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#include <stdio.h> /* * Given a series of positive sequential numbers (incremented by 1), find the first missing number. */ /* GetMissingNumber takes array and size of array as arguments */ // one approach int GetMissingNumber1 (int a[], int n) { int i, total; total = (n+1)*(n+2)/2; for ( i = 0; i< n; i++) total -= a[i]; return total; } // another approach int GetMissingNumber2 (int a[], int n) { int i, num = a[0]; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if (num == a[i]) { num++; } else { return num; } } } // try to write an implementation with O(log(n)) int missingNumber(int a[], int min, int max) { int pivot; if (min >= max) return min + 1; pivot = (min + max) / 2; if (a[pivot] == pivot + 1) return missingNumber(a, pivot + 1, max); return missingNumber(a, min, pivot); } int GetMissingNumber3 (int a[], int n) { return missingNumber(a, 0, n); } /* * Program to test above functions */ int seq_main() { int a[] = {1,2,4,5,6}; int miss; miss = GetMissingNumber1(a,5); printf("%d\n", miss); miss = GetMissingNumber2(a,5); printf("%d\n", miss); miss = GetMissingNumber3(a,5); printf("%d\n", miss); } /* * Output will be 3. */
/* * Remove duplicates from a single linked list */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct _node { struct _node *next; int data; }node; typedef struct _SLL { node *first; int count; }SLL; static SLL *init_sll_fn() { SLL *head; head = (SLL *)malloc(sizeof(SLL)); if (head == NULL) { printf("Failed to initialize linked list\n"); return NULL; } head->first = NULL; head->count = 0; return head; } //below two functions are needed to insert and nodes into linked list static int insert_sll_node_fn(SLL *head, int data) { node *n; if (head == NULL) { return -1; } n = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); if (n == NULL) { return -1; } n->data = data; n->next = head->first; head->first = n; head->count++; return 0; } // this is the main function to delete duplicate nodes in single linked list static void remove_duplicates_fn(SLL *head) { node *n, *nn; node *p; if (head == NULL) { return; } n = head->first; while(n != NULL) { nn = n->next; p = n; while(nn != NULL) { if (n->data == nn->data) { p->next = nn->next; // update n->next free(nn); head->count--; nn = p->next; // nn is the new n->next } else { p = nn; nn = nn->next; } } n = n->next; } return; } static void print_SLL(SLL *head) { node *n; if (head == NULL) { return; } n = head->first; while(n != NULL) { printf("%d ", n->data); n = n->next; } printf("[%d]\n", head->count); } int main() { SLL *ll; int i; int arr[]={1, 4, 2, 9, 8, 100, 3, 4, 2, 1}; ll = init_sll_fn(); for (i=0; i<10; i++) { insert_sll_node_fn(ll, arr[i]); } print_SLL(ll); remove_duplicates_fn(ll); print_SLL(ll); return 0; }
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