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;; Declares a namespace which sets a unique name for your functions ;; Since Clojure runs on the JVM we have to ;; define a class (ns clojure-tut.core (:require [clojure.string :as str]) (:gen-class)) ;; VARIABLES ;; Variables are immutable (value can't change) and they are ;; defined with def and start with letters or underscores ;; and can contain numbers also (def randVar 10) ;; DATA TYPES ;; Types are assigned based on the value assigned ;; -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (def aLong 15) ;; 4.94065645841246544e-324d to 1.79769313486231570e+308d (def aDouble 1.23456) ;; A String (def aString "Hello") ;; true or false (def aBool true) ;; Get the data type (type 15) ;; Check if no value (nil) (nil? aLong) ;; Check if a value is positive (pos? aLong) ;; Check if a number is negative (neg? aLong) ;; Check if even (even? aLong) ;; Check if odd (odd? aLong) ;; Check if number (number? aLong) ;; Check if integer (integer? aLong) ;; Check if float (float? aLong) ;; Check if zero (zero? aLong) ;; FORMATTED OUTPUT (format "This is a string %s" aString) (format "5 spaces and %5d" aLong) (format "Leading zeros %04d" aLong) (format "%-4d left justified" aLong) (format "3 decimals %.3f" aDouble) ;; STRINGS (def str1 "This is my 2nd string") ;; Check if blank (str/blank? str1) ;; Does string contain "my" (str/includes? str1 "my") ;; Index of match (str/index-of str1 "my") ;; Split string into vector using separator or Regex (str/split str1 #" ") (str/split str1 #"\d") ;; Join a collection into 1 string with a seperator (str/join " " ["The" "Big" "Cheese"]) ;; Replace all Regex with a string ;; There is also replace-first (str/replace "I am 42" #"42" "43") ;; Remove whitespace at beginning and end ;; Also remove newlines with trim-newline ;; Remove left white space triml ;; and right trimr (str/trim str1) ;; Uppercase (str/upper-case str1) ;; Lowercase (str/lower-case str1) ;; LISTS ;; Stores a list of values with multiple data types (println (list "Dog" 1 3.4 true)) ;; Get 1st Value (println (first (list 1 2 3))) ;; Get rest of values (println (rest (list 1 2 3))) ;; Get defined index (println (nth (list 1 2 3) 1)) ;; Add values to the right (println (list* 1 2 [3 4])) ;; Add 1 value to the left (println (cons 3 (list 1 2))) ;; SETS ;; List of unique values (println (set '( 1 1 2))) ;; Get an index (println (get (set '(3 2)) 2)) ;; Append a value (println (conj (set '(3 2)) 1)) ;; Is value in set (println (contains? (set '(3 2)) 3)) ;; Remove value from set (println (disj (set '(3 2)) 2)) ;; VECTORS (println (vector 1 "Dog")) ;; Get index (println (get (vector 3 2) 1)) ;; Append element (println (conj (vector 1 2) 3)) ;; Remove 1st item (println (pop (vector 3 2))) ;; Return vector from one point to another (println (subvec (vector 1 2 3 4) 1 3)) ;; MAPS ;; Collection of key value pairs (println (hash-map "Name" "Derek" "Age" 42)) ;; Sorted lists sort based on keys (println (sorted-map 3 42 2 "Banas" 1 "Derek")) ;; Return value mapped to key (println (get (hash-map "Name" "Derek") "Name")) ;; Get value for the key (println (find (hash-map "Name" "Derek" "Age" 42) "Name")) ;; Does map contain a key (println (contains? (hash-map "Name" "Derek") "Age")) ;; Get list of keys (println (keys (hash-map "Name" "Derek" "Age" 42))) ;; Get values (println (vals (hash-map "Name" "Derek" "Age" 42))) ;; Merge maps (println (merge-with + (hash-map "Name" "Derek") (hash-map "Age" 42))) ;; ATOMS ;; With atoms you can change a variables value (defn atom-ex [x] ;; Define the atoms value (def atomEx (atom x)) ;; Watchers can be attached to atoms and agents ;; to run functions when a value changes (add-watch atomEx :watcher (fn [key atom old-state new-state] (println "atomEx changed from " old-state " to " new-state))) ;; Print the value (println "1st x" @atomEx) ;; Change the value (reset! atomEx 10) (println "2nd x" @atomEx) ;; Change the value using a function (swap! atomEx inc) (println "Increment x" @atomEx) ) ;; AGENTS ;; Agents allow you to change values using functions (defn agent-ex [] ;; Create agent (def tickets-sold (agent 0)) ;; Add a value to an agent (send tickets-sold + 15) ;; Added because there is a delay often (println) (println "Tickets " @tickets-sold) ;; Wait for the value to update with await-for (send tickets-sold + 10) (await-for 100 tickets-sold) (println "Tickets " @tickets-sold) ;; Shutdown running agents (shutdown-agents) ) ;; MATH (println (+ 1 2 3)) ;; Add values together (println(- 5 3 2)) ;; Subtract values (println(* 2 5)) ;; Multiply Values (println(/ 10 5)) ;; Divide Values (println(mod 12 5)) ;; Modulus (println(inc 5)) ;; Increment (println(dec 5)) ;; Decrement (println(Math/abs -10)) ;; Absolute Value (println(Math/cbrt 8)) ;; Cube Root (println(Math/sqrt 4)) ;; Square Root (println(Math/ceil 4.5)) ;; Round up (println(Math/floor 4.5)) ;; Round down (println(Math/exp 1)) ;; e to the power of 1 (println(Math/hypot 2 2)) ;; sqrt(x^2 + y^2) (println(Math/log 2.71828)) ;; Natural logarithm (println(Math/log10 100)) ;; Base 10 log (println(Math/max 1 5)) (println(Math/min 1 5)) (println(Math/pow 2 2)) ;; Power ;; Generate random number (println (rand-int 20)) ;; cos, sin, tan acos, asin, atan, cosh, sinh, tanh ;; Perform an operation on a collection (reduce + [1 2 3]) (reduce - [1 2 3]) (Math/PI) ;; FUNCTIONS ;; Define a function with 1 parameter named name (defn say-hello "Receives a name and responds with Hello Again name" ;; Attributes for the function [name] ;; Output the text and value (println "Hello Again" name)) (defn get-sum [x y] ;; The output from the last operation is returned (+ x y)) ;; You can receive an unknown number of parameters (defn get-sum-more ([x y z] (+ x y z)) ([x y] (+ x y))) ;; Receive a variable number of parameters in a list (defn hello-you [name] ;; Another way to combine strings (str "Hello " name)) (defn hello-all [& names] ;; Pass values to hello-you (map hello-you names)) ;; DECISION MAKING ;; RELATIONAL OPERATORS ;; = not= < <= > >= (= 4 5) (not= 4 5) ;; LOGICAL OPERATORS ;; and or not (and true false) (or true false) (not true) ;; IF THEN ELSE (defn can-vote [age] ;; If the statement is true execute the 1st, or 2nd if false (if (>= age 18) (println "You can Vote") (println "You can't Vote"))) (defn can-do-more [age] ;; You can perform multiple actions with do (if (>= age 18) (do (println "You can Drive") (println "You can Vote")) (println "You can't Vote"))) ;; WHEN ;; Is used when you want to do many things if true (defn when-ex [tof] (when tof (println "1st Thing") (println "2nd Thing"))) ;; COND ;; Check for multiple conditions (defn what-grade [n] (cond (< n 5) "Preschool" (= n 5) "Kindergarten" (and (> n 5) (<= n 18)) (format "Go to Grade %d" (- n 5)) :else "Go to College")) ;; LOOPING ;; WHILE LOOPS ;; Loop while condition is true (defn one-to-x [x] ;; Value that increments (def i (atom 1)) ;; Loop while true (while (<= @i x) (do (println @i) ;; Increment value (swap! i inc)))) ;; DOTIMES LOOP ;; Execute a statement a set number of times (defn dbl-to-x [x] ;; i is incremented each time through (dotimes [i x] (println (* i 2)))) ;; LOOP LOOP ;; Loop through values using recur to change a value ;; until a condition is no longer true (defn triple-to-x [x y] ;; Set starting value of i (loop [i x] ;; Cycle while true (when (< i y) (println (* i 3)) ;; Increment the value (recur (+ i 1))))) ;; DOSEQ LOOP ;; Iterates through a sequence (defn print-list ;; Holds list passed [& nums] ;; As you cycle through the list store each item in x (doseq [x nums] (println x))) ;; FILE I/O (use ' (defn write-to-file [file text] ;; with-open opens and closes the file ;; and then writes a string to a file (with-open [wrtr (writer file)] (.write wrtr text))) (defn read-from-file [file] ;; We can catch a potential file not found error ;; with exception handling (try ;; Read from a file to a single string (println (slurp file)) ;; Catch the error and print it (catch Exception e (println "Error : " (.getMessage e))))) ;; Append text to a file (defn append-to-file [file text] (with-open [wrtr (writer file :append true)] (.write wrtr text))) ;; Read 1 line at a time (defn read-line-from-file [file] (with-open [rdr (reader file)] (doseq [line (line-seq rdr)] (println line)))) ;; DESTRUCTURING ;; Binding of values in a data structure to symbols (defn destruct [] (def vectVals [1 2 3 4]) ;; Assign values to symbols ;; the-rest stores remaining values (let [[one two & the-rest] vectVals] (println one two the-rest))) ;; STRUCTMAPS ;; Used to define a complex custom type (defn struct-map-ex [] ;; Define a Struct (defstruct Customer :Name :Phone) ;; Define a Struct Object (def cust1 (struct Customer "Doug" 4125551212)) ;; You can also assign to specific keys (def cust2 (struct-map Customer :Name "Sally" :Phone 5551122)) (println cust1) ;; Access individual fields (println (:Name cust2)) ) ;; ADVANCED FUNCTIONS ;; Anonymous Functions ;; Function with no name ;; Create a list by multiplying all values by themselves (map (fn [x] (* x x)) (range 1 10)) ;; Compact anonymous function multiplies everything by 3 (map #(* % 3) (range 1 10)) ;; Compact anon with 2 arguments (#(* %1 %2) 2 3) ;; CLOJURES ;; Return a custom function ;; Run in Repl ;; (defn custom-multiplier ;; [mult-by] ;; #(* % mult-by)) ;; (def mult-by-3 (custom-multiplier 3)) ;; (mult-by-3 3) ;; Where your code starts execution (defn -main "I don't do a whole lot ... yet." [& args] ;; FUNCTIONS ;; Call for the function to execute (say-hello "Derek") (get-sum 4 5) (get-sum-more 1 2 3) (hello-all "Doug" "Mary" "Paul") (println "Mult by 3") ;; DECISION MAKING (can-vote 17) (can-do-more 24) (when-ex true) (what-grade 19) ;; ATOMS (atom-ex 5) ;; LOOPING (one-to-x 5) (dbl-to-x 5) (triple-to-x 1 5) (print-list 7 8 9) ;; FILE I/O (write-to-file "test.txt" "This is a sentence\n") (read-from-file "test.txt") (append-to-file "test.txt" "This is another sentence\n") (read-line-from-file "test.txt") ;; DESTRUCTURING (destruct) ;; STRUCTMAPS (struct-map-ex) ;; AGENTS (agent-ex) ;; TAKE DROP (take-drop-ex) ) (ns tut2.core (:gen-class)) (defn take-drop [] ;; FILTERING LISTS ;; TAKE DROP TAKE-WHILE DROP-WHILE FILTER ;; Remove 1st 2 (println (take 2 [1 2 3])) ;; Remove after the 1st (println (drop 1 [1 2 3])) ;; Take what matches a condition (println (take-while neg? [-1 0 1])) ;; Drop what matches a condition (println (drop-while neg? [-1 0 1])) ;; Return what matches (println (filter #(> % 2) [1 2 3 4])) (println (rand) 0.5) ) ;; MACROS ;; Macros generate code when you need to define when ;; or if arguments should be evaluated ;; This macro will print different discounts based on ;; if the person is over 65 or not (defmacro discount ([cond dis1 dis2] ;; Syntax Quoting tells clojure not to evaluate if, but ;; to just return it (list `if cond dis1 dis2))) ;; Create (+ 2 5) when passed (2 + 5) (defmacro reg-math [calc] (list (second calc) (first calc) (nth calc 2))) ;; Execute multiple statements with do (defmacro do-more [cond & body] ;; If condition is true combine and return all past ;; statements in a list for execution (list `if cond (cons 'do body))) (defmacro do-more-2 [cond & body] ;; You can surround everything with syntax quoting and ;; then unquote single values with ~ and multiples with ;; ~@ `(if ~cond (do ~@body))) (defn -main "I don't do a whole lot ... yet." [& args] (take-drop) ;; MACROS (discount (> 25 65) (println "10% off") (println "Full Price")) (reg-math (2 + 5)) ;; macroexpand tells us what the macro does (macroexpand `(reg-math (2 + 5))) (do-more (< 1 2) (println "Hello") (println "Hello Again")) (do-more-2 (< 1 2) (println "Hello") (println "Hello Again")) )
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