Max Profits

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// Given an array of Stock Prices of the day // Calculate the Maximum Profits that could be made from single BUY-SELL trade, // given that you must first BUY and then SELL var stockPrices = [10, 7, 5, 8, 11, 9]; function minPrice( arr ){ var result = []; if(Array.isArray(arr)){ result = arr.reduce((prev,curr,i)=>{return (prev&&prev.length>0)?prev[1]>=curr?[i,curr]:prev:[i,curr]},[]) ; } return result; } function maxPrice(arr,minPrice){ minPrice = minPrice || []; var result =[]; if( Array.isArray(arr)){ var startIndex = minPrice[0] || 0; result = arr.slice(startIndex).reduce((prev,curr,i)=>{ if( prev&&prev.length>0){ if(prev[1]<curr){ return[startIndex+i,curr]; } else{ return prev; } } else { return [startIndex+i,curr]; } },[]); } return result; } console.log(minPrice(stockPrices)); console.log(maxPrice(stockPrices,minPrice(stockPrices))); var minPrice = minPrice(stockPrices); var maxPrice = maxPrice(stockPrices,minPrice); console.log("Max Profit : ", maxPrice[1] - minPrice[1] ); console.log(`Buying at ${minPrice[0]} and selling at ${maxPrice[0]}`)
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