discrete and cominatorial math chapter 1_3

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#/usr/bin/env julia function factorial( n::Integer )::Integer if n == 0 return 1 elseif n < 0 error("put negative number in factorial") end return Integer( reduce(*, 1:n) ) end #n/(k1!*k2!*k3!) ..... function divide_by_fact(n)::Integer nLength = length(n) if nLength <= 0 error("illegal input") end nSet = Set(n) nBag = Dict( key => 0 for key in nSet ) for each = n nBag[each] += 1 end step01 = factorial(nLength) step02 = reduce(*, map(factorial,values(filter((k,v)-> v != 1, nBag)))) return Integer( step01 / step02 ) end function combin(n, r::Integer)::Integer nLength = length(n) if nLength < 0 || r >= nLength error(" combin argument require ( n > 0 and r <= n )") end return Integer( factorial(nLength) / (factorial(r) * factorial(nLength - r)) ) end function binomial_coefficient(n, t, exponet::Integer)::Real nLength = length(n) tLength = length(t) if (nLength == tLength == 2 && exponet > 0 && reduce( (a,b)-> a && b , map(eachN -> typeof(eachN) <: Real , n)) && reduce( (a,b)-> a && b , map(eachT -> typeof(eachT) <: Integer , t)) ) k = exponet - t[1] return combin(1:exponet, k) * ( n[1] ^ t[1] ) * ( n[2] ^ t[2] ) elseif exponet == 0 return 1 else error("illegal input") end end function multinomial_coefficient(n, t, exponet::Integer)::Real nLength = length(n) tLength = length(t) if (nLength == tLength > 2 && exponet > 0 && reduce( (a,b)-> a && b , map(eachN -> typeof(eachN) <: Real , n)) && reduce( (a,b)-> a && b , map(eachT -> typeof(eachT) <: Integer , t)) ) return ( factorial(exponet)/(reduce(*, map(factorial, t))) * reduce(*, [a^b for (a, b) in zip(n, t)]) ) elseif exponet == 0 return 1 else error("illegal input") end end ans1 = combin(1:10, 6) qStr = "TALLAHASSEE" filterCharA = filter(a-> a != 'A', qStr) lengthOfFilterCharA = length( filterCharA ) howManyCharAInQStr = length(filter(a-> a == 'A', qStr)) ans2 = divide_by_fact(filterCharA) * combin( 1:(lengthOfFilterCharA + 1) , howManyCharAInQStr) ans3 = binomial_coefficient([1,2], [2,5], 7 ) ans4 = multinomial_coefficient([2,3,4], [2,5,3], 6 ) println(""" EX: c(10, 6) = ? sol: {$ans1} EX: TALLAHASSEE 這些安排方法中有 A不相鄰多少種 sol: {$ans2} EX: A: (x + 2y)⁷ => x²y⁵ 的係數為 B: (2x + 3y + 4z)⁶ => x²y⁵z³ sol: A = {$ans3} B = {$ans4} EOF """)
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