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use v6; use lib './'; use CLIInteractive; use CommandSnark; my CLI::Interactive $cli .= new; $cli.register-command-instance(Alfred::Command::Snark.new); sub MAIN(|argument-string) { if argument-string.Str eq '' { } else { $cli.dispatch('snark test'); } say 'hello'; }
class X::CLI::Interactive::UnknownCommand is Exception { has $.command; method message() { "Command '$.command' not found. Did you register it?" } } class CLI::Interactive { has %!commands; method dispatch(Str $command-string) is export { my ($main-command, $rest) = $command-string.split(" ", 2); if ($rest) { say "Dispatching $command-string"; my ($sub-command, $arguments) = $rest.split(" ", 2); my $full-command = "{$main-command}::{$sub-command}"; die X::CLI::Interactive::UnknownCommand.new(command => $full-command) unless %!commands{$full-command}:exists; my $command = %!commands{$full-command}; my &method = $command<method>; method($command<class-instance>); # No args (aside from class invocant) } else { die X::CLI::Interactive::UnknownCommand.new(command => $main-command) unless %!commands{$main-command}:exists; my $command = %!commands{$main-command}; my &method = $command<method>; say &method.^name; say $command<class-instance>.^name; &method($command<class-instance>); # No args (aside from class invocant) } } method register-command-instance($command-instance) is export { # Take the last parse of the class name and lowercase it for the command name # TODO: Allow command name to be overriden via either a trait or a property my $command-name = $command-instance.^name.split('::').reverse.first.lc; for $command-instance.^methods.grep(* ~~ Method) -> Method $method { # TODO: Better way to detect if method has sub-command trait? next unless $method.name eq 'MAIN' or $method.^name eq 'Method+{Routine::Wrapped}'; next if $method.name eq 'cli'; # Skip the cli accessor method created for us by Perl my $sub-command-name = $method.name eq 'MAIN' ?? Nil !! $method.name; my %command-spec = 'help' => ~$method.WHY, 'signature' => $method.signature, 'class-instance' => $command-instance, 'method' => $method; # TODO: Is this callable? if $sub-command-name { %!commands{"{$command-name}::{$sub-command-name}"} = %command-spec; } else { %!commands{"{$command-name}"} = %command-spec; } } $command-instance.cli = self; } }
use CLIInteractiveCommand; class Alfred::Command::Snark is CLI::Interactive::Command { #| Snarky method test() is cli-command { say "Hello"; } }
use CLIInteractive; multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Method $m, :$cli-command!) is export { $m.wrap: sub (|) { nextsame; } } class CLI::Interactive::Command { has CLI::Interactive $.cli is rw; }
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