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# _____________ # | | # | TALK | # |____________| # # Language website: # # Version 1.0.6b # ==== New Stuff ==== # - Added extra string stuff ffs. # =================== # # ______________________________________ # | Some cool language that I'm making, \ # \ so idk why you're interested in it. | # | While you're here, could you tell \ # \ other people about this pls? | # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ # (yes I know that my code is messy, deal with it) use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; my @Extensions = []; sub call-method(\value, Str $method-name) { return -> *@args {(gather {take, $_) if .^name ~~ "Method" for value.^methods}.Hash){$method-name}(value, |@args)} } # add stuff for .^add_fallback, .^can, .^lookup, .^add_attribute, .^attributes, .^methods, .^method_table, .^find_method sub Parse-Extension(\file, $ext is copy) { my @r; my $Pattern = ($ext ~~ /^^Find':'\s*(.+?)[^^Replace':']/)[0].Str; my $Replace = ($ext ~~ /^^Replace':'\s?(\N+)/)[0].Str; $Pattern ~~ s:m:g/\n\h*//; EVAL 'file ~~ s:g/' ~ $Pattern ~ '/' ~ $Replace ~ '/'; } my token p6var { [':']?<[\$@%\&\\]><[\.\!\^\*\?]>?<ident> } my $file = slurp ''; if 0 { .say for ($file ~~ m:g/(<p6var>)/).list>>.Str; #say "\n"; #.say for ($file ~~ m:g/(<identifier>)/).list>>.Str; say "\n"; .say for ($file ~~ m:g/(<ident>)/).list>>.Str; } #$file ~~ s:g/\"':('(<-[\)]>+?)')'/$0.Str+\"/; #$file ~~ s:g/':('(<-[\)]>+?)')'\"/\"+$0.Str/; #$file ~~ s:g/':('(<-[\)]>+?)')'/\"+$0.Str+\"/; my $STR; $file ~~ s:m:g/(\"<(<-[\"]>+?)>\")/#`[:DQ-B:]{$STR = $0.Str.encode(qq<UTF-8>).perl}.decode.Str#`[:DQ-E:]/; $file ~~ s:m:g/<?after \W>(\'<(<-[\']>+?)>\')/#`[:SQ-B:]{$STR = $0.Str.encode(qq<UTF-8>).perl}.decode.Str#`[:SQ-E:]/; $file ~~ s:g/^^\s*(\S+?)\h+means\h+(\N+?)\n/, $0 => $1/; $file ~~ s:m:g/(dictionary\s*?\()\s+?/$0/; $file ~~ s:g/('(')', '/$0/; $file ~~ s:g/','(')')$$/$0/; $file ~~ s:g/\s*\n\s*')'/\)/; $file ~~ s:g/'#'\[.+?\] | '-/'.+?'-\\'//; $file ~~ s:g/\s[And|then]\s/\n/; my $code = ""; my \true = True; my \false = False; my \empty = Nil; my \newline = "\n"; multi sub infix:<+>($s1, Str $s2) { return $s1 ~ $s2; } multi sub infix:<*>(Str $s1, Int $times) { my $out-str = ""; for ^$times { $out-str += $s1; } return $out-str; } multi sub infix:</>(Str $s1, Str $s2) { return $s1.split: $s2; } multi sub prefix:<each-in>(%hash) { my $out = ""; for %hash -> $kv { $out += $kv.key + ": " + $kv.value.perl + "\n"; } return $out.chop; } multi sub infix:<as>(%hash, Str $s) { my $ns = %hash.perl; $ns ~~ s:g/':'(\S+?)'('(<-[\)]>)')'/{$s.subst("#k", $0).subst("#v", $1)}/; return $ns; } multi sub postcircumfix:<[ ]>(Str $s, @get) { return $s.substr: |@get; } multi sub postcircumfix:<[ ]>(Str $s, Range $get) { return $s.substr: $get; } multi sub postcircumfix:<[ ]>(Str $s, Int $i where * >= 0) { return $s.split('').list.rotate(-1)[2..($s.split('').elems-1)][$i]; } multi sub postcircumfix:<[ ]>(Str $s, Int $i where * < 0) { return $s.split('').list.rotate(-1)[2..($s.split('').elems-1)].reverse()[abs($i)-1] } sub list(*@elements) { return @elements; } sub dictionary(*@pairs) { my %h; for @pairs -> $pair { %h{$pair.key} = $pair.value; } return %h; } #my %var-list; my $_-out-_ = 2; for $file.lines -> $line { given $line { # #:Extend with my-custom-extension.sme when m/^'#:'Extend\swith\s(\N+?)$/ { push @Extensions, slurp "$0" } # make int-var (an Int) be 1 when m/^\s*make\s(.+?)\s\([an||a||of]\s(.+?)\)\sbe\s(\N+?)$/ { $code += "my \\$0 = my $1 \$$0 = $2;\n"; } # make a be new Map with 'a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3 # -----OR----- # make a be a new Map with 'a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3 when m/^\s*make\s(.+?)\sbe[\sa]?\snew\s(.+?)\swith\s(\N+?)$/ { $code += "my \\$0 = my \$$0 = new $1: $2;\n"; } # make var be 1 when m/^\s*make\s(.+?)\sbe\s(\N+?)$/ { $code += "my \\$0 = my \$$0 = $1;\n"; } # make pointer mean 1 when m/^\s*make\s(.+?)\smean\s(\N+?)$/ { $code += "my \\$0 = $1;\n"; } # now var is 2 # -----OR----- # var is now 2 when m/^\s*now\s(\S+?)\sis\s(\N+?)$/ | m/^(\S+?)\sis\snow\s(\N+?)$/ { $code += "$0 = $1;\n\n"; } # $func [$a, $b] # -----OR----- # method func takes $a, $b when m/^\s*['$'|method\s](\S+?)$/ | m/^\s*['$'|method\s](\S+?)\s?['['(<-[\]]>+?)']'|takes\s?(<-[\n]>+?)]$/ { with $1 { $code += "sub $0\($1) \{\n"; } else { $code += "sub $0 \{\n"; } } # &func2 [$a, $b] # -----OR----- # and func2 takes $a, $b when m/^\s*['&'|also\s](\S+?)$/ | m/^\s*['&'|also\s](\S+?)\s?['['(<-[\]]>+?)']'|takes\s?(<-[\n]>+?)]$/ { with $1 { $code += "\}\nsub $0\($1) \{\n"; } else { $code += "\}\nsub $0 \{\n"; } } # end when m/^\s*end$/ { $code += "\}\n"; } # a is 1 #when /^\s*(\S+?)\s+is\s+(\N+?)$/ { # $code += "$0 => $1,\n"; #} # if true when m/^\s*if\s+(\N+?)$/ { $code += "if $0 \{\n"; } # also if true when m/^\s*[also\sif|elsif]\s+(\N+?)$/ { $code += "\} elsif $0 \{\n"; } # otherwise when m/^\s*[else|otherwise]$/ { $code += "\} else \{\n"; } # given some-value when m/^\s*given\s+(\N+)$/ { $code += "given $0 \{\n#"; } # when value then stuff # -----OR----- # when value # stuff when m/^\s*when\s+(\N+)/ { $code += "}\nwhen $0 \{\n" } # default then stuff then end # -----OR----- # default # stuff # end when m/^\s*default\s*$/ { $code += "}\ndefault \{\n"; } # loop num times as i when m/^\s*loop\s+(\w+?)\s+times\s+as\s+(\w+?)$/ { $code += "for 0..$0 -> \$$1 \{my \\$1 = \$$1;\n"; } # loop through dict as k, v when m/^\s*loop\s+through\s+(\w+?|'['<-[\]]>+?']'|'{'<-[\}\n]>+?'}'|'('<-[\)\n]>+?')')\s+as\s+(\w+)[', '|','](\w+?)$/ { $code += "for $0 -> \@GET_KV \{my \\$1 = \@GET_KV[0];my \\$2 = \@GET_KV[1];\n"; } # loop through list as i when m/^\s*loop\s+through\s+(\w+?|'['<-[\]]>+?']'|'{'<-[\}\n]>+?'}'|'('<-[\)\n]>+?')')\s+as\s+(\w+)$/ { $code += "for $0 -> \$$1 \{my \\$1 = \$$1;\n"; } # loop from a to b as i when m/^\s*loop\s+from\s+(\S+?)\s+to\s+(\S+?)\s+as\s+(\N+?)$/ { $code += "for $0..$1 -> \$$2 \{my \\$2 = \$$2;\n"; } # loop k, v through dict when m/^\s*loop\s+(\w+)[', '|','](\w+?)\s+through\s+(\N+?)$/ { $code += "for $2 -> \@GET_KV \{my \\$0 = \@GET_KV[0];my \\$1 = \@GET_KV[1];\n"; } # loop i through list when m/^\s*loop\s+(\w+?)\s+through\s+(\N+?)$/ { $code += "for $1 -> \$$0 \{my \\$0 = \$$0;\n"; } # loop while my $i = some-iterator-thing # "$" is needed because it's not trying to parse whatever's after "loop while" when m/^\s*loop\s+while\s+(\N+?)$/ { $code += "while $0 \{\n"; } # loop with some-list # Same deal as "loop while" when m/^\s*loop\s+with\s+(\N+?)$/ { $code += "for $0 \{\n"; } # make myClass when m/^\s*make\s(\N+?)$/ { $code += "class $0 \{\n"; } # on classMethod [$a, $b] when m/^\s*on\s(\S+?)$/ | m/^\s*on\s(\S+?)\s'['(<-[\]]>+?)']'$/ { with $1 { $code += "method $0\($1) \{\n"; } else { $code += "method $0 \{\n"; } } # on classMethod takes a, b when m/^\s*on\s(\S+?)\stakes\s(\N+?)$/ { my $args = ""; for $1.split(", ") -> $el { $args += "\$$el, "; } $code += "method $0\(" + $args.chop.chop + "\) \{\n"; } # on setup a is p1, b is p2 and then when m/^\s*on\ssetup\s(\N+?)\sand\sdo$/ { my $args = ""; my $set-vars = ""; for $0.split(", ") -> $el { my @kv = $el[4..*].split: " is "; $args += "\$@kv[1], "; $set-vars += "@kv[0] \=\> \$@kv[1], "; } $code += "method new\(" + $args.chop.chop + "\) \{self\.bless\(" + $set-vars.chop.chop + "\);\n"; } # on setup a is p1, b is p2 when m/^\s*on\ssetup\s(\N+?)$/ { my $args = ""; my $set-vars = ""; for $0.split(", ") -> $el { my @kv = $el[4..*].split: " is "; $args += "\$@kv[1], "; $set-vars += "@kv[0] \=\> \$@kv[1], "; } $code += "method new\(" + $args.chop.chop + "\) \{self\.bless\(" + $set-vars.chop.chop + "\);\}\n"; } # its p is 1 when m/^\s*its\s+(\S+?)$/ | m/^\s*its\s+(\S+?)\s+is\s+(\N+?)$/ { with $1 { $code += "has \$\.$0 = $1;\n"; } else { $code += "has \$\.$0;\n"; } } # it takes p1, p2 when m/^\s*it\stakes\s(\N+?)$/ { for $0.split(", ") -> $v { $code += "has \$\.$v is rw;\n"; } } default { $code += $line.trim ne "" ?? $line + ";\n\n" !! ""; } } } $code ~~ s:g/(\( || \[ || \{ || \,)\;/$0/; $code ~~ s:g/\(\n\n\,/\(/; $code ~~ s:g/'#`[:DQ-B:]'(''.+?').decode.Str')'#`[:DQ-E:]'/"{EVAL($0)}"/; $code ~~ s:g/'#`[:SQ-B:]'(''.+?').decode.Str')'#`[:SQ-E:]'/'{EVAL($0)}'/; for @Extensions -> $ext { Parse-Extension $code, $ext; } multi sub infix:<is>(Cool $v1, Cool $v2) { return $v1 ~~ $v2; } multi sub infix:<isnt>(Cool $v1, Cool $v2) { return not $v1 ~~ $v2; } say $code if $_-out-_ == 1; #say "-" * 50 EVAL $code if $_-out-_ == 2;
#:Extend with val-in-list.sme make var be 1 say var now var is 3 And now var is 2 say var make a-list be list ( 1, 2, 3 ) say a-list make a-dict be dictionary ( a means 1 b means 2 c means 3 ) say a-dict say each-in a-dict say a-dict as '#k is #v' $func [$a, $b] return $a + $b &func2 return a-list[0] + a-dict<a> end say func 1, 2 say func2 if func(1, 2) is func2() say 'also false' also if func(1, 2) gt func2() say true otherwise say false end make Test its v1 is 1 it takes v2 on setup its v2 is val on show takes s say self.v1, " :($s) ", self.v2 end end make banana be 5 'banana' now banana.v2 is 2 'another banana' method test takes $a, $b say $a + $b also test2 takes $a, $b say $a - $b end test 1, 2 test2 1, 2 say 'a' is 'a' make Test2 its v1 is 1 it takes v2 on setup its v2 is val and do say 10 end end make testing-thing be 10 make some-list be list ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) loop with some-list then .say then end make some-dict be dictionary ( banana means 1 mango means 2 apple means 3 ) #creates an infininte loop #loop while some-dict.pairs \n .perl.say \n end loop from 1 to 5 as i given i when 1 then say 'i is 1' when 2 then say 'i is 2' when 3 then say 'i is 3' when 4 then say 'i is 4' when 5 then say 'i is 5' default then say 'something went wrong...' end end end say "$some-dict<banana>" make al be list () loop 5 times as i And al.append: i then end say al # Normal say 3 ~~ one al say so 3 is one al say so 3 is [|] |al # With extension created by val-in-list.sme say 3 is in al say ('abcde')[*-1, *] say &postcircumfix:<[ ]>('abcde', -1) make intvar (an Int) be 1 say intvar make intvar-ref mean intvar intvar-ref is now 5 say intvar make a-map be a new Map with 'a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3 say a-map as "#k is #v"
Find: (<[\w\-]>+) [\s+is\s+in\s+] (.+?) (and||or||$$) Replace: $0 ~~ one $1$2
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