hsv to rgb with rational numbers

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function mulRat(op1n, op1d, op2n, op2d) return op1n * op2n, op1d * op2d end function divRat(op1n, op1d, op2n, op2d) return op1n * op2d, op1d * op2n end function subRat(op1n, op1d, op2n, op2d) return op1n * op2d - op2n * op1d, op1d * op2d end function addRat(op1n, op1d, op2n, op2d) return op1n * op2d + op2n * op1d, op1d * op2d end function hsvRational(hn, hd, sn, sd, vn, vd) if sn == 0 then local rn, rd = mulRat(vn, vd, 255, 1) local result = rn / rd return result, result, result end local h1n, h1d = mulRat(hn, hd, 6, 1) local index = math.floor(h1n / h1d) local fn, fd = subRat(h1n, h1d, index, 1) local p1n, p1d = subRat(1, 1, sn, sd) local pn , pd = mulRat(vn, vd, p1n, p1d) local q1n, q1d = mulRat(sn, sd, fn, fd) local q2n, q2d = subRat(1, 1, q1n, q1d) local qn , qd = mulRat(vn, vd, q2n, q2d) local t1n, t1d = subRat(1, 1, fn, fd) local t2n, t2d = mulRat(sn, sd, t1n, t1d) local tn, td = subRat(1, 1, t2n, t2d) local r1n,r1d,g1n,g1d,b1n,b1d if index == 0 then r1n,r1d,g1n,g1d,b1n,b1d = vn,vd,tn,td,pn,pd elseif index == 1 then r1n,r1d,g1n,g1d,b1n,b1d = qn,qd,vn,vd,pn,pd elseif index == 2 then r1n,r1d,g1n,g1d,b1n,b1d = pn,pd,vn,vd,tn,td elseif index == 3 then r1n,r1d,g1n,g1d,b1n,b1d = pn,pd,qn,qd,vn,vd elseif index == 4 then r1n,r1d,g1n,g1d,b1n,b1d = tn,td,pn,pd,vn,vd else r1n,r1d,g1n,g1d,b1n,b1d = vn,vd,pn,pd,qn,qd end local rn, rd = mulRat(r1n, r1d, 255, 1) local gn, gd = mulRat(g1n, g1d, 255, 1) local bn, bd = mulRat(b1n, b1d, 255, 1) return rn/rd, gn/gd, bn/bd end function hsv(h,s,v,a) assert(type(h) == "number" and type(s) == "number" and type(v) == "number" , "heart.hsv(h,s,v) values is not passed in as numbers") --s = math.clamp(s,0,1) --v = math.clamp(v,0,1) a = a or 1 if s == 0 then return v*255,v*255,v*255,a*255 end h = h / 60 % 6 local index = math.floor(h) local f = h - index local p = v * ( 1 - s ) local q = v * ( 1 - s * f ) local t = v * ( 1 - s * ( 1 - f ) ) local r,g,b if index == 0 then r,g,b = v,t,p elseif index == 1 then r,g,b = q,v,p elseif index == 2 then r,g,b = p,v,t elseif index == 3 then r,g,b = p,q,v elseif index == 4 then r,g,b = t,p,v else r,g,b = v,p,q end return r*255,g*255,b*255,a*255 end for i = 0, 1530 - 1 do local r1, g1, b1 = hsvRational(i,1530,1,1,1,1) local r2, g2, b2 = hsv(i / 4.25,1,1,1) print("Index "..i) print(r1, g1, b1) print(r2, g2, b2) print( r1 == r2 and "" or "Red Diff", g1 == g2 and "" or "Grenn Diff", b1 == b2 and "" or "Blue Diff") end
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