VT(SIZE, 0, SIZE) / 30 end RING:remove() end)) repeat wait() until DONE == true KEYDOWN:disconnect() VALUE2 = false end function DragonFirePillar() ATTACK = true local POS = Mouse.Hit.p APPLYGYRO = false local RING, WELD, MESH = MagicRing(RightArm, CF(0, -1.2, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(180), RAD(0)), "Fire") coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat Swait() GYRO.CFrame = CF(RootPart.Position, POS) RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 1 * SIN(SINE / 24)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(24)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(20), RAD(0), RAD(-24)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.25, 0.5, -0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(24)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.45, 0.1, -0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(45), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(165), RAD(0), RAD(0)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) until ATTACK == false end)) for i = 1, 40 do MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale + VT(4, 0, 4) Swait() end for i = 1, 6 do WACKYEFFECT({ EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(35, 35, 35), Size2 = VT(0, 0, 0), Transparency = 1, Transparency2 = 0.5, CFrame = CF(POS), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) wait(1) end coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i = 1, 30 do Swait() MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale - VT(4, 0, 4) end RING:remove() end)) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 640, EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(15, 500, 15), Size2 = VT(10, 700, 10), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(POS), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) for i = 1, 15 do ApplyAoE(POS, 35, 20, 30, 15, true, MRANDOM(3, 4), "Fire", true, { SHAKE = 5, TIMER = 6, DOESFADE = true }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 125, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(0, 5, 0), Size2 = VT(250, 35, 250), Transparency = 0.4, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(POS) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(MRANDOM(0, 360)), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = MRANDOM(-5, 5) * 2, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = MRANDOM(9, 11) / 10, SoundVolume = 4 }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 75, EffectType = "Swirl", Size = VT(20, 20, 20), Size2 = VT(65, 500, 65), Transparency = 0.4, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(POS) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(MRANDOM(0, 360)), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = MRANDOM(-5, 5) * 6, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = MRANDOM(9, 11) / 10, SoundVolume = 4 }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 75, EffectType = "Swirl", Size = VT(20, 20, 20), Size2 = VT(45, 600, 45), Transparency = 0.4, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(POS) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(MRANDOM(0, 360)), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = MRANDOM(-5, 5) * 6, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = 304529688, SoundPitch = MRANDOM(9, 11) / 10, SoundVolume = 4 }) wait(0.6) end end)) APPLYGYRO = true ATTACK = false end function PheonixTornado() ATTACK = true local BUILDUP = true local HITS = {} PARTICLES = true coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat Swait() RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 1 * SIN(SINE / 24)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(20), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-15), RAD(25)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(15), RAD(-25)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) until BUILDUP == false end)) WINGS1.Acceleration = VT(9, 0, -12) WINGS1B.Acceleration = VT(9, 0, -12) WINGS2.Acceleration = VT(-9, 0, -12) WINGS2B.Acceleration = VT(-9, 0, -12) wait(1) CreateSound(462676772, Torso, 7, 1, false) WINGS1.Acceleration = VT(9, 1, 4) WINGS1B.Acceleration = VT(9, 1, 4) WINGS2.Acceleration = VT(-9, 1, 4) WINGS2B.Acceleration = VT(-9, 1, 4) wait(0.25) AddChildrenToTable(Torso.Position, workspace, 35, HITS) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 40, EffectType = "Swirl", Size = VT(50, 5, 50), Size2 = VT(50, 60, 50), Transparency = 0.8, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = Torso.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(180), RAD(0), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = -5, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) BUILDUP = false PARTICLES = false if #HITS > 0 then do local BODIES = {} if #HITS == 1 then for i = 1, #HITS do local TORSO = HITS[i]:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or HITS[i]:FindFirstChild("Torso") or HITS[i]:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") local HUM = HITS[i]:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if HUM and TORSO and 0 < HUM.Health then local POSITION = IT("BodyPosition", TORSO) POSITION.Position = RootPart.CFrame * CF(0, 45, -35).p POSITION.D = 15 POSITION.P = 4000000 table.insert(BODIES, POSITION) end end else for i = 1, #HITS do local TORSO = HITS[i]:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or HITS[i]:FindFirstChild("Torso") or HITS[i]:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") local HUM = HITS[i]:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if HUM and TORSO and 0 < HUM.Health then local POSITION = IT("BodyPosition", TORSO) POSITION.Position = RootPart.CFrame * CF(0, 35, -35) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(360 / #HITS * i), RAD(0)) * CF(0, 0, 10).p POSITION.D = 450 POSITION.P = 40000 POSITION.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge) table.insert(BODIES, POSITION) end end end local POS = RootPart.CFrame * CF(0, 35, -35).p wait(1.75) BODYPOS.D = 450 BODYPOS.Position = POS wait(0.5) APPLYGYRO = false local E = 0 CreateSound(1417056081, RootPart, 10, 0.5, false) for i = 1, 50 do Swait() E = E + 1 WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 25, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(45, 5, 45) / 3, Size2 = VT(35, 200, 35) / 5, Transparency = 0.8, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = Torso.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(180), RAD(0), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 5, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 25, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(55, 5, 55) / 3, Size2 = VT(45, 200, 45) / 5, Transparency = 0.8, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = Torso.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(180), RAD(0), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = -5, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 1 * SIN(SINE / 24)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-E * 10)) * CF(45, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(65), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-20), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0), RAD(15)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0), RAD(-15)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(65), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-10), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(-65), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-10), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) end local TORNADO = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1, "Really red", "Tornado", VT(0, 0, 0)) TORNADO.CFrame = CF(POS) local MESH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", TORNADO, "FileMesh", "102638417", "", VT(25, 25, 25), VT(0, 0, 0)) local DECAL = IT("Decal", TORNADO) DECAL.Texture = "rbxassetid://559849514" DECAL.Transparency = 1 DECAL.Color3 = BRICKC("Dark indigo").Color local LOOP = 0 for i = 1, 250 do Swait() E = E + 1 LOOP = LOOP + 1 if LOOP == 10 then LOOP = 0 ApplyAoE(TORNADO.Position, 35, 2, 2, 0, true, MRANDOM(3, 4), "Pheonix", true, { SHAKE = 2, TIMER = 4, DOESFADE = true }) end TORNADO.CFrame = CF(POS) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-E * 10), RAD(0)) DECAL.Transparency = DECAL.Transparency - 0.002 WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 25, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(45, 5, 45) / 3, Size2 = VT(35, 200, 35) / 5, Transparency = 0.8, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = Torso.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(180), RAD(0), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 5, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 25, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(55, 5, 55) / 3, Size2 = VT(45, 200, 45) / 5, Transparency = 0.9, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = Torso.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(180), RAD(0), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = -5, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 1 * SIN(SINE / 24)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-E * 10)) * CF(45, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(65), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-20), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0), RAD(15)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0), RAD(-15)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(65), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-10), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(-65), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-10), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) end for i = 1, #BODIES do BODIES[i]:remove() end coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i = 1, 25 do Swait() DECAL.Transparency = DECAL.Transparency + 0.02 TORNADO.CFrame = CF(POS) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-E * 10), RAD(0)) end TORNADO:remove() end)) for i = 1, 75 do Swait() E = E + 1 LOOP = LOOP + 1 TORNADO.CFrame = CF(POS) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-E * 15), RAD(0)) DECAL.Transparency = DECAL.Transparency - 0.002 WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 25, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(45, 5, 45) / 3, Size2 = VT(35, 200, 35) / 5, Transparency = 0.8, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = Torso.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(180), RAD(0), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 5, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 25, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(55, 5, 55) / 3, Size2 = VT(45, 200, 45) / 5, Transparency = 0.8, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = Torso.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(180), RAD(0), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = -5, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 1 * SIN(SINE / 24)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-E * 10)) * CF(45 - 0.6 * i, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(65), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-20), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0), RAD(15)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0), RAD(-15)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(65), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-10), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(-65), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-10), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) end BODYPOS.D = 75 end end APPLYGYRO = true ATTACK = false end function PheonixNuke() if Mouse.Target ~= nil then ATTACK = true Rooted = false BODYPOS.Position = Mouse.Hit.p + VT(0, 6, 0) BODYPOS.D = 700 coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat Swait() RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 1 * SIN(SINE / 24)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(20), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-15), RAD(25)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(15), RAD(-25)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) until ATTACK == false end)) wait(1.5) for i = 1, 4 do WACKYEFFECT({ EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(125, 125, 125), Size2 = VT(0, 0, 0), Transparency = 1, Transparency2 = 0.8, CFrame = CF(Torso.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) wait(0.7) end PARTICLES = true WINGS1.Acceleration = VT(9, 3, 4) WINGS1B.Acceleration = VT(9, 3, 4) WINGS2.Acceleration = VT(-9, 3, 4) WINGS2B.Acceleration = VT(-9, 3, 4) wait(2) CreateSound(462676772, Torso, 8, 1, false) WINGS1.Acceleration = VT(9, -2, -12) WINGS1B.Acceleration = VT(9, -2, -12) WINGS2.Acceleration = VT(-9, -2, -12) WINGS2B.Acceleration = VT(-9, -2, -12) wait(1) for i = 1, 5 do local HITFLOOR, HITPOS = Raycast(RootPart.Position, CF(RootPart.Position, RootPart.Position + VT(0, -1, 0)).lookVector, 25, Character) ApplyAoE(Torso.Position, 240, 25, 30, 165, true, MRANDOM(5, 7), "Pheonix", true, { SHAKE = 8, TIMER = 25, DOESFADE = true }) for i = 1, 5 do WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 120, EffectType = "Swirl", Size = VT(20, 20, 20), Size2 = (VT(180, 180, 180) + VT(50, 50, 50) * i) * 2, Transparency = 0.8, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(Torso.Position) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(i * 15), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 6 + i, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) end WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 80, EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(40, 40, 40), Size2 = VT(240, 240, 240) * 2, Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(Torso.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = 1, SoundVolume = 8 }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 80, EffectType = "Sphere", Size = VT(50, 50, 50), Size2 = VT(250, 250, 250) * 2, Transparency = 0.5, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(Torso.Position), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = 0.7, SoundVolume = 10 }) local EXPLOSION = script.PheonixExplosion1:Clone() EXPLOSION.Parent = Torso EXPLOSION.Enabled = true local EXPLOSION2 = script.PheonixExplosion2:Clone() EXPLOSION2.Parent = Torso EXPLOSION2.Enabled = true EXPLOSION.Drag = -5 EXPLOSION2.Drag = -5 EXPLOSION:Emit(100) EXPLOSION2:Emit(100) CreateSound(462692971, Effects, 2, 1, false) for i = 1, 5 do wait() WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 40, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(20, 0, 20), Size2 = (VT(160, 6, 160) + VT(50, 4, 50) * i) * 2, Transparency = 0.8, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(HITPOS) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(i * 15), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = -12 + i, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 40, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(20, 0, 20), Size2 = (VT(180, 6, 180) + VT(50, 5, 50) * i) * 2, Transparency = 0.8, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(HITPOS) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(i * 15), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = -12 + i, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = PHEONIXCOLOR, SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) end EXPLOSION.Enabled = false EXPLOSION2.Enabled = false Debris:AddItem(EXPLOSION, 5) Debris:AddItem(EXPLOSION2, 5) wait(0.4) end wait(0.6) PARTICLES = false BODYPOS.D = 75 ATTACK = false Rooted = false end end function MouseDown(Mouse) if ATTACK == false then end end function MouseUp(Mouse) HOLD = false end function KeyDown(Key) KEYHOLD = true if EQUIPPED == true then if FLIGHT == false then if Key == "z" and ATTACK == false then ShootingStar() end if Key == "b" and ATTACK == false then Breath() end if Key == "c" and ATTACK == false then PheonixRage() end if Key == "q" and ATTACK == false then FLIGHT = true GYRO = IT("BodyGyro", RootPart) GYRO.D = 75 GYRO.P = 40000 GYRO.MaxTorque = VT(40000, 40000, 40000) GYRO.cframe = CF(RootPart.Position, RootPart.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -1).p) BODYPOS ="BodyPosition", RootPart) BODYPOS.D = 100 BODYPOS.P = 20000 BODYPOS.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge) BODYPOS.position = RootPart.Position + VT(0, 3, 0) do local RING, WELD, MESH = MagicRing(Torso, CF(0, 0.5, 1) * ANGLES(RAD(-90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), "Pheonix") FLIGHTRING = RING coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i = 1, 40 do Swait() MESH.Scale = MESH.Scale + VT(4, 0, 4) end end)) PheonixJump() end end elseif FLIGHT == true then if Key == "z" and ATTACK == false and VALUE2 == false then ThreeShootingStars() end if Key == "b" and ATTACK == false and VALUE2 == false then PheonixFlare() end if Key == "g" and ATTACK == false and VALUE2 == false then DragonFirePillar() end if Key == "v" and ATTACK == false and VALUE2 == false then PheonixTornado() end if Key == "x" and ATTACK == false and VALUE2 == false then PheonixNuke() end if Key == "q" and ATTACK == false and VALUE2 == false then FLIGHT = false coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() if FLIGHTRING then local MSH = FLIGHTRING.Mesh local RING = FLIGHTRING for i = 1, 40 do Swait() MSH.Scale = MSH.Scale - VT(4, 0, 4) end RING:remove() end end)) end if Key == "c" and ATTACK == false and VALUE2 == false then PheonixJump() end if Key == "e" and ATTACK == false and VALUE2 == false then PheonixFireballs()() end if Key == "w" and ATTACK == false and VALUE2 == false then repeat VALUE2 = true Swait() BODYPOS.Position = RootPart.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -2.5).p until KEYHOLD == false VALUE2 = false end end end if Key == "f" and ATTACK == false and FLIGHT == false then if EQUIPPED == false then EQUIPPED = true EYE.Enabled = true EYE2.Enabled = true sick:Play() else EQUIPPED = false FLIGHT = false EYE.Enabled = false EYE2.Enabled = false end end if string.byte(Key) == 50 and ATTACK == false then if Speed == 16 then Speed = 45 elseif Speed == 45 then Speed = 16 end end end function KeyUp(Key) KEYHOLD = false end Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function(NEWKEY) MouseDown(NEWKEY) end) Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function(NEWKEY) MouseUp(NEWKEY) end) Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(NEWKEY) KeyDown(NEWKEY) end) Mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(NEWKEY) KeyUp(NEWKEY) end) function unanchor() if UNANCHOR == true then g = Character:GetChildren() for i = 1, #g do if g[i].ClassName == "Part" then g[i].Anchored = false end end end end Humanoid.Changed:connect(function(Jump) if Jump == "Jump" and Disable_Jump == true then Humanoid.Jump = false end end) local LOOP = 0 local TWIST = true while true do Swait() script.Parent = WEAPONGUI ANIMATE.Parent = nil for _, v in next, Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() do v:Stop() end SINE = SINE + CHANGE local TORSOVELOCITY = (RootPart.Velocity * VT(1, 0, 1)).magnitude local TORSOVERTICALVELOCITY = RootPart.Velocity.y local HITFLOOR = Raycast(RootPart.Position, CF(RootPart.Position, RootPart.Position + VT(0, -1, 0)).lookVector, 4, Character) local WALKSPEEDVALUE = 5 if ANIM == "Walk" and TORSOVELOCITY > 1 and FLIGHT == false then if Humanoid.WalkSpeed <= 20 then RootJoint.C1 = Clerp(RootJoint.C1, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, -0.05 * COS(SINE / (WALKSPEEDVALUE / 2))) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C1 = Clerp(Neck.C1, CF(0, -0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-90), RAD(0), RAD(180)) * ANGLES(RAD(2.5 * SIN(SINE / (WALKSPEEDVALUE / 2))), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C1 = Clerp(RightHip.C1, CF(0.5, 0.875 - 0.125 * SIN(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE) - 0.05 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE * 2), -0.125 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE) + 0.2 + 0.2 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(45 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE))), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C1 = Clerp(LeftHip.C1, CF(-0.5, 0.875 + 0.125 * SIN(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE) - 0.05 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE * 2), 0.125 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE) + 0.2 + -0.2 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(45 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE))), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) else RootJoint.C1 = Clerp(RootJoint.C1, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, -0.15 * COS(SINE / (WALKSPEEDVALUE / 2.6))) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0) - RootPart.RotVelocity.Y / 75, RAD(0)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C1 = Clerp(Neck.C1, CF(0, -0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-90), RAD(0), RAD(180)) * ANGLES(RAD(2.5 * SIN(SINE / (WALKSPEEDVALUE / 2.6))), RAD(0), RAD(0) - Head.RotVelocity.Y / 30), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C1 = Clerp(RightHip.C1, CF(0.5, 0.875 - 0.125 * SIN(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE * 1.3) - 0.15 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE * 2.6), -0.125 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE * 1.3) + 0.2 + 0.2 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE * 1.3)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0) - RightLeg.RotVelocity.Y / 75, RAD(0), RAD(75 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE * 1.3))), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C1 = Clerp(LeftHip.C1, CF(-0.5, 0.875 + 0.125 * SIN(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE * 1.3) - 0.15 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE * 2.6), 0.125 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE * 1.3) + 0.2 + -0.2 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE * 1.3)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0) + LeftLeg.RotVelocity.Y / 75, RAD(0), RAD(75 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE * 1.3))), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) end elseif ANIM ~= "Walk" or TORSOVELOCITY < 1 or FLIGHT == true then RootJoint.C1 = Clerp(RootJoint.C1, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C1 = Clerp(Neck.C1, CF(0, -0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-90), RAD(0), RAD(180)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C1 = Clerp(RightHip.C1, CF(0.5, 1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C1 = Clerp(LeftHip.C1, CF(-0.5, 1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) end if FLIGHT == false then if GYRO ~= nil then GYRO:remove() end if BODYPOS ~= nil then BODYPOS:remove() end if TORSOVERTICALVELOCITY > 1 and HITFLOOR == nil then ANIM = "Jump" if ATTACK == false then RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-20), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-40), RAD(0), RAD(20)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 0.2 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-40), RAD(0), RAD(-20)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 0.2 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, -0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-5), RAD(0), RAD(-20)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, -0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-5), RAD(0), RAD(20)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) end elseif TORSOVERTICALVELOCITY < -1 and HITFLOOR == nil then ANIM = "Fall" if ATTACK == false then RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(20), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(60)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 0.2 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-60)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 0.2 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(20)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(10)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) end elseif TORSOVELOCITY < 1 and HITFLOOR ~= nil then ANIM = "Idle" if ATTACK == false then RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0 - 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12), 0 + 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12)) * ANGLES(RAD(-2 + 2 * COS(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.15 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.15 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-15), RAD(5 + 1 * COS(SINE / 12))) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 0.15 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(15), RAD(-5 - 1 * COS(SINE / 12))) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 0.15 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1 - 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12), -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(-2 + 2 * COS(SINE / 12)), RAD(74), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-2), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.15 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1 - 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12), -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(-2 + 2 * COS(SINE / 12)), RAD(-74), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-2), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.15 / Animation_Speed) end elseif TORSOVELOCITY > 1 and HITFLOOR ~= nil then ANIM = "Walk" if ATTACK == false then if Humanoid.WalkSpeed <= 30 then RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, -0.1) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(30 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE)), RAD(0), RAD(0)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 0.85 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-30 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE)), RAD(0), RAD(0)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 0.85 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-15)), 2 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(15)), 2 / Animation_Speed) elseif Humanoid.WalkSpeed > 30 then RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, -0.1) * ANGLES(RAD(35), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-35), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(35), RAD(35), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(60 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE * 1.3)), RAD(0), RAD(2)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 2 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(35), RAD(-35), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-60 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE * 1.3)), RAD(0), RAD(-2)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 2 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(80), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(6)), 2 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-80), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-6)), 2 / Animation_Speed) end end end elseif FLIGHT == true then if APPLYGYRO == true then if VALUE2 == false and DIRECTTURN == false then if GYRO ~= nil then GYRO.MaxTorque = VT(0, 40000, 0) GYRO.cframe = CF(RootPart.Position, Mouse.Hit.p) end elseif GYRO ~= nil then GYRO.MaxTorque = VT(40000, 40000, 40000) GYRO.cframe = CF(RootPart.Position, Mouse.Hit.p) end end if VALUE2 == false and ATTACK == false then ANIM = "IdleFlight" RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 1 * SIN(SINE / 24)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 2 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(20), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-15), RAD(25)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(15), RAD(-25)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) elseif VALUE2 == true and ATTACK == false then ANIM = "Flight" RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 1 * SIN(SINE / 24)) * ANGLES(RAD(65), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-20), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0), RAD(15)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0), RAD(-15)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(65), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-10), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(-65), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-10), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed) end end local ACCEL1 = VT(10, 2 - 6 * COS(SINE / 24), -4 - 2 * COS(SINE / 24)) local ACCEL2 = VT(-10, 2 - 6 * COS(SINE / 24), -4 - 2 * COS(SINE / 24)) if PARTICLES == false then WINGS1.Acceleration = ACCEL1 WINGS1B.Acceleration = ACCEL1 WINGS2.Acceleration = ACCEL2 WINGS2B.Acceleration = ACCEL2 end if FLIGHT == true or WINGS == true then WINGS1.Enabled = true WINGS1B.Enabled = true WINGS2.Enabled = true WINGS2B.Enabled = true else WINGS1.Enabled = false WINGS1B.Enabled = false WINGS2.Enabled = false WINGS2B.Enabled = false end unanchor() TRAIL1.Enabled = FLIGHT TRAIL2.Enabled = FLIGHT LIGHT.Enabled = EQUIPPED Humanoid.MaxHealth = "inf" Humanoid.Health = "inf" if Rooted == false and FLIGHT == false then Disable_Jump = false Humanoid.WalkSpeed = Speed elseif Rooted == true or FLIGHT == true then Disable_Jump = true Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0 end sick.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1382488262" sick.EmitterSize = 50 sick.Looped = true if FLIGHT == true then sick.Pitch = 1 sick.Volume = 1 LOOP = LOOP + 1 if LOOP >= 10 then local HITFLOOR, HITPOS = Raycast(RootPart.Position, CF(RootPart.Position, RootPart.Position + VT(0, -1, 0)).lookVector, 15, Character) if HITFLOOR then local DISTANCE = (RootPart.Position - HITPOS).Magnitude local SIZE = (26 - DISTANCE) * 2 if TWIST == true then TWIST = false WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 25, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(SIZE / 2, 0, SIZE / 2), Size2 = VT(SIZE, 6, SIZE), Transparency = 0.6, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(HITPOS) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(MRANDOM(0, 360)), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(MRANDOM(-5, 5)), RAD(0), RAD(MRANDOM(-5, 5))), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 15, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) else TWIST = true WACKYEFFECT({ Time = 25, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(SIZE / 2, 0, SIZE / 2), Size2 = VT(SIZE, 6, SIZE), Transparency = 0.6, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(HITPOS) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(MRANDOM(0, 360)), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(MRANDOM(-5, 5)), RAD(0), RAD(MRANDOM(-5, 5))), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = -15, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(.5, 0, 1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil }) end LOOP = 0 end end else sick.Pitch = 1 sick.Volume = 1 end sick.Playing = false sick.Parent = Character Humanoid.Name = "WarPheonix" end end)) ParticleEmitter1.Name = "RingEmit" ParticleEmitter1.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter1.Transparency =,0.12568306922913,0,0,0.41530054807663,1) ParticleEmitter1.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter1.Size =,6.2841534614563,5.027322769165,2.8961749076843,0) ParticleEmitter1.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter1.LightEmission = 1 ParticleEmitter1.Texture = "rbxassetid://1493478120" ParticleEmitter1.ZOffset = 1 ParticleEmitter1.Lifetime =, 0.60000002384186) ParticleEmitter1.Rate = 5 ParticleEmitter1.Speed =, 0) ParticleEmitter2.Name = "Wing1" ParticleEmitter2.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter2.Transparency =,0.58469945192337,0.24590164422989,0,0.22950822114944,0.62841534614563,1) ParticleEmitter2.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter2.Size =,0.062499642372131,0.81250011920929,2.6875,3.3125,2.5624995231628,2.3125,1.8124997615814) ParticleEmitter2.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter2.LightEmission = 1 ParticleEmitter2.Texture = "rbxassetid://296874871" ParticleEmitter2.Acceleration =, 4, -4) ParticleEmitter2.Lifetime =, 2) ParticleEmitter2.Rate = 300 ParticleEmitter2.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter2.Speed =, 4) ParticleEmitter2.VelocitySpread = 35 ParticleEmitter3.Name = "SunFireball" ParticleEmitter3.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter3.Transparency =,0.37704920768738,0.25683063268661,0.4426229596138,0.62841534614563,1) ParticleEmitter3.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter3.Size =,8.125,5.6875,1.1250001192093,0) ParticleEmitter3.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter3.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter3.LightEmission = 0.75 ParticleEmitter3.Texture = "rbxassetid://296874871" ParticleEmitter3.ZOffset = 0.20000000298023 ParticleEmitter3.Acceleration =, 5, 0) ParticleEmitter3.Lifetime =, 1) ParticleEmitter3.Rate = 300 ParticleEmitter3.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter3.Speed =, 3) ParticleEmitter3.VelocitySpread = 360 ParticleEmitter3.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter4.Name = "SunExplosion" ParticleEmitter4.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter4.Transparency =,0.37704920768738,0.25683063268661,0.4426229596138,0.62841534614563,1) ParticleEmitter4.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter4.Size =,7.875,7.875,5.3125,0) ParticleEmitter4.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter4.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter4.LightEmission = 0.75 ParticleEmitter4.Texture = "rbxassetid://296874871" ParticleEmitter4.ZOffset = 0.20000000298023 ParticleEmitter4.Acceleration =, 5, 0) ParticleEmitter4.Lifetime =, 3) ParticleEmitter4.Rate = 300 ParticleEmitter4.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter4.Speed =, 350) ParticleEmitter4.VelocitySpread = 360 ParticleEmitter4.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter5.Name = "SunBurn" ParticleEmitter5.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter5.Transparency =,0.37704920768738,0.25683063268661,0.4426229596138,0.62841534614563,1) ParticleEmitter5.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter5.Size =,0.81250011920929,0) ParticleEmitter5.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter5.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter5.LightEmission = 0.75 ParticleEmitter5.Texture = "rbxassetid://296874871" ParticleEmitter5.ZOffset = 0.5 ParticleEmitter5.Acceleration =, 5, 0) ParticleEmitter5.Lifetime =, 1) ParticleEmitter5.Rate = 300 ParticleEmitter5.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter5.Speed =, 1) ParticleEmitter5.VelocitySpread = 360 ParticleEmitter5.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter6.Name = "PheonixBurn" ParticleEmitter6.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter6.Transparency =,0.37704920768738,0.25683063268661,0.4426229596138,0.62841534614563,1) ParticleEmitter6.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter6.Size =,0.81250011920929,0) ParticleEmitter6.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter6.LightEmission = 1 ParticleEmitter6.Texture = "rbxassetid://296874871" ParticleEmitter6.ZOffset = 0.5 ParticleEmitter6.Acceleration =, 8, 0) ParticleEmitter6.Lifetime =, 1) ParticleEmitter6.Rate = 300 ParticleEmitter6.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter6.Speed =, 1) ParticleEmitter6.VelocitySpread = 360 ParticleEmitter7.Name = "PheonixExplosion1" ParticleEmitter7.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter7.Transparency =,0.37704920768738,0.25683063268661,0.4426229596138,0.62841534614563,1) ParticleEmitter7.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter7.Size =,4.8125,5.6875,3.4999995231628,0) ParticleEmitter7.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter7.LightEmission = 1 ParticleEmitter7.Texture = "rbxassetid://296874871" ParticleEmitter7.ZOffset = 0.20000000298023 ParticleEmitter7.Acceleration =, 5, 0) ParticleEmitter7.Lifetime =, 3) ParticleEmitter7.Rate = 600 ParticleEmitter7.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter7.Speed =, 50) ParticleEmitter7.VelocitySpread = 360 ParticleEmitter8.Name = "PheonixExplosion2" ParticleEmitter8.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter8.Transparency =,0.37704920768738,0.25683063268661,0.4426229596138,0.62841534614563,1) ParticleEmitter8.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter8.Size =,4) ParticleEmitter8.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter8.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter8.LightEmission = 0.69999998807907 ParticleEmitter8.ZOffset = 0.20000000298023 ParticleEmitter8.Acceleration =, 5, 0) ParticleEmitter8.Lifetime =, 3) ParticleEmitter8.Rate = 300 ParticleEmitter8.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter8.Speed =, 70) ParticleEmitter8.VelocitySpread = 360 ParticleEmitter8.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) LocalScript9.Name = "CamShake" LocalScript9.Parent = LocalScript0 LocalScript9.Disabled = true NumberValue10.Name = "Timer" NumberValue10.Parent = LocalScript9 NumberValue10.Value = 35 NumberValue11.Name = "Shake" NumberValue11.Parent = LocalScript9 NumberValue11.Value = 5 BoolValue12.Name = "DoesFade" BoolValue12.Parent = LocalScript9 ParticleEmitter13.Name = "Gale" ParticleEmitter13.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter13.Transparency =,0.91256833076477,0.83606559038162,0.81967210769653,1) ParticleEmitter13.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter13.Size =,6) ParticleEmitter13.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter13.Texture = "rbxassetid://1614893149" ParticleEmitter13.Lifetime =, 1) ParticleEmitter13.Rate = 50 ParticleEmitter13.Speed =, 0) ParticleEmitter14.Name = "PheonixFireball1" ParticleEmitter14.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter14.Transparency =,0.37704920768738,0.25683063268661,0.4426229596138,0.62841534614563,1) ParticleEmitter14.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter14.Size =,4.625,3.4375,1.3124996423721,0) ParticleEmitter14.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter14.LightEmission = 1 ParticleEmitter14.Texture = "rbxassetid://296874871" ParticleEmitter14.ZOffset = 0.5 ParticleEmitter14.Lifetime =, 0.60000002384186) ParticleEmitter14.Rate = 1000 ParticleEmitter14.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter14.Speed =, 4) ParticleEmitter14.VelocitySpread = 360 ParticleEmitter15.Name = "PheonixFireball2" ParticleEmitter15.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter15.Transparency =,0.37704920768738,0.25683063268661,0.4426229596138,0.62841534614563,1) ParticleEmitter15.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter15.Size =,4.1530055999756,2.8961749076843,1.1475414037704,0) ParticleEmitter15.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter15.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter15.LightEmission = 0.69999998807907 ParticleEmitter15.ZOffset = 1 ParticleEmitter15.Lifetime =, 0.60000002384186) ParticleEmitter15.Rate = 300 ParticleEmitter15.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter15.Speed =, 4) ParticleEmitter15.VelocitySpread = 360 ParticleEmitter15.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter16.Name = "Wing2" ParticleEmitter16.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter16.Transparency =,0.58469945192337,0.24590164422989,0,0.22950822114944,0.62841534614563,1) ParticleEmitter16.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter16.Size =,0.062499642372131,0.81250011920929,2.6875,3.3125,2.5624995231628,2.3125,1.8124997615814) ParticleEmitter16.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter16.LightEmission = 1 ParticleEmitter16.Texture = "rbxassetid://296874871" ParticleEmitter16.Acceleration =, 4, -4) ParticleEmitter16.Lifetime =, 2) ParticleEmitter16.Rate = 300 ParticleEmitter16.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter16.Speed =, 4) ParticleEmitter16.VelocitySpread = 35 ParticleEmitter17.Name = "Wing1B" ParticleEmitter17.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter17.Transparency =,0.58469945192337,0.24590164422989,0,0.20765030384064,0.5956284403801,1) ParticleEmitter17.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter17.Size =,0,1.8579238653183,2.4043715000153,1.8124997615814,0) ParticleEmitter17.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter17.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter17.LightEmission = 0.69999998807907 ParticleEmitter17.ZOffset = 0.20000000298023 ParticleEmitter17.Acceleration =, 4, -4) ParticleEmitter17.Lifetime =, 1.9500000476837) ParticleEmitter17.Rate = 150 ParticleEmitter17.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter17.Speed =, 4) ParticleEmitter17.VelocitySpread = 35 ParticleEmitter17.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter18.Name = "Eye1" ParticleEmitter18.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter18.Transparency =,0.37704920768738,0.4426229596138,0.62841534614563,1) ParticleEmitter18.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter18.Size =,0.12499988079071,0) ParticleEmitter18.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter18.LightEmission = 0.75 ParticleEmitter18.Texture = "rbxassetid://296874871" ParticleEmitter18.ZOffset = 0.20000000298023 ParticleEmitter18.Acceleration =, 5, 6) ParticleEmitter18.Lifetime =, 1) ParticleEmitter18.Rate = 300 ParticleEmitter18.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter18.VelocitySpread = 5 ParticleEmitter19.Name = "Eye2" ParticleEmitter19.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter19.Transparency =,0.68306010961533,0.37704920768738,0.4426229596138,0.62841534614563,1) ParticleEmitter19.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter19.Size =,0.2732241153717,0) ParticleEmitter19.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter19.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter19.LightEmission = 0.75 ParticleEmitter19.ZOffset = 0.30000001192093 ParticleEmitter19.Acceleration =, 5, 6) ParticleEmitter19.Lifetime =, 0.5) ParticleEmitter19.Rate = 300 ParticleEmitter19.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter19.VelocitySpread = 5 ParticleEmitter19.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter20.Name = "Wing2B" ParticleEmitter20.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter20.Transparency =,0.58469945192337,0.24590164422989,0,0.20765030384064,0.5956284403801,1) ParticleEmitter20.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter20.Size =,0,1.8579238653183,2.4043715000153,1.8124997615814,0) ParticleEmitter20.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter20.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter20.LightEmission = 0.69999998807907 ParticleEmitter20.ZOffset = 0.20000000298023 ParticleEmitter20.Acceleration =, 4, -4) ParticleEmitter20.Lifetime =, 1.9500000476837) ParticleEmitter20.Rate = 150 ParticleEmitter20.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter20.Speed =, 4) ParticleEmitter20.VelocitySpread = 35 ParticleEmitter20.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter21.Name = "Burn" ParticleEmitter21.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter21.Transparency =,0.37704920768738,0.25683063268661,0.4426229596138,0.62841534614563,1) ParticleEmitter21.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter21.Size =,0.32786905765533,0) ParticleEmitter21.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter21.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter21.LightEmission = 0.75 ParticleEmitter21.Texture = "rbxassetid://296874871" ParticleEmitter21.ZOffset = 0.5 ParticleEmitter21.Acceleration =, 5, 0) ParticleEmitter21.Lifetime =, 1) ParticleEmitter21.Rate = 300 ParticleEmitter21.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter21.Speed =, 1) ParticleEmitter21.VelocitySpread = 360 ParticleEmitter21.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter22.Name = "PheonixTrail" ParticleEmitter22.Parent = LocalScript0 ParticleEmitter22.Transparency =,0.37704920768738,0.25683063268661,0.4426229596138,0.62841534614563,1) ParticleEmitter22.Rotation =, 360) ParticleEmitter22.Size =,0.4371589422226,0) ParticleEmitter22.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) ParticleEmitter22.Enabled = false ParticleEmitter22.LightEmission = 0.75 ParticleEmitter22.Texture = "rbxassetid://296874871" ParticleEmitter22.ZOffset = 0.5 ParticleEmitter22.Lifetime =, 1) ParticleEmitter22.Rate = 300 ParticleEmitter22.RotSpeed =, 56) ParticleEmitter22.Speed =, 0) ParticleEmitter22.VelocitySpread = 360 ParticleEmitter22.Color =, 0, 1),, 0, .8)) for i,v in pairs(mas:GetChildren()) do v.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting") pcall(function() v:MakeJoints() end) end mas:Destroy() for i,v in pairs(cors) do spawn(function() pcall(v) end) end
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