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import sys import re from functools import reduce def rrotate(sequence, amount): l = list(sequence) amount %= len(l) return l[-amount:] + l[:-amount] def lrotate(sequence, amount): l = list(sequence) amount %= len(l) return l[amount:] + l[:amount] def slice(sequence, position, length): sequence = list(sequence) assert(length >= 0 and length <= len(sequence)) position %= len(sequence) return lrotate(sequence,position)[:length] def insert(sequence, toinsert, position, length=None): sequence = list(sequence) toinsert = list(toinsert) size = length if length != None else len(toinsert) assert(size >= 0 and size <= len(sequence)) position %= len(sequence) return rrotate(toinsert[:size] + lrotate(sequence,position)[size:], position) def xorall(sequence): return reduce(lambda x,y: x^y, sequence) def mulall(sequence): return reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, sequence) def sumall(sequence): return reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, sequence) def splitevery(sequence, step): l = list(sequence) r = [] num, rest = divmod(len(l), step) for e in range(num): r.append(slice(l, e*step, step)) if rest > 0: r.append(slice(l, num*step, rest)) return r def splitin(sequence, number): l = list(sequence) return splitevery(sequence,(len(l)+number-1)//number) def formatall(sequence, fmt="%s", sep=""): return sep.join(map(lambda x: fmt % x, sequence)) #input = "nbysizxe" input = "flqrgnkx" # the test inputs = [] for i in range(128): inputs.append("%s-%d" % (input, i)) def getxy(x, y, grid): if x < 0 or x > 127: return ("0", "") if y < 0 or y > 127: return ("0", "") return (grid[y * 128 + x], ("%.3dx%.3d" % (x,y))) grid = "" acc = 0 for input in inputs: lengths = list(map(ord,input)) + [17, 31, 73, 47, 23] l = list(range(256)) pos = 0 skip = 0 for round in range(64): for leng in lengths: l = insert(l, reversed(slice(l, pos, leng)), pos) pos += leng + skip skip += 1 hash = formatall(map(xorall, splitevery(l,16)), "%.2x") binfmt = [format(int("%s" % i, 16), "04b") for i in hash] # print(binfmt) # print(hash) acc += sum([i.count("1") for i in binfmt]) for i in binfmt: grid += i print("acc:", acc) print("grid:", grid) succs = {} acc2 = 0 for x in range(128): for y in range(128): n = getxy(x, y - 1, grid) s = getxy(x, y + 1, grid) o = getxy(x-1, y, grid) e = getxy(x+1, y, grid) c = getxy(x,y, grid) if c[0] == "1": acc2 += 1 succs[c[1]] = set() for i in [c,n,s,e,o]: if i[0] == "1": succs[c[1]].add(i[1]) assert(acc2 == acc) assert(len(succs.keys()) == acc) with sys.stdout as f: #with open("output.txt", "w") as f: limit = 0 for i in sorted(succs.keys()): succ = succs[i] if len(succ): print("%s <-> %s" % (i, succ),file=f) # break at first 10 for output in limit += 1 if limit >= 10: break
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