C Practice

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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> extern char s[];// ? int main() { printf("Hello World!\n"); srand(time(NULL)); //sets seed based on time int h = rand()%3; //generate random value from 0 to 2 int j, k=NULL; //not initializing value versus initializing as NULL yields different results printf("j, k: %d _ %d\n",j,k); k = j + h; printf("nu k: %d\n",k); int a = 0; printf("a: %d\n",a++); // 0 or 1? should increment but return original value printf("a: %d\n",++a); // 1 or 2? should increment and return new value char s[] = "butt"; printf("%d\t%s\n",5+second(),s);//structure if(h==0) { printf("zero"); return(0); } if(h!=0) printf("%d\n",h); printf("Goodbye"); return(0); } int second() { return (2); }
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