exercism perl6 hello-world

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#`( This is a 'stub' file. It's a little start on your solution. It is not a complete solution though; you will have to write some code. The ':ver<>' adverb defines the version of a module or class. The version is checked in the test suite to ensure the exercise and test suite line up. If the test is updated, it will indicate to others who test your code that some tests may no longer pass. ) unit module HelloWorld:ver<2>; sub hello is export { # Write your solution to pass the test suite here. # Be sure to remove all stock comments once you are done! }
#!/usr/bin/env perl6 use v6; use Test; use lib my $dir = $?FILE.IO.dirname; #`[Look for the module inside the same directory as this test file.] use JSON::Fast; my $exercise = 'HelloWorld'; #`[The name of this exercise.] my $version = v2; #`[The version we will be matching against the exercise.] my $module = %*ENV<EXERCISM> ?? 'Example' !! $exercise; #`[%*ENV<EXERCISM> is for tests not directly for the exercise, don't worry about these :)] plan 3; #`[This is how many tests we expect to run.] #`[Check that the module can be use-d.] use-ok $module or bail-out; require ::($module); #`[If the exercise is updated, we want to make sure other people testing your code don't think you've made a mistake if things have changed!] if ::($exercise).^ver !~~ $version { warn "\nExercise version mismatch. Further tests may fail!" ~ "\n$exercise is $(::($exercise).^ver.gist). " ~ "Test is $($version.gist).\n"; bail-out 'Example version must match test version.' if %*ENV<EXERCISM>; } #`[Import '&hello' from 'HelloWorld'] require ::($module) <&hello>; my $c-data; #`[Go through the cases (hiding at the bottom of this file) and check that &hello gives us the correct response.] is &::('hello')(), |.<expected description> for @($c-data<cases>); #`[Ignore this for your exercise! Tells Exercism folks when exercise cases become out of date.] if %*ENV<EXERCISM> { if (my $c-data-file = "$dir/../../problem-specifications/exercises/{$dir.IO.resolve.basename}/canonical-data.json".IO.resolve) ~~ :f { is-deeply $c-data, EVAL('use JSON::Fast; from-json($c-data-file.slurp);'), 'canonical-data'; } else { flunk 'canonical-data' } } else { skip } done-testing; #`[There are no more tests after this :)] #`['INIT' is a phaser, it makes sure that the test data is available before everything else starts running (otherwise we'd have to shove the test data into the middle of the file!)] INIT { $c-data := from-json q:to/END/; { "exercise": "hello-world", "version": "1.0.0", "cases": [ { "description": "Say Hi!", "property": "hello", "expected": "Hello, World!" } ] } END }
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