JavaScript async/await Class Promise Examples

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let WiFiLib = { addNetwork: function( netID ){ return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ){ if( netID > -1 ){ resolve( true ); } else { reject( 'Invalid network ID!' ); } }); }, connect: function( netID ){ return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ){ resolve( true ); //reject( 'Unable to connect to wifi!' ); }); } }; class WiFi { constructor(){ this.delay = 2000; this.netID = -1; } async connect(){ try { let netID = this.add(); this.netID = await netID; await this.doConnect(); return true; } catch( error ){ console.log( 'Wifi connect catch error: ', error ); await this.timeout(); console.log( 'Wifi connect catch error after timeout' ); throw error; } } async add(){ const networkAdded = await WiFiLib.addNetwork( 2 ); await this.timeout(); return networkAdded; } async doConnect(){ const networkConnected = await WiFiLib.connect( this.netID ); await this.timeout(); return networkConnected; } /** * Synchronous Sleep/Timeout `await this.timeout()` */ timeout( customDelay ) { let delay = customDelay ? parseInt( customDelay ) : parseInt( this.delay ); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { setTimeout(resolve, delay); }); } } class Provisioner { constructor( wifi ){ this.wifi = wifi; } async startProvision(){ try { await this.wifi.connect(); //do some provision stuff return true; } catch ( error ){ console.log( 'Provisioner Catch', error ); let doRetry = this.doRetry( false ); await doRetry; if( doRetry ){ this.startProvision(); } else { throw error; } } } async doRetry( shouldDo ){ await this.timeout(); return shouldDo; } /** * Synchronous Sleep/Timeout `await this.timeout()` */ timeout( customDelay ) { let delay = customDelay ? parseInt( customDelay ) : parseInt( this.delay ); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { setTimeout(resolve, delay); }); } } let wifiConnector = new WiFi(); let provisioning = new Provisioner( wifiConnector ); provisioning.startProvision().then( ()=>{ console.log( 'Provisioner Complete!' ); }, error => { console.log( 'Provisioner Error!' ); });
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